MachMan, Unwelcome Hades Visitor

Machman moved out of the way of the Volcaner's lavaball and countered with his own Cannonball, striking and deleting the virus in a single blow. The heavy projectile also left behind a large crater where the virus had once been sitting. His Bubbler hit one of the Fullfires but the two others weren't even close enough to be struck by the splash. Still, it was just strong enough to delete the virus that it hit with some help from the lava panel beneath it. The remaining two Fullfires were in a panic until one of them spotted the downed Windbox. Instead of helping its ally, the virus hid behind the practically inert block and began to summon a wave of meteors. The other Fullfire seemed to just dodge around, drawing away the Bubblestar attack.

The Volcaner paused on a lava tile to contribute to the counter-offensive but missed. Only one of the Fullfire's meteors struck Machman through sheer luck and he immediately countered by Gutpunching the Fullfire responsible. The virus reeled from the attack and shuffled away aftering having its cover blown.

FullfireA: DELETED
FullfireB: 150 HP [sand]
FullfireC: 80 HP [sand]
VolcanerA: DELETED
VolcanerB: 150 HP [lava]
RareWindBox: 120 HP [sand] [facedown] [passive nova1 knockback]

Terrain: 25% Lava, 35% Sand, 35% Normal, 5% Broken

MachMan.EXE: 160 HP [110 HP Casing] [2-hit shield]
Aera.SP: 70 HP [mobility junction]
Vector.SP: 100 HP [armour junction]
With his opponents scattered and disorganized, it simply became a process of wiping out the enemy one by one.

[[i]Requesting Magnum1 and DashAttack chips.][/i]

[Battlechips uploaded, Mach. Continue engagement.]

Machman started to approach the enemy slowly as a trio of missiles materialized under his fuselage. The missiles large, and completely identical. Three green cross-hairs appeared on the 360 display inside the cockpit, and started to slide over the area as Machman started to select his targets. One slid over a FullFire virus and turned red as it followed it's slow shuffling movements as the 2nd solidified itself over the remaining Volcaner and the last on the disabled WindBox.

Machman uploaded this information to the missiles, and prepared to fire. All three missile indicators flashed green on Aera's weapons display, which indicated they had received their targets and were armed and ready. Mach then fired off the missiles in rapid succession, and all three made smooth turns in the air as they guided themselves towards their targets. The missiles exploded in a quick trio of thunderous booms, and the flames of the explosions caused Mach and Vector's armored bodies to shimmer in the light.

His weapon blisters opened up and revealed a pair of triple-barreled vulcans, which slid forward and protruded slightly from their protective housings. Machman began to target the wounded Fullfire virus and opened up with his vulcans with a loud roar. Since Mach was very close to the ground, a small hatch opened from underneath Mach's fuselage, and a stream of brass 30mm casings started to pour from his frame. His exhaust flaps shifted positions and caused Mach to strafe to the side in a wide circle as he tried to keep his cross-hairs and a steady stream of 30mm AP rounds on the Fullfire. Mach's decoys loyally copied his movements and stayed at his sides as he circled the enemy.

His vulcans quickly ran out of ammunition and fell silent, leaving only the high-pitched hum of the motors winding down as the barrels started to slow their rapid rotations, each barrel was aglow from the heat of the burst of fire and quickly cooled down as they retreated into the weapon blisters. The hatches closed but Mach continued to move in a circle around the viruses, in an attempt to line up the the remaining Fullfire and Volcaner viruses directly in front of him.

As soon as they got in line with Mach's nose, his engines popped into their default positions and slammed into afterburners. The roar was immense as the entire back of his frame was almost drowned out with four large conical plumes of cyan flame. Machman lurched forward and continued to accelerate as his DashAttack battlechip data further enhanced his thrust capabilities. He quickly broke the speed of sound as the blasted forward and towards the Fullfire virus as he made his way towards the remaining Volcaner virus. With any luck, they would have been chopped to bits by his wings, or crushed by the sheer inertia of his body bearing down on them.

Mach started to slow down as the battlechip data was depleted, but used his built up airspeed to pop his body into a blindingly fast barrel roll ((an ACTUAL Barrel Roll)) before he angled his rudders hard to the right as he banked right and pointed his nose down. This very rough maneuver caused him to "skid" in the air and caused his frame to go in a flat spin as he turned back to face the viruses. His engines quickly sung down in their housings and burned brightly, which caused Mach to literally stop in the air and hover as he assessed the battlefield in front of him. Aera shook her head as she tried to re-orient herself, as the previous two maneuvers made her a bit dizzy. If Mach pulled those maneuvers when he first got this .GMO, Aera likely would have been rendered unconscious.

Wow, that was wild, Mach.

Machman was reminded he was in fact carrying passengers.

[[i]Oh, sorry. You get a little scrambled in there?[/i]]

No, I'm fine. Just a little warning would be nice.


-[Plasma Shield [Already Active]: Facing Forward]-
1. Prepare Magnum1
2. Prepare Magnum1
3. Magnum1: FullfireB, VolcanerB, RareWindBox (120dmg Fire + Breaking + Panel Breaking)
4. Rising Barrage: FullFireC (25dmg x4 + Breaking + Strategic Action + 4TCD)
-[Strategic Action: Line FullfireB and VolcanerB directly in front of Machman]-
5. DashAttack: FullfireB, VolcanerB (90dmg + Impact)
6. Dodge

Decoy1: Follow on Mach's right
Decoy2: Follow on Mach's left

Cooling Sigs:
Superior Thrust Laser: 2 Turns Remaining
Rising Barrage: 4 Turns Remaining
((I was going to leave the FullfireC with 5 HP but like... Frig, that's such a douche move. In exchange for crushing the will of the RNG with mod leniency, the moderation of your fight will be less detailed... However, the terrain is all there.))

The terrain took a beating and everything died.

FullfireA: DELETED
FullfireB: DELETED
FullfireC: DELETED
VolcanerA: DELETED
VolcanerB: DELETED
RareWindBox: DELETED

Terrain: 20% Lava, 25% Sand, 35% Normal, 20% Broken,

MachMan.EXE: 160 HP [110 HP Casing] [2-hit shield]
Aera.SP: 70 HP [mobility junction]
Vector.SP: 100 HP [armour junction]

[Battle 3 - Victory!]

Get: 3150z + LavaCannon2 + 50 bugfrags
With the enemy reduced to rubble, Machman gently hovered down to the sandy ground below as his Overwatch drones helped collect zenny and battlechip data as bugfrags lifted from the ground and were absorbed my Vector's protective plating.

[Good work, you three. Want to continue going?]

[[i]Absolutely. We're just getting warmed up.[/i]]

Aera nodded in agreement as Vector remained silent.

[Alright then, keep your eyes open; I'll be ready with battlechips if you need me.]

Machman started to ease forward before his engines swung back into their default positions and sent him flying over the HadesNet floor at a good pace, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

((Ready for Battle #4))
The vast lava fields shifted into blistering coal roads as temperatures cooled, and even the coal soon gave way to a rich, black soil as Machman progressed further in. The source of the misplaced terrain seemed to be the result of a gathering of WaterDragons weaving aquatic paths over and about the coal. Overseeing their work was a giant BluePhoenix virus that looked like... A blue phoenix. Whoever named these viruses knew how to get to the point. Far behind the rest of the group was a single Tromby, hopping around a small patch of relatively normal looking terrain.

Machman was quickly spotted by the BluePhoenix, which let out a sharp shriek to alert the others of the interloper.

BluePhoenix: 180 HP [flying]
WaterDragonA: 250 HP [soil]
WaterDragonB: 250 HP [soil]
WaterDragonC: 250 HP [soil]
WaterDragonD: 250 HP [soil]
Tromby2: 150 HP [normal]

Terrain: 20% Coal, 70% Soil, 10% Normal

MachMan.EXE: 160 HP
Aera.SP: 70 HP
Vector.SP: 100 HP

[Battle 4 - Begin!]
Mach noticed the drop in temperature, and Aera watched as the ashen ground gradually change to dark, rich soil. The trio approached a group of viruses at a good speed; flying towards them head-on. Mach's attention focused towards the large, blue phoenix virus as it spread it fiery wings and sounded the alarm.

[[i]Viruses identified. Count 6. Permission to engage?][/i]

[Blizzard, Cannonball, and Elecpulse chips uploaded. Focus fire on the Trompy virus, then the Phoenix before engaging the WaterDragons. Engage!]

[[i]Understood. Engaging now.[/i]]

Machman's drones immediately went to work; his Overwatch sensor drones darted off in multiple directions before they paused in the air and began broadcasting battlefield data directly to Machman, while his decoy drones activated and created two exact copies of himself. The decoys loyally followed at Mach's sides as he began his attack run.

The single Tromby virus was near the back of the group, and was obviously being used as some sort of support unit. Destroying the support of an enemy front is one sure-fire way of decreasing a foe's combat strength. Machman started to analyze the combat data streaming from his Overwatch drones as a gray missile materialized under his right wing. The missile did not contain any explosives; instead, it carried a sharpened steel spike with the 1 purpose of piercing enemy armor.

Machman used his drones to see past the front line of viruses, and solidified the position of his target in a 3D "map" in his mind. He watched the virus's movements carefully, and used that combination of information to determine where he would deploy his weapon. He established a target, and uploaded the information to the missile's guidance system. Aera saw the missile indicator flash green as the missile was primed and ready to go.

The missile dropped away from his wing before the solid-fuel engine fired and sent the missile streaking towards the bouncing virus. As soon as the missile was away, Machman throttled up and strafed to the left as he quickly approached the blue phoenix virus ahead. His weapon blister hatches slid open as the pair of rocket launchers housed inside were loaded with several rockets. Each one of the rockets contained a warhead filled with a substance similar to liquid nitrogen, and designed to flash-freeze targets. However, the rockets can't get too hot and cause the warheads to explode prematurely, so their effective range is quite short. Mach tried to get in close before he fired a volley of rockets towards the virus. The rockets' fins caused them to disperse in a shotgun-like spread, and blanketed the area with white mist as they exploded like smoke-filled firecrackers and sprayed the immediate area with super-cooled liquid.

Machman banked right and disengaged the virus as the weapon blister doors closed. His decoys, which had been following him the whole time, continued at his sides. Mach had a new strategy, and informed his SPs.

[[i]Alright, I'm going to try to get behind them. Aera, I'm leaving you and Vector here to keep the enemy distracted. Stay on your toes, and avoid incoming fire. Vector, protect Aera. Ready?[/i]]

Aera nodded as she tensed up.

Ready when you are.

I await your move, sire.

[[i]Alright then, here we go![/i]]

Machman slammed his control surfaces down, which caused his nose to swing towards the ground, and literally appeared to make his entire frame somersault in the air. As he tumbled forward, the large metal surfaces of his frame started to fold down as his .GMO was deactivated. Vector's metal plates surrounded Mach's rapidly shrinking body as his appearance returned to its default state. Aera was cradled in his arms, but she hoisted herself out of his grasp and pushed herself away from him. Machman looked back towards the WaterDragons that faced him as the thrusters on his four floating wings started to glow as they rapidly charged up. Then in a sudden flash of cyan, Machman blurred out of sight and disappeared.

His decoys deactivated their holographic projectors as Machman warped away, and then split up. One remained next to Aera and Vector, while the other flew over the viruses in a wide arc in an attempt to pass over them undetected. As it flew over, Machman materialized behind and slightly above the WaterDragon group. His right arm was drawn back, and his fist was clenched. As he thrust his arm forward, bolts of electricity streamed over his arm and down to his opening hand. The massive amount of electrical power streamed out of his hand and cascaded over a wide area in the form of visible "rings" of electromagnetic energy. They beamed towards the ground and bathed the area with powerful waves of current. The decoy finally reached Mach and stopped side him before projecting a perfect copy of Mach, and imitated his attacking pose.

Aera touched down and quickly darted off to avoid enemy fire with the help of her wing thrusters. The decoy that floated at her side quickly scanned her appearance and used it's holographic projectors to create an exact copy of her, and mimicked her movements as it followed her. Vector's body plates formed back together on the ground, and he stood his ground to draw attention away from Aera.

As Aera tried to draw enemy fire away from Mach, he kept up his attack by tossing a round object towards the middle of the WaterDragon group. The blackened sphere had four gold dynamo-like structures protruding from its sides. The bomb bounced 1 time before the structures burst out of the sphere as it exploded with a loud pop. The sphere contained a wire-laced gelatinous fluid that coated the immediate area. The blue fluid sparkled in the sunlight, thanks to the tiny gold wires that weaved all through the fluid like a nearly invisible net. The wires were all connected to a single devise that was housed in the bomb's core. The device contained a detonator and a powerful capacitor, which quickly discharged all of it's stored current through the wires and blanketed the area with a powerful jolt of electricity. Machman's wing thrusters had already kicked on and propelled him up and away from the viruses as he strafed backwards from left to right. His decoy followed his movements, but remained far enough away to keep Mach from getting caught in any attacks directed towards it.

-[Plasma Shield: Facing Forward]-
-[[color=ff6600]Recharge:[/color] Vector.SP (20HP Heal)]-
Aera: Mobility Junction to Machman.EXE (Passive Dodge or 3 Passive movements)
Vector: Armor Junction to Machman.EXE (110HP Casing)
1. Cannonball: Tromby2 (150dmg Null + Breaking) [b][[/b]+ Take Aim]
-[Mobility Movement: Move within melee range of BluePhoenix]-
2. Blizzard: BluePhoenix (100dmg Aqua x2 + Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack)
-[Disable MachFighter.GMO]-
Aera: Unjunction
Vector: Unjunction
3. SCRAM Boost: Teleport Behind WaterDragon group (Teleport + 2TCD)
-[[color=ff6600]Repulsion Shield:[/color] Facing Forward]-
4. ElecPulse: WaterDragonA,B,C,D (100dmg Elec x2 + Seeking + Glitch + Cone Attack)
Aera: Dodge
5. Magbomb: WaterDragonC,B,D (30dmg Elec x2 + Stun + Blast2)
6. Dodge

Decoy1: Follow Mach [Mimicking Mach]
Decoy2: Follow Aera [Mimicking Aera]

Cooling Sigs:
SCRAM Boost: 2 Turns Remaining
Machman's steel spike arced in a crash course with the Tromby, but even with the help of his Overwatch, the virus was able to sidestep the projectile in time. However, part of the normal panels didn't survive the encounter and shattered under the piercing mass. Boosting himself closer to engage the BluePhoenix head on, the virus enveloped itself with a fire aura. With both sides protected by defenses, they exchanged blows, Machman firing a freezing rocket while the phoenix unleashed a burning avatar of itself. The rocket punched through the virus's aura like paper and decimated the virus in a flash. The plasma shield prevented Machman from taking damage from the attack but fell apart after absorbing the damage.

By now, the Waterdragons had begun to stir and spread out. Before they could get too far apart, Machman unloaded his support programs and warped behind the tightest cluster and attacked with a wave of electricity. He managed to somehow catch two of the viruses with the glitch inducing attack. One of them simply cringed as a section of its body seemed to dehydrate while the other one turned a bright yellow.

He deployed a complex wire gel bomb next but found himself caught by a Waterdragon's rushing blow. As it turned out, they didn't differentiate between him or his decoys as his copy was struck down just as quickly by the same charge. Fortunately, the dragon also happened to swallow Machman's bomb in the confusion and was subject to a paralyzing case of heartburn. The remaining Waterdragon, untouched by any of the attacks thus far, moved from panel to panel in an evasive dance.

Machman was ready to try and perform some dodges of his own but found himself bound to his position as the Tromby began to play a horrible melody.

BluePhoenix: DELETED
WaterDragonA: 250 HP [soil]
WaterDragonB: 30 HP [soil] [corrupt HP III: -20 HP (duration: 0 turns)]
WaterDragonC: 190 HP [soil] [stun]
WaterDragonD: 50 HP [soil] [elec override: elec elemental (duration: 8 turns)]
Tromby2: 150 HP [normal] [music]

Terrain: 20% Coal, 70% Soil, 5% Normal, 5% Broken

MachMan.EXE: 20 HP [hold]
Aera.SP: 70 HP [hold] [decoy]
Vector.SP: 110 HP [hold]
Machman took a step back from the rushing attack of the WaterDragon, and felt as if the wind was knocked out of him. He tried to dodge away, but a piercing tone caused him to momentarily clutch his ear pylons before he adjusted the input levels and muffled the noise. Though the sound was no longer painful, he looked down to his legs and over to his wings, which appeared fuzzy and were almost completely unresponsive. Aera and Vector were suffering from a similar ailment, all caused by the Tromby's immobilizing song. He looked over towards the Tromby and attempted to move his legs enough to get a more stable stance. He snarled from behind his mask.

You're starting to annoy me...

As Machman lifted his right arm towards the noisy virus, his protective plasma shield raised in front of him. A metal support bracket folded out from under Mach's right forearm, and began to glow as a large weapon materialized underneath. Three barrels slid from a large rotating drum, and were braced together by two triangular "collars." A trigger assembly, looking very similar to a joystick, swung up from a compartment in the drum and rested comfortably in Mach's hand. As he gripped the trigger assembly and pointed his Vulcan towards the virus, his wings slowly moved into position at his sides and began to charge a pair of pulsating crimson orbs of glowing plasma. A decoy drone materialized behind his back and moved out to his right side before it activated and mimicked Mach's attack pose; 10 feet from his right.


The vulcan started to spin up with a high-pitched whine before being drowned out by the roar of the barrels sending a stream of 30mm AP rounds towards the Tromby virus. The tracers burned a red streak in the air, and made the attack look like a fountain of lead. Sparks and debris erupted all around the Tromby's position as the rounds inundated the area with lead. The plasma contained by his wings reached their full charge, and just before Mach ran out of ammunition, the plasma was unleashed in a pair of crimson beams of light. Mach's weapon folded down as the beams quickly lost power and diminished to two small trails of flickering data. Mach felt a jolt as a white spark of electricity arced from the ground and into his chest. He didn't feel any pain from the shock; in fact, he felt a little rejuvenated.

Mach looked over towards Aera, who was looking at him and had her hands pointing towards the ground. She noticed him looking back and smiled. That must have been the second program Mazer was talking about. Aera then looked towards the one stunned WaterDragon and pointed her hands towards it. Her brow furrowed and her hair started to stand on end as a large amount of electrical power surged through her body and down her arms. They reached her hands as she pointed them directly towards the virus, and appeared to explode with large bolts of electricity. Jagged white bolts of pure electricity leaped from her hands towards the virus at the speed of light, which caused loud booms cause the ground to shake slightly. Three loud booms were heard in quick succession as she blasted the virus's position with electricity. The decoy between her and Vector imitated her attack, and tried to space itself a good distance away from both SPs.

Machman saw Aera's display of electric firepower, but knew something like that would immediately draw the attention of the remaining viruses, and one hit would likely doom her. He thought quickly and called out to Mazer.

Requesting PhoenixShot, Magbolt, and Elecshock chips immediately!

Mazer quickly popped the three chips out of his magazine-like chip case, and almost effortlessly inserted the requested chips into his PET in rapid succession.


Machman placed his hands together as they started to heat up, and slowly drew his hands away from each other to reveal a rapidly growing fireball, suspended in the air and seemingly contained by the force of his hands. The fireball grew about the size of a basketball before he thrust it towards the group of WaterDragons and released his invisible grip. The fireball unfurled and widened into a wave of fire, which streaked a foot or two off the ground like a soaring red phoenix, much like the one Mach deleted a moment ago.

He knew the wave of fire would not be enough to defeat all of the viruses in front of him, and targeted the only unharmed WaterDragon, and used his Overwatch drones to carefully watch it's movement pattern. He had to do this quickly, before it attempted to attack with a devastating charge. Both of his fists clenched and crackled with electricity as he prepared his next attack and tried to determine where he should direct his strike. As soon as he selected his target, he thrust his right hand forward and unleashed a bolt of electricity towards the WaterDragon. The stream of electricity reached out like a fountain of light, and remained connected to Mach's hand. Similar to a weapon used by the protagonist of the popular Electendo game, "Netroid," he pulled his arm back in an attempt to yank the virus towards him, using the beam like a whip or chain.

With any luck, the virus would have been forcibly dragged or flung towards Mach, where he had another attack ready and waiting. As soon as the virus got within range, he pointed his closed left hand towards the virus and opened it. In a near-blinding flash of light, several dozen bolts of electricity blasted from his hand in a wide spread and inundated the area with electricity. Some of the bolts struck the ground in front of him and kicked up the soil as it tore jagged paths through the floor. Machman's one-two punch of electricity should have done the trick, but he didn't want to take any chances and drew his right forearm in front of his body. He used it as the support structure for the rapidly forming metal shield that materialized in front of him. The shield's face was adorned with two menacing eyes and a toothy grin, and the trip was tipped with spikes. The shield itself was tough, but what was truly deadly was the purple, misty miasma that billowed out of vents on both sides of the shield. Machman was unaffected by the miasma, but any viruses caught in the increasingly large radius of the poison would find itself in serious trouble. Mach directed his decoy out of the miasma radius as it created it's own copy of Mach's shield, though just as fake as it's own body, and stood its ground.

-[Plasma/[color=ff6600]Repulsion[/color] Shields: Facing Forward]-
1. Rising Barrage: Tromby2 (25dmg x4 + Breaking + Strategic Action + 4TCD)
-[Strategic Action: Disabled due to Hold]-
2. Superior Thrust Laser: Tromby2 (40dmg x2 + Microburst + 3TCD)
-[[color=ff6600]Recharge:[/color] Machman.EXE (20HP Heal)]-
Vector: Reinforce Repulsion Shield (+1 Hit)
Aera: Attack WaterDragonC (35dmg Elec x2)
Aera: Attack WaterDragonC (35dmg Elec x2)
Aera: Attack WaterDragonC (35dmg Elec x2)
3. PhoenixShot1: WaterDragonB,C,D (70dmg Fire + Wide Attack)
4. Magbolt: WaterDragonA (90dmg Elec x2 + Stun + Magnet Pull) [b][[/b]+ Take Aim]
5. ElecShock: WaterDragonA (80dmg Elec x2 + Panel Breaking + Cone Attack)
6. PoisonMask: Machman.EXE ((2-hit Shield) + (50dmg Poison + Miasma (Nova2))

Decoy1: Stand 2 panels to Mach's right [Mimicking Mach]
Decoy2: Stand between Vector and Aera [Mimicking Aera]

Cooling Sigs:
SCRAM Boost: 1 Turn Remaining
Rising Barrage: 4 Turns Remaining
Superior Thrust Laser: 3 Turns Remaining
The Tromby endured a volley of powerful vulcan rounds, each shot tearing through its body. However, it never once stopped playing its awful music even while being gunned down. It kept blaring loudly until the very end right up until a pair of lasers deleted it completely. The residual effects seemed to keep Machman's group in place while the three previously passive Waterdragons began to initiate their assault. Aera's lightning bolts quickly destroyed their stunned comrade, but that didn't deter the group as a whole. Machman's Phoenixshot, though powerful and wide reaching, crashed against the jaundiced WaterDragon and halted before striking the other two who were lagging behind. The remaining two dragons then split up to attempt a pincer movement. Machman's Magbolt drew one of them to him prematurely and gave it a powerful shock, but not powerful enough to delete it or stop its inertia. It crashed past his shield and began to tumble into his support programs in a kamikaze attack. It was finished off by an Elecshock from behind, deleting it before it could reach Aera or Vector. The final Waterdragon, though severely weakened, was successfully able to sneak around thanks to the desperate flailings of its ally. Having their attention diverted, Aera and Vector were helplessly smashed aside by the virus's powerful charge. It made its way towards Machman, who had already prepared his PoisonMask in response. The dragon raged headfirst into the shield and unwittingly activated the noxious counterattack - a deadly gas that sprayed out in all directions. The watery frame of the blue dragon absorbed the fumes and was quickly dyed a deep purple. It let out a wistful roar before dissolving into a puddle of warped data.

BluePhoenix: DELETED
WaterDragonA: DELETED
WaterDragonB: DELETED
WaterDragonC: DELETED
WaterDragonD: DELETED
Tromby2: DELETED

Terrain: 20% Coal, 70% Soil, 5% Normal, 5% Broken

MachMan.EXE: 40 HP [decoy]
Aera.SP: 1 HP [2-hit shield]
Vector.SP: 1 HP

[Battle 4 - Victory!]

Get: 69 bugfrags + 4500z
Machman heard the final virus fall from behind his shield as it started to fragment and deactivate. He looked across the battlefield to see Aera sitting on the ground, with Vector kneeling next to her. She appeared to be talking to Vector, and gingerly touching her chest, where her armor had been cracked and slightly caved in by the WaterDragon's attack.

Machman rushed over and crouched beside her.

You alright?

Aera smiled, but looked to be in pain.

I'm alright, Mach. It just caught me off guard, that's all.

Vector didn't look much better, some parts of his body trailed slightly behind and picked up bugfrags along the way. He nodded towards Mach, showing he was still able to stand. Mach looked down at her crumpled armor, saw a light stream of red indicator fluid flowing from under the gap in her armor. Mach's expression was stern as he looked upwards as he spoke to Mazer.

Mazer, Aera and Vector are wounded. We need to get them out of here.

[I agree. Hang on, I'm logging you both out now.]

Mach, Vector, and Aera all began to glow a bright cyan before they beamed up and out of the network and back into his PET.

((Logged Out))