Park for three?

"Hmm... I recommend enjoying the weather outside once in a while. I hear ACDC Park is a popular place to do so. It's a nice and very public place with a peaceful atmosphere. While you're there, you might want to see the fountain they have setup in a groove of trees. You know, that one with the built in wireless net access. I'm sure you'll find your time there rewarding. PS: Be sure to take your Navi with you... looks like we're here..." Polonius said as they finally reached the park, the metro only a few blocks away as he went inside. DNR was in his holoform as he looked around, his eyebrow raised in utter curiosity.

They finally reached the wonderful and scenic area that the email described. "I guess from the email, we have to log in huh? Well... then there we must go..." Polonius said as he logged in, wondering just how deep this hole goes.
About 12 hours later...

We see Polonius awake, about 2 hours before the appointed time. Strangely enough, he got quite a fair amount of sleep, just wondering about if there are any reprocussions for this actions...

"Hmmm..." he could only say before picking up his PET, heading out the door to get to the hospital.