Exploring ACDC Area
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Pulse Jacked into the internet area of ACDC. He carefully explores the area he was in. He doesn't want to be attacked out of nowhere. He didn't have his weapon, the long bow out. He doesn't want to give others the wrong impression. He looks around more as he walked further in the area.
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Pulse froze for a bit and sat down on something that looked like he could sit on. "I think I'm lost...Don't we have a map or something?" Cal frowned and shook his head. Pulse sighed and looks at the ground."We need someone to come but we need something to bring others attention." He pondered outloud with Pulse as Pulse looks around thinking.
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Pulse got back up and continues walking. "What we need is a map so we need to find someone or something that has a map of this part of the ACDC network." Pulse then ran across the ground and could have sworn he saw something but didn't. Nothing, it was a illusion brought up by stress of being lost, He couldn't stand being lost for even a minute.
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((As a note, you can only bump once every 24 hours. In the future, please refrain from so many posts to get a mod's attention.))
Virus Attack!
MetoolA: 40
MetoolB; 40
Bunny: 50
Pulse: 100
Battle 1 Start!
Virus Attack!
MetoolA: 40
MetoolB; 40
Bunny: 50
Pulse: 100
Battle 1 Start!
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((oh sorry about that ^^; ))
Pulse saw viruses and got ready with his long bow and fired two shots at one virus then Cal slot in the cannon chip and Pulse fired it at the other virus. Pulse then tries to fire another arrow at the other virus with a unsteady shot.
Metool1: Attacked by Arrow
Metool2:Attacked by Cannon
Bunny: Attacked with arrow
Pulse saw viruses and got ready with his long bow and fired two shots at one virus then Cal slot in the cannon chip and Pulse fired it at the other virus. Pulse then tries to fire another arrow at the other virus with a unsteady shot.
Metool1: Attacked by Arrow
Metool2:Attacked by Cannon
Bunny: Attacked with arrow
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((Assuming that by arrow, you mean your basic attack. In the future, please include damages in your summery.))
The first shots hit the Met and its neighbor is soon destroyed by the cannon. The Bunny is also hit. The Met then strikes Pulse.
MetoolA: 36
Bunny: 46
Pulse: 90
The first shots hit the Met and its neighbor is soon destroyed by the cannon. The Bunny is also hit. The Met then strikes Pulse.
MetoolA: 36
Bunny: 46
Pulse: 90
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Pulse groaned a little when attacked. "It seems like I should step up a notch before I'm a goner." Then he took out his bow again and fired at the Bunny's feet, hoping it would get in front with the last metool virus. Cal knew what he was planning and got the shotgun chip out and slotted it in when they got in line with each other. Pulse fired the shotgun at them with the Bunny virus in front and Metool virus in back.
Bunny gets shot with basic attack 1damage x 10 arrows
Bunny gets shot with Shotgun chip 50 damage.
Bunny gets shot with basic attack 1damage x 10 arrows
Bunny gets shot with Shotgun chip 50 damage.
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Pulse waited for the smoke to clear to see what was remaining. He seemed sure of himself that he won the fight and waited to see the results of the plan.
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((Basic attacks do Rapid x Attack, so that'd be 4.))
The strategy succeeds.
Pulse: 90
Rewards: 150z
The strategy succeeds.
Pulse: 90
Rewards: 150z
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Pulse smiled a little and continued walking off. He looked around carefully for other Net navis that can help him but no one was around. But then again it was late at night, so its a slim possibly for Pulse to encounter another net navi anytime soon.
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Virus Attack!
CanodumbA: 50
CanodumbB: 50
CanodumbC: 50
Spikey: 90
Pulse: 90
Battle 2 Start!
CanodumbA: 50
CanodumbB: 50
CanodumbC: 50
Spikey: 90
Pulse: 90
Battle 2 Start!
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Pulse then was encountered by more viruses. He took out his buster again and fired arrows at the Spikey to make him move behind a cannodumb. Then Cal slot-in shotgun for Pulse and he fired the shotgun attack at the cannodumb with the spikey behind it.
Spikey gets shot at with Basic attack
CannodumbA gets shot at with shotgun.
Spikey gets shot at with Basic attack
CannodumbA gets shot at with shotgun.
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((Need damages in your summery.))
The spikey takes minimal damage and the canodumb is blown up. Pulse then takes a face full of lames.
CanodumbA: DELETED!
CanodumbB: 50
CanodumbC: 50
Spikey: 86
Pulse: 60
The spikey takes minimal damage and the canodumb is blown up. Pulse then takes a face full of lames.
CanodumbA: DELETED!
CanodumbB: 50
CanodumbC: 50
Spikey: 86
Pulse: 60
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Pulse was almost out of energy. He needs to take down that spikey and those cannodumbs fast before its too late. Cal slotted-in in his cannon chip and pulse fired it at a cannodumb then switched to his normal buster and fires a charged shot it then tries to get out of the way of another attack.
Pulse fires cannon at CannodumbB 40 damage
Pulse fires a buster shot at canndumbB 1x4 damage
Pulse fires cannon at CannodumbB 40 damage
Pulse fires a buster shot at canndumbB 1x4 damage
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((It takes 3 actions to fire one and they do Attack x Charge x 4. Either way, you don't have enough actions so you should probably edit.))
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((Also, for a few turns now you've only been using two actions, but you start out with three a turn. If you don't want to use all three, you can always set the last one up as a dodge.))
The Canodumb is assaulted by various attacks, but is still left standing. It fires back, but Pulse manages to evade the maneuver.
CanodumbA: DELETED!
CanodumbB: 6
CanodumbC: 50
Spikey: 86
Pulse: 60
The Canodumb is assaulted by various attacks, but is still left standing. It fires back, but Pulse manages to evade the maneuver.
CanodumbA: DELETED!
CanodumbB: 6
CanodumbC: 50
Spikey: 86
Pulse: 60