The Homepage is strewn with vibrant plantlife everywhere, the ground being carpeted by rich grass, and the perimeter of the homepage surrounded by many bushes and flowers, some looking like nothing that could be found in the real world.

In the center is a large tree with stairs leading up along it's bark to the top of the tree, at the base of the stairs is a plant covered sign that reads "The Portfolio Tree". At the top of the tree is a large three story treehouse with the first floor having wooden walls and wooden halls all covered with several pieces of digital artwork, scanned traditional work, and screenshots of websites probably created by the page owner.

The treehouses's second floor had a circular couch in the center with seven small square tables around it, each table having a plain wooden chair at the opposite end of the table from the couch. on one side of the circular room, Several digital paintings are framed and placed in neat order, each one depicting impressive feats done by a rather embellished looking navi, these pictures portray tense battles ranging from some of the most vicious viruses known to the net, to a few against what looks like imaginary Cybeasts. Though beautifully rendered, one can't help but feel an aura of egotism emanate from the collection.

The third and final floor is roofless and has a vast view of the homepage from the very top of the tree, there is a table and a few wooden chairs here, but aside from the growth of vines and ivy climbing up and over the edges of the floor, the top is fairly barren.
