Shin's Netopian Travels

"Place the orders from the NetPolice on a seperate screen," Shin ordered. The display now had two screens, one with the orders, and one with the garbled text.

Quote (NetPolice)

In a NetMafia raid, we discovered a strange message in a datafile--R&D's on it, but R&D'll most likely get it done by next year. We'd like this solved before the trail goes cold.

Quote (OSHI.dat)

" I knew she spoke of. That young conductress locked the little as if we were given to our usual hypothetical case altogether too much on it must add, hope that it with his nose with the Boomers because they limped towards it a Walla, when I shouldn't be it seemed to have no figure of having been soaked in my hair, and had a bright window, and violent coercion, was left, into one zenny,' up there was in the same inflammatory process under her veil was Pip. So, he'd come with my pretended experiences, steps before the 'square; Now, the tide was high and wide, the iceberg her last resort..."

"There's some key phrases, possibly," Shin mused looking at the text. "Conductress, Boomers, Walla, zenny,' Pip, iceberg?"
"It IS deciphered," Myun pointed out.
"Well, I guess we need a teensy bit more information," Shin commented, accessing the NetPolice BBS once again.
"Okay, they're not responding, revert to Plan B," Shin ordered.
"Alright then, decoder uploaded," Red stated as Shin hooked up a strange keyboard-like device with a seperate screen to the PET.
"Running OSHI.dat through the decoder," Myun stated.
"Alright let's see what happens," Shin commented as he pressed the "Execute" button on the decoder.

((Not that easy, sonny.))

The code comes back, the same as before--or is it?

" I knew she spoke of. That young conductress locked the little as if we were given to our usual hypothetical case altogether too much on it must add, hope that it with his nose with the Boomers because they limped towards it a Walla, when I shouldn't be it seemed to have no figure of having been soaked in my hair, and had a bright window, and violent coercion, was left, into one zenny,' up there was in the same inflammatory process under her veil was Pip. So, he'd come with my pretended experiences, steps before the Netsquare; Now, the tide was high and wide, the iceberg her last resort..."
((Well you told me to do SOMETHING. :'D))

"Whoa! A bit of it became unscrambled," Shin exclaimed, noticing the "Net" that had replaced the apostrophe before "square."
"It's possible that the apostrophe's represent a bit of encrypted text that we need to decipher," Red suggested.
"Well, let's just insert that other apostrophe line in the decoder, shall we?" Shin asked as he spliced that bit of text and ran it through the decoder.

Quote (OSHI.dat)

been soaked in my hair, and had a bright window, and violent coercion, was left, into one zenny,' up there was in the same inflammatory process

Quote (Decoder)

Running analysis of ['] symbol.

[Run line through Decoder]
" I knew she spoke of. That young conductress locked the little as if we were given to our usual hypothetical case altogether too much on it must add, hope that it with his nose with the Boomers because they limped towards it a Walla, when I shouldn't be it seemed to have no figure of having been soaked in my hair, and had a bright window, and violent coercion, was left, into one zenny, up there was in the same inflammatory process under her veil was Pip. So, he'd come with my pretended experiences, steps before the Netsquare; Now, the tide was high and wide, the iceberg her last resort..."

As it turned out, the errant apostrophe was just junk. Or is it? Closer inspection--There's actually zenny data there!

500 zenny GET!
"What the f**k?" Shin and Red swore as their efforts revealed some zenny.
"Okay, well that ended in total failure," Myun commented as Red added the zenny to Shin's checking account.
"So much for that clue," Shin sighed as he put the whole entire thing through the decoder, again, seeing if it would yield any new results. He doubted it, but he'd have to carry on, he was the one who signed up for the job anyway.

[Run OSHI.dat through decoder, AGAIN]
" I knew she spoke of. That young conductress locked the little as if we were given to our usual hypothetical case altogether too much on it must add, hope that it with his nose with the Boomers because they limped towards it a Walla, when I shouldn't be it seemed to have no figure of having been soaked in my hair, and had a bright window, and violent coercion, was left, into one zenny, up there was in the same inflammatory process under her veil was Pip. So, he'd come with my pretended experiences, steps before the Netsquare; Now, the tide was high and wide, the iceberg her last resort..."

Exactly the same. Maybe the solution isn't in the text itself?
"GRAH! Red!" Shin yelled as he disconnected the decoder.
"Yes?" Red replied, sounding bored.
"To the Netsquare!" Shin proclaimed as he jacked Red into Internet City.
"To do what?" Red yelled.
"Show it to a random passerby!" Shin yelled back.
As Red returned to the PET. Shin got to work posting on the BBS and including the box.
"How long will we have to wait?" Red asked.
"Not long, hopefully," Shin said, taking a bite out of a newly ordered hotdog.
"Ah, they've got our reward," Shin mused as he finished his hotdog.
"Now where to?" Red asked.
"Hmmm... Let's go to Yoka. Haven't been there for a while," Shin said after much thought.
"Yeah! Let's go!" Red said cheering. Shin checked the flight schedule and flew off to Yoka.