Quote (P.A. Master)

PAMaster1000: Did you know that the Admins were willing to let you regain your Adminship?
PAMaster1000: The only reason... well, the reasonS that they didn't are as follows:
scottishkilla1: Yup. Yet Atrus said it was a definate no from everyone, which made me investigate
PAMaster1000: Only to jump straight to Admin.
PAMaster1000: They would have granted you modship.


scottishkilla1: What, did you think he was demoted because I didn't agree with him? No, it was because he was working on his own


PAMaster1000: But we still want RECN.
scottishkilla1: What would that accomplish? People would just see me as a dictator. What good is that?
scottishkilla1: Hell, you already do. Why else would you make that site?
scottishkilla1: Even if I was to open it again, it'd make zero difference
PAMaster1000: If you apologized, made an announcement, about why you closed RECN, most of the members would forgive you.
scottishkilla1: Yeah, right!


scottishkilla1: It's a fact. I'm an admin no-one likes, so they'd look for an alternative
PAMaster1000: People like you, Nal.


scottishkilla1: Then none of this would have happened. But what did I get? Lies from Atrus

You know something? A lot of what he said is true.

First off, PA wasn't party to the whole discussion. There were supporters for Nal's return, myself included, but once I got argued down by the facts of what he's been like, Twi, Demon, Majin, and Val all took my side. I sent a letter that very eloquently said "we say no."

Nal's right about a few things:

~People don't want him in the seat of power.
~People don't like his ruling style.
~Reopening the site wouldn't fix his reputation.
~No one wanted him on the staff until he regained his good name.