It was a slow day.

It was a very slow day.

It was a veeeery slooooow day...

"snkft, huh, whuh? Great, I fell asleep again."

The man who delivered this statement brushes a few stray brown hairs out of his eyes and tries to put it behind his ears, but the crease behind them is too small. He finally gives up and pulls those very few hairs long enough to reach his eyes out. After wincing in pain, he stands out of his standard SciLab chair, and stretches.

"Yaaaawn... why can't I either work or have the day off? What's this 'standby' thing about? No job for me yet, but stick around because something MAY come up?"

His head starts to droop from exhaustion and boredom, and he sees his somewhat large belly has caused wrinkles on his suit. While furiously brushing and smoothing them out, he accidentally drops his PET. When he picks it up, he realizes that he received an alert from one of the higher-ups:

Virus Busting
All members on standby report for Virus Busting in the SciLab Net

"VAX!" The man complains, "Why didn't you alert me!"

A voice from the PET wheezes. "Well, it, heh, it said All Members, not, huh, not Aaron Corner."

"You know that's not what that means," Aaron groans.

Vax replies in a much more cheerful, energetic, non-sickly voice. "Okay, okay, okay, I was sleeping. Early to bed and late to rise, makes a Nav' healthy, wealthy and wise!"

"That's not how it - nevermind, we have some Virus Busting to do! You ready?"

"Let's gogogo!"

"All right, Jack in! Vax, execute!"

"I'm a doctor, not an executioner!"


Jack in to SciLab Net