Zephyr and RASS

((That wasn't what I expected...but...OK... >.>
This will be interesting, I think.
Nice monologue by Tem, by the way.
As Rass manages to make his point to two of the Netmafia navis, one of the more dense members charges toward the center, before being clotheslined by his ally and EJO'ing from the less severe damage. The Netpolice navis, when talked to, merely look at each other guiltily while a healing minibomb soars into their midst and heals one member to full. Romulus was already winding up with his Cybersword to take out Zephyr when the navi unexpectedly flew backwards, as if drawn by an outside force, and stuck to the ground, completely immobile. Romulus actually chuckles at the sight, before turning back to his brother. It was then that Rass wisely chose to step in, stopping what could have become another family feud. And as he spoke, they both stared at each other with venomous glares, but both began to look at the pink navi with a bit of respect, thanks to Tem's logical speeches. And when Rass stopped speaking, the two didn't attack each other. They didn't even move.
That's good, right?
It was Remus who broke the silence.
So, then, what now? Where do we go from here? Romulus sneered at his brother, but when he spoke his voice was level, and as close to civil as it had come the entire battle. Although the idea of cooperating with you I loathe, Remus... the small one is right. If I simply cast the bystanders aside, I'm no better than you Netpolice grunts. And though I dislike you, Remus, the thought of turning into you... His speech trailed off, as he glared angrily at no one in particular. The two brothers looked at each other across the field, emotions running rampant in their stares at each other, but after a speechless minute, Romulus addressed his team without turning around.
Theta, jack out. I don't want to risk any of more of my team, for this. But Gamma, come with me. Looking at Rass, he addressed the negotiator with respect. You have the benefit of my assistance, for now. But don't think that anything has changed, large scale. I still owe the Mafia my alliance. They took me in.
Now it was Remus' turn. I, as well, offer my service. My team, while small, is nearly unharmed thanks to you. I, too, only work with my brother out of necessity. Where to, next, navi? Then, as if he had just realized something, he said a small amount more. You're friend should be let up from the floor soon, as well. If he wishes to come along, we shall be able to save more civillians. And lastly, we still do not know your name. What is it, seeing as you'll be leading this merry little band of gray area?

Remus: 260 HP <Equip: Sword>
Netpolice Navi B: 100 HP
Netpolice Navi C: 90 HP

Romulus: 260 HP <Equip: Sword>
Netmafia Navi B: JACK OUT
Netmafia Navi C: 100 HP
Netmafia Navi D: DELETED

Zephyr: 100 HP
Rass: 100 HP <Fusion Armor (100 HP, Confuse)>

-VICT... er... CIVILITY!-
RASS: 1500z, Widesword (+500z)
Zephyr: 900z, Airshot2 (+ 400z, -1x Cannon, +1x Airshot2)
Zephyr stopped in amazement, seeing the two enemies agree to cooperate for at least now. Looking at Rass with envy, his mouth nearly hit the floor. How...? How do you make them see sense?

Grinning widely, Kure looked at the scene developing in front of his eyes. Heh, that's just great. Hey, um, Mr. Mysterious Navi Man! Can we get a name, at least? You've kinda saved Zephyr's ass about three times now.

Shaddup, Kure, it was twice. The bit with Romulus and the sword, and then stopping the fight, disagreed Zephyr hotly.

No reason to be ungrateful, Zeph, Kure replied mockingly, pulling a face.

We're not getting anywhere with this, Zephyr noticed aloud. Hey, Romulus, Remus, you two! We're together, right? Does this mean we're going to go stop other fights or something? We definitely have the manpower...

Nice idea, Zeph! That'd be cool, if we can stop another, we'd have a freakin' ARMADA of navis. Hey, um, un-named mediator, d'you think that sounds cool? Kure questioned, obviously happier at the thought of a cease-fire.

Well...God knows it won't be fun dealing with the NetMafia higher-ups, Zephyr muttered sourly. They're gonna be seriously PO'd that Romulus and...Gamma? turned traitor on them.

Oh, well, we can always deal with them, can't we? winked Kure, obviously still too happy at this victory to see sense.

Whatever you say... said Zephyr, muttering again.

((Aw, sweet!
Thanks, Sky!
So, where to from here...?
Filler post time. :'D
I suppose a slow assimilation of NetMafia and NetPolice would make an interesting situation. :3))
((Wow, I'm surprised that worked))

"Well I'll be..." muttered Suien in amazement, dropping his chipfolder in shock, "Rass did it... he actually did it." The dark-haired NetOp sat back in his seat, not entirely sure what had transpired, but gaping in awe at the power the tactical system's words had on the attitudes of the two commanders. The awestruck operator could only stare in disbelief as the two mortal enemies laid down their weapons and not only stopped fighting, but agreed to cooperate with one another. With a small shake of his head and a long sip of orange juice, Suien Matsumoto glanced to the right, seeing his mostly-unused coffeemaker sitting on a nearby table. Realizing that this little jaunt could potentially last a lot longer than he had originally anticipated, he sighed, got up from his perch, went over to his freezer, and withdrew a small pouch of coffee beans.

The dark-haired netOp cringed as his coffee grinder discharged an offensively loud sound, crushing the frozen beans into a fine brown powder. Sighing as he clutched his head instinctively, he thought to himself...

Even with everyone around him saying it was a pointless endeavor... maybe I don't give Rass enough credit.


Rass, in the meantime, was coping with the pressure of leading a small mixed detachment of Netpolice, Netmafia, and the strange green normalnavi that had insisted on attacking the forces of Romulus. With a quick nod of his head, he adjusted his scarf and crossed his arms across his chest. "It is a pleasure to meet you all," he said, taking extra care not to display his usual stammer. After all, if he were to be a leader of the small expeditionary force, he would have to continue to speak with the confidence and gusto that Tem had exhibited earlier. "My name is Rass.EXE, operated by a civilian netbattler by the name of Suien Matsumoto. The goal of my netOp and myself is to..." Rass paused, struggling to come up with an acceptable goal that would satisfy his newfound comrades. The internal monologue scrambled to fill itself in until the pink-and-black navi opted to just say the first thing that came to mind.

"Our goal is to... to protect everyone."

((battle 2))
Approaching Rass, Zepyhr smiled weakly. Sorry about... sort of... ruining your plan, or hindering it or whatever, he apologized quietly, but audibly enough.

Introductions time. I'm Kakkoii Kure-Ji, or just Kure, if you please, Kure put in helpfully.

Oh, and I'm Zephyr! I don't have any fancy titles like you, but... Zephyr added, looking a bit put down that he had no formal introduction to use.

And we're pretty much here because my security on my house decided to explode. Shinko and Cyclone were helping us, we had a hell of a time with those virii., explained Kure. Well, um, should we get moving, and find someone else...?

Zephyr nodded in agreement. Yeah, let's go get some more allies before the hornet's nest is blown right open: we want to stop as many fights as possible, as soon as possible.

=Battle 2, please. Hopefully ceasefire 2.=
As the strange group continued on, it was no surprise that the two factions insisted on taking different fronts, the netpolice taking the front while the mafia brought up the rear. Remus looked backwards uneasily every few moments, still not trusting his brother. It was a few silent minutes later after trekking through the area that they all encountered a second large battlefield. Or, to be more accurate, a hostage situation. Four navis, one in critical condition, were encircled by a group of heelnavis, with their commander pacing around them as if waiting for something. Then, seeing Romulus walking up with the others in front, he turned around. Remus quickly slid down his visor, to avoid complications.
Romulus! Quite a haul, you've got there! How many is that for the experiments: four, five?
Remus looked around at his brother, with good reason.
Experiments? What experiments are these?
The second leader cackled ominously at this question.
What, Rom hasn't told you all exactly what we're using the captured for? Just as well, I suppose. It'll be a surprise, of sorts.
The Netpolice navis all looked around at each other, bewildered. What exactly was going on here? Finally, one of the two underlings stepped forward.
Listen, I don't know if you noticed or not, but we have these two behind us in our company! Now, hand over those civillians now or... Whatever he was going to say was lost as the remaining mafia navi stepped behind him, crossing his swords around the unfortunate officer's neck. Remus gasped, and rushed to help his officer, only to hear Romulus yell out behind him.
Stop right there, or your little "protector of the innocent" over here gets deleted! Turning, Zephyr and the police saw Romulus with two swords crossed around Rass' neck. Seeing the bewildered looks on all his "allies'" faces, he chuckled.
You didn't actually think we'd given up that easily, do you? No, no. You boys will be the lucky test subjects, courtesy of the NEW champions of the net! As he says this, a pulse of strange data is sent along the swords, and Rass finds himself unable to download battlechips or use signature attacks!
Had my colleague Takeno over there not opened his fat mouth, you all would have been blissfully ignorant of this for a time. Ah, well. Come now, and we promise that you'll be the subjects of less painful tests. Try anything funny, and we'll make sure that those navis... He gestured towards the four other capitves, ...do not survive.
Eh... crap. Outmanned, outmanuvered, and disabled. If there's an upside to this, its that they haven't yet seen Remus' face. Fat lot of tactical support that is.

Remus: 260 HP
Netpolice Navi B: 100 HP <Hostage!>
Netpolice Navi C: 90 HP

Romulus: 260 HP <Equip: Swordx2><Hostage: Rass>
Gamma: 100 HP <Equip: Swordx2><Hostage: Netpolice Navi B>
Takeno: 220 HP
Netmafia Grunt A: 100 HP
Netmafia Grunt A: 100 HP
Netmafia Grunt A: 100 HP
Netmafia Grunt A: 100 HP

Zephyr: 100 HP
Rass: 100 HP <Hostage!><Sigs disabled for 1 turn!><Battlechips disabled for 1 turn!>

Civillian A: 40 HP
Civillian B: 59 HP
Civillian C: 82 HP
Civillian D: 1 HP
YOU LITTLE MOTHERFUCKER!! Zephyr screamed, watching as Rass's plan fell to pieces. Twitching visibly, he racked his brains for something to do.

That little bitch! Take a minute, Zephyr. Figure it out... suggested Kure, hopefully giving him a little bit of time to think it through. We have to get Rass, that's for certain. Otherwise, we've no chance.

Yeah. I can't think of anything creative, not with all of 5 chips we have. I could just beat the shit out of him with a RageClaw, Zephyr put in, looking forward to deleting the traitor.

Kure peered down upon the scene thoughtfully, not quite sure at all what the next course of action would be. Talk to the NetPolice, Zephyr. Work something out, Kure told him, nodding towards the two remaining enforcers of the law. Zephyr literally sprinted towards them, constantly checking his back for attacks, and then snapping his neck down to look at the ground - damned cracks. Reaching the duo, he stopped, panting. I know you're in some shock right now, but snap the hell out of it. We've got two navis to save: they obviously consider Rass to be more of a threat- Zephyr dropped his voice down to speak privately with his remaining allies- and they're right. I personally am focusing on him. I'm going to attack him from the right of Rass, being very careful of course. We can't afford to lose ANYONE at this stage. Now, if you can, get on the back and left of Romulus, suggested Zephyr, finishing most of his monologue. That way, we can do some serious damage. Use a simple chip, like a Cannon, and just aim for the head. We're trying to get him to let go of Rass - killing him is impossible in one shot, I should think. After we free Rass, we'll leave that up to him....

Kure nodded in approval, obviously proud of Zephyr's initiative. And, you three, Kure called out, not really caring whether he was heard or not, Take care. Be wary...

Zephyr turned to the pair again, and nodded. Attack, then get the hell out of there, said Zephyr, before turning back to Rass. You OK over there, bud? he yelled, before dashing in a semi-circular path to the right of Romulus. As he ran, Kure slotted in a Cannon, and the data traveled instantaneously to Zephyr's arm. As he bolted towards his target, he strafed to the left and right irregularly, still being wary of the assorted holes and cracks that would undoubtedly litter the surrounding area. His right arm was slowly morphing into the tell-tale blocky shape of a cannon, which wasn't the best for running, but would of course be essential in his plan regardless. Skidding to a halt roughly twenty-five meters from Romulus and Rass, at about seven o' clock to the captor if he had still been facing in the same direction as he was originally. Taking careful aim but moving his arm with the quickness, Zephyr pulled the trigger with Romulus' body directly in his sights. Praying internally that the traitor wouldn't be smart and use Rass as a shield, and that Remus and the other NetPoliceman would have flanked him anyways, he watched the neon-blue burst speed towards its target. Darting backwards, again strafing, Zephyr made his way back to his initial position of discussion with the two navis. Let's see what happens now... he panted at Kure, still hoping with every fiber of his being that his plan would work, however simple it was.

All we can really do now is watch... Kure murmured, focusing all of his attention on his foes. Wait, Zephyr! The civilians! he yelled, motioning towards the helpless group of navis encircled by the NetMafia goons.

We'll take care of them after we get Rass out. Not much I can do for them now...except distract the goons. Suddenly darting off towards the thuggish NetMafia underlings, he again used a strafing motion, except with a less set aim. He swerved throughout the battlefield, taking himself as close to the NetMafia as he dared before darting away again.

If only we had another navi... Kure said to himself, a bit taken aback by Zephyr's split-second act of bravado.

HP: 100
1. Plan, strafe dash, Cannon > Romulus [40]
2-3. Distraction [dodges]
"You... you BASTARD!" shouted Suien, smashing the counter with his palms as he got to his feet, "How could you DO something like that?! You... You're just a FREAK, you know that? Nothing but a monstrous, backstabbing..."


...RASSHOLE! This doesn't look good, Tem, what the hell are we supposed to do now? They got the drop on us, and good at that! I can't access the 3L3M system, and I think they've fried our comm-lines. shouted Argo as he buzzed across Rass' now-inactive fusionist protoplasm, searching desperately for a way out, You know this is all Rass' fault, don't you? I knew that stupid girly pacifism strategy wasn't going to end well!

Argo, please don't degrade the female gender by giving Rass' little plan such an adjective, replied Tem stiffly, but with a hint of panic in her voice, Look, our first priority is to get ourselves out of this little bind. That means we're going to devote the majority of our system resources toward self-preservation.

Rass, meanwhile was feeling particularly awful. A horrible weight seemed to materialize in the pit of his gut as two razor-sharp energy blades crossed against his body. Too terrified to take action, but too ashamed to cry for help, the fusion navi found himself utterly paralyzed with a mixture of emotions. Glancing furtively from left to right, he suddenly became aware of the gravity of the situation. Based on Argo's comments, Romulus' glitch had corrupted his 3L3M system and by the feel of things, his navi power core as well. Suien had also been uncharacteristically quiet throughout the entire ordeal, leading Rass to believe that his communications modules were somehow being blocked...


"Oh, you stupid son of a binome!" yelled Suien, shaking his PET in frustration as a red ERROR sign displayed itself on the top PET screen, "No battlechips, no communications, no customized module expansions... what the hell, man?! This is complete and utter crap!" Instantly, Suien's fingers flew across the keyboard as the dark-haired netOp continued to curse the netMafia, the PET, and just about every patron deity of the electronic world.


All right Ishamel, Rass, Argo, listen up. I've taken a point scan of our circuitry and processed the results. I'll spare you all the details, but I can tell you now that we're in bad shape, said Tem, buzzing about eagerly throughout the body, At this rate, our best bet is to blast our way out using buster fire and simply lay waste to the opposing forces. A point scan of the Mafia's capabilities reveals that assuming we can regain our lost capabilities, we will be able to completely decimate their forces without much trouble.

But... what about the civilians? thought Rass, silently communicating with his three subsystems, Didn't they say that the civilians would die if we tried anything funny? I don't know if it's worth the risk. Maybe we should just stay here and... you know, see what they want to do.

Dammit Rasshole, that sort of attitude is exactly why we're in this situation in the first place! yelled Argo, Ishy, redirect all power to the buster units and start charging. I know we haven't had to do this in a while, but it's the only way we're going to punch this guy's lights out.

Punch his lights... wait...


Rass noticed that his hand begin to glow with thermal energy as his valuable system resources were siphoned into the destructive well of the Palmbuster units. As Ishamel began to move his arm into position, however, Rass shouted out loud, "Wait! Ishamel!" With a sudden jerky motion, Rass discharged the mass of buster energy, converting it at the last second to a wave of rejuvenating protoplasm. Aiming the recovery energies at the critically wounded hostage, the fusion navi watched in relief as a stream of pink light washed across the battlefield, golden sparklets prepared to rebuild damaged data.

WHAT?! shouted Argo, unable to comprehend the core system's sudden action, RASSHOLE, YOU... YOU...

The pink-and-black navi didn't respond, instead opting to cross his arms around his body and glance upward toward Romulus with a firey glare. "I wasn't k-kidding when I said I could t-take you down without even trying," he muttered, "In fact, I wasn't k-kidding about any of that stuff I t-told you before. L-Look at what you're doing. Y-You're no better than the m-monsters that made you what you are today." Then as though he had achieved a moment of clarity, Rass continued. "You must think you're so righteous, fighting for freedom, for revenge? Think you have n-no choice? Look at m-me, a p-product of a p-petty struggle between societies and ideologies. Do you think *I* like being wh-what I am? Do you think I enjoy being stuck here with voices in my h-head that r-ridicule me? Do you think I enjoy looking like this? Do you think I enjoy being that weird pink navi in the corner? Do you th-think I'm popular? That's c-crap, and you should know it! B-But do see me taking it out on people like that?! Do you?!"

As he spoke a fierce crimson aura began to erupt from the sides of Rass' body, engulfing it in a sea of blazing red. "I f-fight for m-my friends not b-because we're th-the same, but b-because it's the right thing to do! You... You guys are m-monsters! R-Revenge? That's a load of cr-crap! Th-Those people over there are innocent! If y-you've got something t-to prove, prove it to me! I'll f-forgive you if y-you strike me and only me, b-but if you harm any of those c-civilians, I'll... I'll... I'll..."

Rass never finished his sentence. With a violent flash of crimson light, Rass' body doubled in size, rippling muscles tracing themselves all across his sleek black body. The orange scarf transformed into a brilliant orange cape that billowed out behind his muscular frame. Silvery hair ran straight up in spikes on the top of his head, and the all-too-familiar stony gauntlets jettisoned an all-too-familiar burst of steam as the newly-arrived Melee Augmented Synthesis System grinned with a set of flawlessly white teeth.

"I ain't sure what my little counterpart was trying to say," laughed Mass, slamming one fist into the other with a powerful-sounding crack, "But I think the gist of it was that I promise to crush you like a nut if you hurt those civilians, make no mistake!"

Oh for binary's sake, THAT'S his plan?! shouted an exasperated Tem.

Instantly, the air around Mass' right gauntlet began to shimmer with radiated heat, and the acrid smell of fuel could be detected from the immediate area. Discharging yet another burst of steam, Mass smiled and glanced backward toward his would-be captor. Crimson lightning arced down the length of his right arm as he spoke. "You're makin' a huge mistake, pissing off someone like me! You shoulda known better than to mess with me. I'm going to give you all one chance to surrender before I start beating the stuffing out of you." he roared before raising his now-bright-red hand as though to emphasize his point, "This fist of mine shines with a tremendous force! My pride, my glory, and of course, all of my goddamn POWER!

A single punch with the power to shatter stone ruptured forward as Mass brought his blazing fist downward onto Romulus' sword hand. A loud, uproarious laugh erupted confidently from the battlefield...

...but did it work?

1: Charge
2: Charge
3: Charge Shot — Conversion to heal CivilianD for 24
4: MeleeCross (+20 HP, +1 action, Change to Fire/Breaking, +15 to Fire)
5: Charge
6: Charge
*Add Breaking to next attack*
7: Breaking Charge Shot to Romulus' swords, attempt to break out of his trap (48 Damage, Breaking)
(Guys, I'll mod by the same time I've posted. If you hadn't seen my thread, quite likely, that'll be by the end of the day Thursday.
My apologies, and the hope that you won't request a mod change in that time.)
=I still hate you, PA, I have nothing to write now. =_=
Seriously wtfux.
(Well, you know what? Fine! Don't care if I'm so overclocked with homework that I was going to be stuck with my nose IN the f***ing grindstone for the next week, and yet I'm promising to give you guys modding by tomorrow!
Seriously, lighten up. That's what I thought it was going to be like. Now that I worked late last night, am completely wiped, and I'm STILL modding you, I expect you to SHUT THE F*** UP. LEARN PATIENCE. THANK YOU, AND GOOD DAY.)

As Zephyr started his strategy, the Mafia navis all loosed rapidfire Vulcan shots at the dashing navi, and the leader of the Mafia fired a cannon shot at one of the civillians, who managed to dodge by falling to the ground, saving him for the moment but leaving him relatively defenseless. Zephyr wasn't as lucky, taking several shots from the vulcans, only sustaining minor damage (10x2). If his ill-thought out charge had any benefit, however, it was only that they did not notice Rass healing the weakest cilvillian. Then, in typical idiotic style, Gamma declared You have decided these navis fates! Watch as they meet their doUAAAAAGH! The navi let out a scream and let go of his netpolice hostage as Remus' sword slashed twice, deleting him. Romulus was next to let out a surprised cry as the small navi between his swords suddenly grew ungodly amounts of muscles and broke his swords in two. Falling to the ground, cradling his damaged arm, he was easy picking for the three combined cannon snipers. The mafia navis surrounding the civillians looked around, confused, before one of the healthier captives stood up, declaring, Alright, no more cowering! I, Hacker, shall destroy you! I swear, I know I have an emulated Varsword here somewhere... the navi looked through his pockets furiously, before pulling out a battlechip, which promptly summoned a weapon that looked unsettlingly like a Varsword. Charging at the nearest navi, he swung the weapon, which glitched quickly and shattered, but left several shards in the enemy that started to corrupt the data around it. Hacker swore several times, before sitting down and shuffling through his pockets again.

Remus: 260 HP
Netpolice Navi B: 100 HP
Netpolice Navi C: 90 HP

Romulus: 132 HP <Equip: Swordx2>
Takeno: 220 HP
Netmafia Grunt A: 100 HP
Netmafia Grunt A: 100 HP
Netmafia Grunt A: 60 HP <GlItCHeD! -1 @ct1oN)
Netmafia Grunt A: 100 HP

Zephyr: 80 HP

Civillian A: 40 HP
Civillian B: 59 HP
Civillian C: 82 HP
Civillian D: 25 HP
=Jesus, it was just a joke! O_o=

Wincing as a few of the Vulcan shots pummeled into him, Zephyr slowed down, letting himself swerve back and forth until he fell to the ground. From there, he watched his plan work beautifully - the civilians were unharmed, Romulus was half-deleted, and Rass was free, if severely injured. Nodding in approval, Zephyr hauled himself up, wincing at the bits of himself that appeared to be bits of data from where the shots had hit him. Turning to Kure again, he muttered, At least it worked...

Kure, beaming, replied, That's because you thought it out.

Well, continuing my thinking, I think we should take out Romulus and Takeno. They're the most trouble, and the heelnavis will be pretty useless without them, thought Zephyr aloud slowly, measuring out the situation.

Well, Romulus is on low health, so we could get rid of him and then go to Takeno, and then the heelnavis, Kure suggested logically, working out the numbers. We'll use some of the Cannons now, and save the Shotgun for later, eh?

Sounds about right, Zephyr agreed. I'll go tell Remus and his friend about it, said he, before rushing off to talk to his allies.

Alright! That was freakin' A. Let's do it again. I'm going to ask something interesting this time. I'd like...well, I don't know your name, but I'm assuming you're one of Remus' units, so I'm gonna call you Remus 2 for now. Anyways. Uh...Remus 2... Zephyr said, pointing to him, you, um, go take a shot at that glitchy heelnavi. If we can thin them out a bit, it's always helpful... and, er, I'm bad at this, but you and I, Remus, will whittle down your wayward brother over there. I've got nothing much better than a Cannon, so that's what I'll make do with, and BE WARY. Takeno hasn't done anything yet. They're probably still working out what to do, but let's keep them on their toes, and take out the commanders, Zephyr announced somewhat nervously, being new to command. I hate to be repetitive, but BE CAREFUL N STUFF, yelled Zephyr as he rushed off again towards Rass.

Approaching the orange-caped mass of muscle, Zephyr slowed a good distance away. Rass? Uhm, I'd like to, ah, ask something of you. Can you go and beat the living hell out of him- Zephyr pointed to Romulus-or whatever's left of him? After that, I'm, er, thinking of attacking that other leader...guy. Takeno. Y'know, the scuzzbag over there. That way, the leaders will be gone and leave the heelnavis all to us. I know I'm kinda playing commander here, but no one else is, so whatever, my last plan, uhm, kinda worked, asserted Zephyr, a little nervous of doing so to the heavily-muscled M?ass. Backing away from him a little sheepishly, Zephyr walked up to Romulus warily, trying his best to watch out for trickery/tricky terrain. Once he was confident that he wasn't going to be flanked or attacked, he looked up to Kure. Cannon, please, he requested, waiting for the telltale re-formation of his right arm that would signal the pain of a foe.

Sure, replied Kure happily, slotting the second Cannon in, hoping it would aid Zephyr's plans. Sure enough, Zephyr's aero-claw re-formatted into the bulky, cumbersome form of a cannon, which had changed into a deep green to fit his color scheme. Hefting the weapon up, he laboriously aligned the sights to Romulus' now-prone form. Enjoying the sensation of power and rush of adrenaline he was receiving, Zephyr slowly pulled back on the trigger, keeping the cannon steady as the bright blue shock thundered out of the barrel towards his target. Letting the cannon disappear and claiming his wind-based talons back, Zephyr moved back a bit, hopping from right to left, not wanting to have another unpleasant encounter with the heelnavi's Vulcans. This should work, he mused, although he wasn't quite sure if it was to himself or Kure.

Kure, having decided to reply regardless, muttered a "Yeah" and watched the battlefield, getting ready to warn Zephyr if someone was attacking him.

HP: 80
1. Cannon > Romulus [40]
2-3. Dodge [combined effort with Kure, warning system :'D]

=La, la la, di di daaa... Again, sorry PA, I was prepared to wait until tomorrow. ._.=
"Yes! The jamming's been overwritten! Rass, can you hear me?" shouted Suien, his fingers fumbling with the chipfolder, "Our first priority is to prevent the deletion of those civilians while minimizing the loss of life. I... I believe you can do this, Rass! You're capable of saving everyone!"

"I don't remember asking you for your opinion, four-eyes! shouted Mass in response, "Screw saving everyone! Those Netmafia cowards are seriously pissin' me off, and those civvies look like they can take care of themselves! Besides, I can throttle those morons before they can land a single shot!"

Suien drew back from his PET in surprise as the MeleeCross Rass wireframe schematics appeared on his bottom screen. Mass? He's activated Mass again?! This is a delicate situation, and letting a personality like THAT take dominance is like letting a rabid bull loose in a battlechip shop! I'm going to have to take things into my own hands, it seems. Frowning, Suien withdrew a small selection of battlechips and adjusted his glasses. "Alright Mass, we'll play things your way," he said, sliding in a set of battlechips, "But let's make things interesting, if you're as powerful as you boast. I'm going to siphon off some of your system resources. What's the point in fighting at full strength if you already know how powerful you are?

Mass laughed in response, but to Suien's mild surprise, nodded his spiky-haired head. "That's fine by me, chump. I have more power in my right pinky than all these idiots combined! What's a few measly units of memory to an unstoppable force like me?" he replied confidently.


Bah, what does that four-eyes know? thought Mass, cracking his knuckles as he watched a pair of windboxes form a protective barrier between the civilians and the battlefield, That namby-pamby netOp's remotely deploying some shields for the weak. That's fine, I guess. It's not like I need all my power to take down these idiots!

As familiar chip data flowed into his circuitry, Mass cracked a large smile. "Heh, thanks Four-eyes!" he shouted, pumping his fist into the air and nodding skyward, "I was afraid you weren't going to give me enough firepower to blast these wimps into oblivion! Nine targets is a lot, you know!"


"Nine targets? I thought there were only six remaining Netmafia members." said Suien confusedly. Suddenly it hit him. "Wait, MASS! Those aren't your..."


Quote (Mass vision)

"Rass? Uhm, I'd like to, ah, ask something of you. Can you go and beat the living hell out of him-" Zephyr pointed to Romulus "or whatever's left of him? After that, I'm, er, thinking of attacking... (blah, blah, blah, blah...)"

Mass looked toward Zephyr with a certain degree of confusion, before nodding his head, not bothering to listen to the latter part of his orders. "Yeah, yeah, that's cool, I got it. You're my ally, right?" he spat, clenching his hands into tight fists, "Don't worry about a thing, kid. I'll make sure everyone understands just who they're dealing with! I'll mess them up so much that they won't WANT to fight me anymore!"

Mass scowled contemptuously as he turned toward the fallen mafia agent, his orange cape billowing in the digitized wind and coils of crimson lightning playing across his muscles. Kicking the shattered remnants of Romulus' swords to the side, the powerful pugilist approached the pain-stricken navi and crossed his sinewy arms in front of him. "Feh, you're pathetic, you know that?" snarled Mass, spitting onto the Mafioso's helmet and smashing one gauntleted fist into another, "Mafia dog. Without those dirty little tricks of yours, you're nothing but a scared little puppy, aren't you? I'd put you to sleep if I could, but fortunately for you, I've got bigger fish to fry. You just sit tight and wait - I'll crush you in due time!" Grinning with a sudden realization, he turned around suddenly, his blazing aura flaring up again and his stony fists glowing with an eerie green glow. "Aw, to hell with it. It's not like you had long to live anyways!" he shouted, extending both arms to his side. Instantly, angry green coils of lightning snaked across his muscular form as the 3L3M system overclocked itself to handle the massive surge of energy. The blazing crimson aura seemed to glow brighter than ever as Mass cracked a cocky grin at the wounded Mafioso. "My she-male netOp thinks that I should minimize the loss of life, but as far as I'm concerned, you punks deserve to die! Picking on the weak like that? You're cowards! Cowards and weaklings, I say! Cowards and weaklings and idiots who deserve to die! WELCOME TO OBLIVION!"

With that, Mass slammed his hands together in front of him, sending several green bolts of energy raining down from above. The projectiles embedded themselves in the ground for a few seconds as Mass' grin grew wider. "Kaboom." he said as he snapped his gauntleted fingers. Instantly, there was a massive explosion of grass-element energy as each bolt detonated outward, spreading a deadly wave of destructive force across the small population. The blazing aura seemed to chuckle alongside the pugilistic navi as Mass threw back his head and laughed, clearly enjoying his destructive spree.

Mass! Control yourself! You'll end up compromising the tactical advantage that we've built up!shouted Tem, You can't just go and blaze your way through everything! You have to stop and consider the situation!

"Ah, Tem! Good to hear you again! It's been a while, hasn't it?" shouted Mass out loud, oblivious to the fact that nobody else could hear her, "It's good to know that I have such a reliable girlfriend that can watch my back."

G-G-G-GIRLFRIEND?! I... I... balked Tem, knocked momentarily off balance by Mass' comment, I... Look, you've just got to be careful! You might have increased capabilities in this form, but you can't be RECKLESS with it!

Mass ignored her, instead opting to tighten his right hand into a massive fist and allowing more battlechip data to flow into the palm of his hand. Slowly but surely, a deep crimson spire of energy formed around his right arm, extending a good two feet from the tip of his stone-clad fist. Swinging the new "weapon" experimentally and grinning, he brushed his dark-brown hair upward with his free hand and pointed at Takeno. "Looks like it's your unlucky day!" he announced, flexing his protoplasmic muscles and discharging a burst of kinetic energy designed to knock the mafia navi backwards into his cohorts, "You're the one who gets to be torn to pieces by the power of a true Super Savior!"

With that, he charged forward, leaving a crimson trail behind him as he quickly closed the distance between himself and his chosen targets. At the last instant, Mass sent his left foot across his path, twirling his body as he pivoted clockwise on the tip of his right foot. The fusion navi's arm followed the path in a wide arc, and as he planted his foot firmly into the network, he brought the makeshift blade across his body in a spectacular crimson arc. The shimmering weapon ripped across the network, leaving a luminous afterimage in its wake. Not bothering to confirm the strike, Mass smirked coyly, planted his feet into the ground and launched himself upward and over his targeted opponent. With another flex of his rubbery form, he sent another blast of kinetic force forward, aiming to send Takeno...

...straight in between the two Netpolice enforcers!


"N...NO! Mass! Stop it! They aren't targets!" shouted Suien, realizing exactly what his navi had intended to do. Having not been present until a few short moments ago, Mass couldn't possibly known the distinction between Netpolice and Netmafia. Fortunately, the violent navi seemed to have a sense to not attack the civilians or Zephyr, but having not paid attention to the smaller navi's orders, there was no way he could know who else was considered an ally. In essence, nothing could prevent him from turning his powers upon the netPolice enforcers...


...and that is exactly what he did.

Whoa! Mass! Wait, I think those guys are...

Wait! Wait! Wait!


Charging forward at a high velocity with the same blazing aura, Mass could not have noticed the Netpolice uniforms on his targets as he traversed the battlefield. His internal processors whined in protest as the overcharged energy weapon was brought up over his head. With a mighty warcry, he slammed the widesword down into the network, aiming to engulf all three targets in its wake. The acrid smell of ozone wafted into the air as Mass leaped backwards, dusting off his hands and finally taking note of his surroundings.

Dammit, I'm out of chip energy already? he thought, glancing around from side to side, I'm gonna have to get myself powered up by other means, it seems. Noticing that one of the civilians had apparently been armed with a powerful looking sword, he signaled to him with a wave of his stone-clad hand. "OY, Civilian! Yeah, you, the nerdy-looking one!" he shouted, all sense of tact forgotten in an effort to stay prepared for oncoming attacks, I need some power over here! I'm supposed to protect you, right? Well, I can't do that unless you share some of that with me! Toss me one of those swords or something unless you want to get clobbered!" Not realizing just how threatening he sounded Mass slammed his fists together and discharged a large burst of steam before turning around and addressing the crowd. "All right, you pansies, listen up!" he announced, crossing his arms and warily searching for any signs of attack, "I'm not much of a speaker, but unless you'd rather hear this message from my fists, you're just gonna have to listen! You've just seen a taste of my true power, so unless you're all looking to be pounded into the ground, you'll do what I tell you, okay?!" Mass discharged another burst of steam as he continued his tirade, body glowing with a blazing crimson aura, "I promise you that I will utterly annihilate anyone who continues to battle, here and now! I don't really know who any of you are, but I can tell you all right now that I can and will wipe the floor with you in a single ((turn)) without any effort! Throw down your weapons, or throw down with me! Those are your two choices, and anyone who says otherwise will get a fistful of... of..." he paused for a moment before thrusting his aura-swathed arm into the air "...of FIST!"


Fusionist Protoplasm: Regen to Zephyr (Regenerate 5 HP per action, 15HP healed)
1-2: Wind x2 (Two 100HP Windboxes, place near Civilians to block and deter attacks)
*Break Subtype — Add Break to next attack
3: Breaking BambooLance (130, Break) to Takeno, Netmafia GruntA, Romulus
Fusionist Physics: Knockback Takeno toward Netmafia Grunts B and D
4: Widesword (80) to Takeno, Netmafia GruntB, Netmafia GruntC
Fusionist Physics: Knockback Takeno toward Netpolice Navi B and Netpolice Navi C
5: Widesword (80) to Takeno, Netpolice NaviB, Netpolice NaviC
6: Call toward Hacker, demand that he equip Mass with some superweapon/Autododge
7: Get attention/Call for a massive surrender/Autododge
(I had to fill my post with something, you can't blame me for yakking. =_=) =
=I know I'm being impatient.
But I wouldn't've bumped if I hadn't seen you on today, PA.
(I was on only to check up on any PM's or such. It'll be done tomorrow.
The bump is delicious, but when it comes through and I feed the results to Zephyr, you won't be singing the same tune. >: D)
Now I'm scared...=
(Sorry, this will be short. And sweet. But what else is there to do, but cower and/or refuse?)

Zephyr blasts Romulus. *Confetti* Or, confetti would have been had if it had hit. Which it didn't. *Crowd gasps*
MASS, however, is much more impressive, tearing into the enemies, healing Zephyr, protecting the civillians, and just about killing the Netpolice navis. And as he called to Hacker, who didn't reply but simply shook in fear, the Netpolice attempted to get to their feet, but collapsed again.
Finally, with a call for surrender, the Netpolice either nod furiously or gasp on the ground, waving a small white flag. A member of the netmafia suddenly lets out a scream as the glitch reaches his core program, deleting him instantly. Hacker tilts his head, confused, and makes a note, but this is lost in what comes next. In the stupidest move of their time, the four netmafia navis charge at the civillians, screaming two words in unison.
One of them fires off a Vulcan, hitting Remus and MASS with the low-accuracy spread of shots that resulted.

Remus: 250 HP
Netpolice Navi B: 20 HP
Netpolice Navi C: 10 HP

Romulus: 2 HP
Takeno: 10 HP
Netmafia Grunt A: DELETED
Netmafia Grunt B: 20 HP
Netmafia Grunt C: DELETED
Netmafia Grunt D: 20 HP

Zephyr: 95 HP

Civillian A: 40 HP
Civillian B: 59 HP
Hacker: 82 HP
Civillian D: 25 HP
Zephyr cried out in anger and frustration as Mass wreaked havoc upon the friendly NetPolice. Seeing them reduced to minimal energy levels didn't quite relieve his anger, either. You -f***ing- IDIOT! he screamed, storming over to Mass. How can you do that in cold blood? You SAW how they help us! You KNOW they hurt the enemy! Are you just bloodthirsty? Sadistic?! demanded Zephyr, gesticulating forcefully. If you're going to act like this, you deserve to be deleted, you pitiful excuse for a navi! Zephyr yelled, his volume growing by the sentence.

Kure, noticing how powerful Mass was and how brazen Zephyr was being, called down to him, Settle down, man, it was just a mistake...

Zephyr snapped his head up to his Operator. Mistake? Mistake? No, it would've been a mistake if he'd glanced them once. No, I don't think slashing them twice counts as a mistake, snapped Zephyr furiously. No, that, my friend, is what we call premeditated.

No, man, I know, you just don't want this juggernaut angry at you, Kure muttered, just so that Zephyr could hear. He's about as strong as they get...

I'd rather side with the NetMafia grunts - at least they know what side they're on, grumbled Zephyr.

Kure looked sadly upon the scene. Such a shame that so many had to die... he thought to himself, frowning. Turning to Suien, he called out, Hey! You! Rass' NetOp! Can you control him, or have him go back to normal? Because as long as he's The Incredible Hulk, we can't do much with him.

Well, Kure, going back to the more direct issue... I can't heal the NetPolice; that, we'll have to leave up to Suien and Mass. However, I can take out the commander and some of the heelnavis; d'you want me to get on that? questioned Zephyr.

Kure took a moment to consider, adding up the numbers speedily in his head. Two...and ten...and twenty... OK, so the NetPolice combined have two hundred and eighty health between them (approximately), he figured, obviously thinking hard, And the NetMafia have fifty-two. So, they have a huge disadvantage, but with Rass being um...Mass... that leaves us another one-one-zero health to deal with, said Kure, looking back at Zephyr.

I can take out the remaining Navis, especially if Mass or the civilians can help out a bit, suggested Zephyr, looking at the remaining heelnavis.

I'm sending a shotgun your way, Kure announced, slotting the chip into his PET. Just take out Romulus with your bare...claws... Kure said, sort of awkwardly.

Good! replied Zephyr, watching his right arm as the cylindrical weapon formed, customized by his black and olive green coloring. Readying the weapon, he decided to turn to Mass again before he began his assault. If you're not too enraged to help us, follow up on the commanders, he grumbled, before marching off to the severely weakened Takeno and Romulus.

Reaching them, he looked down with disgust. You call yourselves liberators? Freedom fighters? How dare you! he screamed, spitting on the ground near them. You're nothing but rebels and murdering scum. It wouldn't be so bad if you were fighting for a just cause, or even your beliefs, but you just blindly follow your superiors in hope of glory and money. Can't you see what you're doing? You waste every NetPolice officer you see, just because someone told you to. You take civilians as hostages, just because someone told you to. You conduct some sort of mad scientist operation, just because someone told you to. You give up all hope of redemption and true fame - just. Because. Someone. Told. You. To. For this, you truly deserve to be deleted. There was a second chance, and you took it - but then you turned on us, Romulus. On your own brother, you heartless cruel f***. I hope this teaches you something, snarled Zephyr, finishing his tirade. He gave Romulus one last contemptuous look before attempting to plant a claw in his face, slapping him aside cruelly. Moving to Takeno, he didn't quite know what to say. I don't know you at all, except that you've been taking hostages. That's all I need, spat Zephyr, before trying to slash him across his face. If he survives, finish him, Remus, he called over to the surviving NetPolice. Moving to the NetMafia heelnavis that remained, he picked his way over the wrecked terrain, slowly moving towards their charging forms. Taking careful aim, he pulled the trigger, hoping that the burst would hit both of the navis.

Darting backwards, he smiled with satisfaction, still dissatisfied with Mass' rebellious actions. Looking up to Suien, he frowned. Please, try to get him to help...

HP: 95
1. Wind Claw > Romulus [8]
2. Wind Claw > Takeno [8]
3. Shotgun > Grunts B/D [50]

=Yup, that pretty much summarizes it. Sky, make him un-Hulk. D: And PA, I spent ages on that post, to Zero's discontent. XD=