Tepid Trip

13 years ago
"Usually the system should automatically reboot itself! But it hasn't, sooooo--" The prog flops over. "Maybe try one of the other consoles? This one doesn't have any controls like that, we're toooooo old, but some of the other comps should have some maintenance functions!"
13 years ago
"Hmm...This might be all we are going to get off of them, aright Ember time to go, Jack ou- Wait, you haven't told us anything about the chamber that I mentioned. There is a door behind it that is sealed with a nine digit password, can you tell us what that chamber is or what the password is at all?."[b][/b] Mark was intent on getting answers about the lava chamber he found, it could lead to the fourth Volcomp that they haven't found on their own yet.
"Just to jog your memory, it's a large chamber with lava behind some kind of ultra insulate glass material with a large door and a keypad."[b][/b]

13 years ago
The prog remains entirely silent.
13 years ago
Mark got pretty annoyed with the program's blatant denial of supplying information about the chamber. "Aright now, you better speak up about that lava chamber or else I'll turn this place into a lava chamber! My navi has a setlava program installed and this area is small enough to be completely engulfed in boiling hot lava once we use it. So you better speak now or prepare for a lava bath,"[b][/b]

Ember was shocked with his operators threat "Boss! You're really going to do that to these little guys?"[b][/b]

"Yes I will, they are keeping us from moving forward, and I'm not going to take that sitting down!"[b][/b]
13 years ago
..."What?" The prog says, voice shaking. "Why would you turn this place into a lava zone!? What did I do wrong?!"

Far below, beneath the giant Ember's feet, the rest of the Mr. Progs start to panic, running around frantically and screaming.
13 years ago
"Now see what ya did now Boss?"[b][/b] Ember said, scolding his operator. Mark could only sigh and mash his palm against his face in frustration. "These programs are hopeless, they are too old to be of any use. Come on Ember, let's go."[b][/b]

"Naw Boss, let me try this time."[b][/b] The Barrel on Ember's neck pops open, he reaches in to pull out a bottle of brandy and a shot glass all in one hand. Carefully he sets the shot glass on the ground, trying not to squish any of the frenzied programs, and began to pour Brandy inside it. "Take some of that now, that'll calm ya down"[b][/b] he returns the bottle of brandy back into his barrel and closed it shut. He then turns his attention to the program in his hands. "Roite then, so tell us, do ya know anything about a magma chamber here on the island, anything at all? If not then just say so, and don't worry about my Boss, he's got a stick in his rump is all."[b][/b] Mark grew irate over the fact his navi had the audacity to make a remark like that, but remained silent to see if he could get them to talk.
13 years ago
The programs that aren't drinking stare at Ember with a blanker stare than the ones that are, as if they're completely incapable of even acknowledging what he just asked.

A few moments pass, then one of the tiny progs shouts something about free beer.
13 years ago
"Well, I got nothing Boss..."[b][/b] Ember gently places the program in his hand back onto the ground. "We are wasting time with them, let's head back into the cave and look for some answers elsewere."[b][/b]

In a bright cyan beam Ember left the network, jacking out and returning to his PET. With his navi back in his possession, Mark returned to the room filled with netbattling stands and the holographic map of the caves. Deciding that there may be some information left in the netbattling stands; he searches for a jack in signal in the room.
13 years ago
None of them are turned on, for one, and for two they are covered in thick, heavy layers of dust, even underneath the sheets. It is highly doubtful they would have the information you seek.
13 years ago
Nothing here either, they were drawing at blanks at this point, only 4 computers but one is useless, one is locked, one is off, and one is somewhere else. It's now very much clear why the client needed help. But where was the fourth Volcano computer? Nothing was on the control console hologram besides the two other computers and the path down to the chamber. Looking for options wherever he could find, he began to examine the control console for any sort of control or button he could try.
13 years ago
Mark doesn't find anything particularly useful-- this "console" just just a display hub, after all- wait, what's this? Stuck to the side is an ancient-looking sticky note, half-crumbled and faded. Mark goes to grab it, and the corner by which he does so disintegrates, so he opts for reading it where it's at.

"Note: Power bills were getting too high due to people leaving control console screens on, so we've set them to turn the screens off after a while. Just hit a button on them to turn them back on."

The console with the locked jack in apparatuses that was turned on comes to mind.