An adventure of time and space

I wanted to make a user created RP that would at least get a little attention. So I have merged a little known game (Silhouette Mirage) and a somewhat known game (tactics ogre) into a user made RP. While elements do play a significant role in this, it won't stop you from still doing things kewl.

Element/attribute rules: You can get one of 6 elements, water/fire-earth/wind and virtue/bane if you have an awesome RP reason why. All special attacks of the opposite so more damage, and attacks you make in your element are stronger. Attributes are different, there are only 2: Silhouette and Mirage. Mirage attacks cannot hurt Silhouette and vice versa. You can be both/neither, but A: You must have a godly reason why and B: You'll be at an advantage and disadvantage. All non-elemental attacks count towards your attribute. People who are both must take an action to switch attributes, but in order to prevent people from being "OH YOU CAN'T HURT ME I SWITCHED AFTER I HIT" whores, You WILL NOT be able to switch as your last action.

Class rules: It progresses as regular tactics ogre. You always start at soldier. If you want to be a special like hawk/eagle man or mermaid, fine by me. Just ask :3.

Background: You live in a computerized world called the EDO SYSTEM, 10 eons after the messenger of destruction led the world into chaos. Rumors were that a messenger of justice attempted to defeat them, but failed. Lately two rival people have been rallying up those of certain attributes and having all out war. This is the story of those who dared stand between order, war, and the world they once knew.

ok, and with that, let us bring up the chara sheets.

Age: (4-digit range MAX please)
Class: (soldier or other)
Special accessory: (none or name an item, no effects)


Name: Bondi
Gender: M
Age: 26
Description: Bondi wears tattered jeans. a hunter's jacket (purple-ish), a mountaneer's hat, and looks like some kind of old farm hand. He has a scar on his left hand. He is a little thin and he is slightly pale.
Personality: Bondi is a loner, only speaking to give advice or simply reply to someone's questions. Otherwise he seems like he is lost in deep thought. In battle he continues to retain these characteristics.
Attribute: Silhouette
Element: Water
Class: soldier
Weapon: Bow
Special accessory: none

Name: Bondi
Gender: M
Age: 26
Description: Bondi wears tattered jeans. a hunter's jacket (purple-ish), a mountaneer's hat, and looks like some kind of old farm hand. He has a scar on his left hand. He is a little thin and he is slightly pale.
Personality: Bondi is a loner, only speaking to give advice or simply reply to someone's questions. Otherwise he seems like he is lost in deep thought. In battle he continues to retain these characteristics.
Attribute: Silhouette
Element: Water
Class: soldier
Weapon: Bow
Special accessory: none