Sieg vs Aida

Sieg entered the room in a steady pace, still deep in his own little world that consisted of himself, the problem to solve, and any number of tools to be used in the process. He was wedging a pen into the device, probably to gain access to.. whatever he was working at with the screwdriver. Improved holding cases that were used to enhance the durability of the older models were easy to put on, but almost impossible to take off after installing. The casing did make the terminal shock, water, fire, cold, pressure, nuclear radiation, and for some reason, peanut butter jelly proof in exchange though. Things like electric fields, volcanoes, the bottom of the Mariana pit, or a sledge hammer probably wouldn't even phase the encased device. At the time it was made it was easier to just buy a new PET and just transfer the data anyway, due to the rapid progress in the net-technology fields, so it wasn't a problem, but should someone try to upgrade a PET by installing new hardware....

But Sieg loved challenges, and found a few pressure points that when held down, opened up a small slit for alternate location jack-in cords. From there, it was just a matter of time before he took the thing slowly apart from the inside... well, not totally, but enough to play an alternate version of the "ship in the bottle" hobby, with PET upgrades instead of small model ship parts, and a nigh indestructible casing instead of a large bottle of glass. Although of course it would be faster to go the normal route, but...

1.) That'd be too easy and...
2.) Different upgrades need different routes to be installed, which in turn modified the points that needed to be pressed down. And THOSE points could be only reached after he pressed some other points... It was like playing with a self modifying, continuously evolving lock that has to be picked in a different manner every time.
+ Throwing away PETs is not environment friendly.

Anyway, Sieg stepped to an empty console, and... kind of just stood there for a while, tinkering. Then there was a sudden, very final sounding *CLICK*, followed by *SWOOSH* and *PTANG* in rapid succession, as the case snapped shut, the pen that was used to wedge it open got shot out from it's niche from the force of the opening ceasing to exist, and said pen embedding itself in the wall. On the other side of the room. Miraculously, no one got injured.

Sieg waved his hand and let out an embarrassed "Sorry" to the general audience. But he turned right back at the console with a victorious smirk on his face the next moment. He quickly pressed a few buttons, and started installing the new programs, that would now run properly with the new upgrades. Battle routines first, the graphical upgrades can wait...

- Ah... I can feel that you have finally finished. Not a moment too soon either
-Oh you'll love these. A bunch of new programs at your disposal, only waiting to be used by you. And then there is the graphical upgrade that I...
- Boooooring. Jack me in already!
- You know, you could be just a tiny little bit more grateful...
- Hah! Lemme guess, you are totally doing this just for me and not to win this tournament."
- Well, I uh... um... VALKYRIE, JACK IN! EXECUTE!

With that, Sieg finally linked the PET to the console with the jack in cord, sending his navi into the Colosseum network.

-... wuss.
- I heard that!
"O-oh dear..." Aida said quietly to herself and her cream and black colored PET. She held a shaky fist close to her chin as she shyly looked around at the competitors that began to enter the room. Each one had a PET at hand and were already seated at their terminals...and each one looked powerful. Even with a bit of red on her face and a bit of fear, Aida still clung to that ever so sweet smile that at times peirced her face. "I-I'm so nervous right now...I have butterflies i-in my stomach."

"Eh? Don't get all scared on me right now!" Capuchin begged, "Not when we are in range of the first battle! You can't just wussy out right now!!!"

"D-Don't worry." the orange haired netop assured her little navi. "I'm just a bit excited. I would n-never get cold feet and desert you, especially at a time like this." Her feet slowly clacked their way towards the terminal assigned to her.

Capuchin on the other hand was not as shaky. She was probably incredibly fired up about the thought of a netbattle with a navi. She enjoyed the last one incredibly well and she probably gained some experience in this. Her golden and blue eye looked up at Aida's face with a serious look deep inside. She waved a finger across the screen and said, "Now don't be afraid at all. Keep your cool during a battle. It's important to keep a calm mind and a leveled head during these things."

Aida gave a giggle at this. After all these years of Capuchin being by her side, she seemed to have gained some confidence she needed. Although she still stuttered but alas, there was a spark there that wasn't always there before. "S-same to you." Aida replied back, "Don't get too cocky right now. And it's not about winning or loosing, its more about fun and experience."

"Huh? You don't even have a goal like WINNING in mind?!" The monkey navi cheeped, "Honestly, what kind of intentions do you have about entering."

"Finding powerful opponents a-and learning from mistakes a-and gaining experience of course.......though winning is always fun too...."

"Hehehe! Spoken like a true netop!" Capuchin showed off one of her happy backflips at this.

Although Aida didn't look fully at her navi's little show, for she was looking now at her opponenet. She gave out a calm humble bow amongst his presence, "I-it's a ple-leasure to meet and battle with y-you and your n-netnavi. M-may the best team win."

"Yeah!" Capuchin shouted as she thusted a fist into the air. Already a fire was burning in her eyes, "Let's begin this little shindig! I'll show you how a real navi fights."

"J-jack in...Capuchin....e-execute..." The young netop announced as her monkey like navi was sent into the Colosseum net.
So Valkyrie won. Sieg wasn't really surprised. The match was set right about when Capuchin lost it after being affected by the call. If it comes to raging, no one does it better than his navi. Regardless, this was a close call. Much closer than he expected. He felt a bit bad for Aida though...

-Well... you can learn more from losing than winning, is what people say...

Yeah, people who tend to lose. Sieg wasn't really good at this consolidation thing. In fact, he wasn't really good at this talking thing, so he decided to go with the first thing that he thought of. If he fails, he can still say that he just said the first thing that he thought of. And at the very least, his tongue was incapable of being nasty on its own. That right was reserved for his brain.

-So... wanna come up to the lounge? If you really want to learn, you can do so by observing the mistakes of others.

Meanwhile, I'll be looking at the people who don't make mistakes. I'll be fighting them soon... Sieg started to really, really hate himself. Or his thoughts, to be exact. He was just hoping that his inability to express himself would hide them. It's kinda like having a good poker face, except you can't take it down. It also hid his panic when he realized that he is running out of things to say...

-Anyway... uh... Nice match!

But not good enough. Come on, I can praise better than that!

-You... uh... almost got us.

But in the end, didn't... I wish I could not think like this for once...

With a sigh, Sieg turned his attention back to the PET. He should be jacking out Valkyrie. He wanted to give some time for Aida to form a reply anyway. She didn't sound like a very... confident person.

On the bright side, I di-didn't stu-stutter. That'd have b-been a-awkward...
"W-well....y-you can't win them all." Aida said with a happy smile. "It just sh-shows us that we need to work on o-our strategy more." She unlocked the PET and placed it back into her hands. A holographic image of Capuchin appeared not looking very impressed at this all.

"Feh, Like we need to see OTHER battles." Capuchin replied with an annoyed tone. "though I will admit, you did do well Valkyrie." Capuchin held one finger into the air and pointed at her, "Though don't let it go to your head, I will be back for a rematch one day..."

"And thank you." Aida replied with a happy tone and a small bow before she left the terminal. "I'm sorry but I d-don't think I will stay here much long-ger though. I must be off." And with that she left the room and out of the colloseum. She then began to have a convo with her navi. "I'm surprised that you didn't get mad Capuchin."

"What do you mean?...I am mad. We lost." Capuchin said with a huff, "Just from one stupid attack....she would have lost if it didn't hit! She had nothing on me...oooooh! She makes me so mad! Acting like she's better than me."

"like you do?" Aida giggled.

"WHA?! That's nothing like me! NO WAY!!!"

"A-are you sure? L-lets certainly have a list of letting the glory go to your h-head..."

"Humph! I am so not like her at all! And to prove it, WE MUST GET MORE CHIPS! And BUST! To SciLABS!!!!!"

"...a-actually...we have buisness a-at home..." Aida said embarrassed.

"Is this about your arranged fiance? You better tell your grandma to quit dealing with your personal life!!! Its annoying! And it ruins our chance to get chips."

"Y-yes yes...we will get chips...but later." Aida assured as they hopped on the metro and went back to ACDC.