Wondering if anyone cared

>: D
REALLY?!?!?! Which ones did you like?

Phoenix - the dude with the red scarf and red Inuyasha-style pants.
Epsilon - the blue guy with a bad hair day.
Banzai Boy - The recolored Samus with Tail's head and one tail.
Blackhawk - the short guy with the black feathey wings.
Blue Star: The blue Roll with big hair.
Terminus: The floating red cloak.
Nibbles: White Knux with Cream's head.
Hellboy: the recolored Young Link with devil wings.

Which ones did you like? And I'm submitting them for your contest-thingy. I may edit my submission as time goes by with a few other sprites, but we'll have to see.
Blue Star FTW.

>:3 LION!
BLue Star and the Bunny dude are cool.

And it doesn't work that way. You gotta do sprites for the contest. No using sprites you alreeady had, otherwise you coulda been working on it for years.
Well, okay. I'm currently working on more Blue Stars, both because lego seems to like her, and because she's my best sprite in my opinion.
Arr... so that means a new one is needed.

Tally whore! What, what!
Oh yeah... Commondragon, about those sprites...

I kinda maybe sort of forgot what to do.
Commondragon is displeased

This Displeases Kitty

This pleases The Tooth fairy

the Tooth Fairy (de)rewards Lego

Lego's Insanity dropped 50 points!

Lego is now downgraded to a taco!
That sounds exactly like something i've never heard of before.