Kingdom of Nightmares


Day 1

The day is a wonderful thing, filled with sunlight, cheeriness from the locals, calls from the marketplace to buy goods, children mock-fighting with their sticks, and a general sense of family. People run about, nothing seems out of place at all, in the happy community of Rencaile. Temperate conditions mean a bright afternoon, as well as no rain later on in the day.

The current abilities that work are:
Weapon Finesse
Combat Reflexes
Two Weapon Fighting
Point Blank Shot
Quick Draw
Weapon Focus(Rapier)
Improved Initiative
Deft hands
Radiel twirled his stick cheerfully as he walked down the street. His mood came more from enjoying the beautiful weather than anything else, and besides, school was out. Other people his age would be around, and in a place like this, it was an easy day for finding a way to amuse himself. He would normally be working (that was what the orphanage thought he was doing), but he no longer needed a job for the time being.

There was something theraputic about walking through the streets of Rencaile. Maybe it was because you knew, on a deep level, that everything was right with the world.
Xander leaned against a wall in a dark alleyway, a long broom handle held lazily in one hand. He was bored, unbearably so, and was ready for some action. He sighed as he caught the sounds of people laughing and chatting as they passed the entrance to the alleyway, his alleyway. He pushed himself away from the wall and turned to see a few younger kids fighting with toy swords. For a brief second Xander thought about joining them, but their parents might accuse him of trying to steal from the kids. He sighed and leaned back against the wall.

"This town is so boring...I wish something exciting would happen for once."
The wind blew in a gentle breeze through Cain's hair. It was soft and relaxing, inviting her to sleep with a dreadfully inticing alure. A shame that it was still mid-day, there were things to do, even if they weren't important.

She considered that for a moment. They weren't really that important, were they? She knew deep down that she should probobly get them done, but that didn't seem to matter right now. Right now, she would just take a short nap in the sun, watching those even younger than her playing in the field. That sounded nice, really nice.

As she lay down on the slight slope of the hill she looked up at the clouds in their splendedness and just took in the beauty of the situation.

'Today is a good day' She thought, as here eyes drifted between closed and open, basking in the warmth of a temperate day's sunlight.
"Hwah!" Set cried, as he swung the scythe down in a wide slash, scattering the reaped--crabgrass all around him. Falling into a graceful roll, he rose a few feet away and continued his path, gleefully slicing and slashing the flora along the sidewalk...

In his mind, he was fighting a glorious battle, the blades of grass an endless flow of foes attempting to overwhelm him--
As he came up on the hill, Radiel found a pleasant surprise for him there. He held his tounge until he was close enough to stand next to her and get a better look at her. She was just about his age.

"Hello," he said to the dozing girl, unable to keep from smiling. "Sorry if I woke you up."
Cain smiled gently at this strange person who she awoke to find above her.

"You seem awefully happy, just who are you anyway?" She asked, partially smiling herself. Why not? The air was crisp, the weather clear, and the temperment enjoyable. There were worse things for her to waste her time on than talking to some random passer-by.
"My name's Radiel," said Radiel, taking her response as permission to sit next to her. "Not a whole lot of people know me, and besides, this is the first time I've walked out to this side of town in a while. What's your name?"

He leaned back, onto his hands, as he turned to make eye contact with her. She had a nice face, too. The day was just getting better by the minute.
Jake calmly walked through the marketplace of rencaile, hands over his head as the sun shone brightly down upon him. "I wonder.... when will it begin? When will my future show itself? I can't work for my father, that'd suck beyond belief..." Blinking slightly at all the unfamiliar faces, Jake strode forth.
"Whew. That's that." Set mutters, as he examines his handiwork--the lawn wasn't perfect, but it was at least even. That's all he could ask for.

The scythe slung over his shoulder, he hobbled back to the job board, storing the tool and looking up the next available task. Boredom... At times, Set wished that something would happen in this town. In truth, he avoided people most of the time, preferring to live through the histories recorded long ago, of an age of conflict, an age of glory--an age of heros and monsters.

"Oh, look." His finger stopped, the final task catching his attention. "Library research... I suppose that's as a good a reason as any."

"Funny, they don't reall mention what they want to know..." Set grumbles, as he stumbles into the massive collection. "Let's see, Duncan, Library Head..." Gazing around, Set wondered just where in this massive, 5 story building the requestor would be--

((Walk to Library, enter Library))
[20 x ((Take 20 Spot, Take 20 Search "Duncan, Head Librarian")), 10' step between each]
Xander sighed a final time before pushing himself away from his wall and wander out of his alleyway. He was determined to find something to do before the boredom killed him. Rencaile really was a boring place and, after a time, the peaceful happiness grated on the nerves of any teenager. It was up to Xander to find his own excitement, even if the cost of his relief from boredom was to take on a job.

"I wonder if the job board has anything interesting?" he said to himself.

Xander twirled his broom handle with one hand as he strolled the few blocks to where the closest job board was posted. He whistled as he walked, not paying much attention to those around him, absentmindedly spinning the wooden weapon and concentrating on keeping his pitch. As he neared the board, he stopped and sheathed the three foot length of wood by shoving it between his belt and his pants.

"Huh? Some kind of guardian wandered off?" He sighed. "It'll have to do. Better than exploring some dusty old mansion or reading books all day."

[Move to Lucid's Workshop. Enter and look for Lucid]
Cain smiled at his blatent attempts...

"My name is Cain (K-ai-n), a pleasure to meet you - Radiel" It was a pointless coversation, a kind of timeless informality that people seemed to do so often. Shifted slightly on her side to look towards him- Radiel he said his name was.

The sunlight shifted from back behind a cloud and her long hair took on a sort of luminance that could only occur by accident. Her eyes reflected the sun and seemed to glow yellow instead of green-gold, and she paused waiting, but for nothing in particular.
As Xander walks into the workshop, he is assaulted by a series of noises, along with several curious scents, some oil on the floor seeming to emanate at least one of these. Lucid seems to have forgotten about his request completely, he's currently doing fine behind a tool bench within the shop, fusing some things together with fire. Very, very, hot fire. On a sidenote, the general cleanliness of the room brings new meaning to the phrase "I've seen cleaner bugbears."
[|][ ][ ][ ][|]
[|][ ][ ][ ][|][|][|][|][|][|][|]
[|][ ][R][R][ ][ ][ ][ ][R][R][|]
[|][ ][ ][R][ ][R][ ][R][G][R][|]
[|][G][ ][S][C][S][ ][ ][G][G][D]
[|][R][ ][Tool Bench][ ][ ][G][D]
[|][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][X][X][|]
[|][ ][ ][ ][R][R][ ][ ][X][X][|]
[|][R][ ][R][G][R][ ][ ][ ][ ][|]
[|][ ][ ][ ][R][|][|]|Door|[|][|]
[|][ ][ ][ ][ ][|]
[|][ ][A][ ][S][|]
|= Wall
X= Large Golem
G for Golem
R for Random stuff
S for Stool
C for Lucid
A for Xander
D for Door

As for Set, he walks into the library and stops, looking around for approximately 2 minutes. He takes a couple steps forward and repeats the process, people beginning to stare, until he walks straight into a bookshelf. (Strength check (20, second roll 20) The bookshelf simply collapsed, crashing into another bookshelf, and into another, finally ending up with an entire column of bookshelves in an extremely messy pile, a couple screams, and one hand feebly reaching out from under a bookshelf at the very end.

[|][B][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][ ][ ][O][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][O][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][Bookshelf ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][S][S][S][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][S][S][S][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][Bookshelf ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][S][S][S][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][O][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][Bookshelf ][ ][ ][C][ ][  ( D )   ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][ ][ ][O][ ][ ][T][T][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][Bookshelf ][ ][T][T][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][T][T][ ][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][C][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][T][T][ ][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][Bookshelf ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][C][C][ ][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][O][ ][ ][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][Bookshelf ][O][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][S][S][S][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][S][S][S][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][S][S][O][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][S][S][S][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][S][S][S][ ][ ][T][T][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][S][S][S][O][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][T][T][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][C][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][Bookshelf ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][ ][ ][M][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][O][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][ ][T][T][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][Bookshelf ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][C][T][T][C][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][R][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][ ][ ][C][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][Bookshelf ][ ][C][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][O][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][Bookshelf ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][S][S][S][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][Bookshelf ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][S][S][S][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][S][S][S][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][Bookshelf ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][ ][ ][O][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][B][ ][O][ ][ ][ ][ ][O][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][B][|]
[|][|][|][Bookshelf ][ ][ ][ ][ ][COLLAPSED ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][|][|][|]
   [|][|][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][U][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][|][|]
         [|][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][|]
         [|][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][|]
         [|][ ][O][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][|]
         [|][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][|]
            [|][|][|][ ]|    DOORWAY     |[|][|][|]

|= Wall
X= Table or Passable Barrier (tumble/destructible)
S for Stairs (also support column)
D for Duncan
M for Mary (Commoner/Expert 3)
R for Randel (Expert/Aristocrat 2)
O for browsing person
U for Set
B for Bookcase set along wall
C for Chair
T for Table
"Whoa... wh-wh-whoaaaaaa..." Marco hobbles about, everything a blur before him. "Who put that bookcase there? People, people could run into those things, you--" Losing his balance on a book, he nearly plows into a browsing person before his instincts take over, and he falls into a roll, before a thought springs into his mind.

I could have sworn I heard someone far ahead... Shaking his head, Set rises. Damn it, this doesn't concern me! What do I care if... He took a look around. People. A few pointing ahead, to where the source of the sound was.

I've been seen. He realized, smacking himself on the forehead--and twinging at the pain. There had to be a bruise. Old or not, that was solid wood he had plowed into. Shit, the damn town watch will be on me if something happens-- Memories of being hunted, being caned, streamed into Set's mind. Those bastards... they'll be looking for anything to stick on me. Well, fuck them. I'm not getting tagged for this. His mind set up, Set began dashing and yelling, silence in the library be damned. "Out of the way! I have healing potions! I can save them! Get out of my way!"

He ran around the collapsed bookshelf, and bolted--the gust of wind behind him whipping up loose sheets of paper--

((Run. 120 ft. First west, then all the way north to Duncan.))
"Wow, what a mess..." Xander thought to himself.

The room was a complete shambles with random objects tossed about here and there and the odd Golem standing around. Xander coughed a bit at some dust that was unsettled by his movement and then shuffled forward. He could barely see the owner of the shop, Lucid, sitting at a workbench near the middle of the room.

"Hey, Cid!" Xander called out. "I'm here about a job posting."

((Walk forward a few steps and call out to Lucid))
Radiel yawned, drowsy from the bright sun. Maybe he could persuade Cain to come with him today. He had been hoping for a chance like this.

"Cain. A pleasure. Got anything planned for today?"
Cain smiled gently and began to sit-up, stretching slightly as she did so. "Nothing important. Why, did you have something in mind?"
Her voice sounded sweet, but there was a sort of underlying threat hidden under the sweetness impying that this better be good or else harm might come to Radiel, that much was abundantly clear.
"In fact, I do," said Radiel as he rose to his feet, using his wooden sword as a cane. "I wanted to go apply for work from the job board, and was hoping to go with someone." He tried to ignore the touch of malice in Cain's voice, found that he could not. "You don't have to if you don't want to," he said cautiously.