Tom here with yet another useless collection of information and details. Well, maybe not so much. This is a collection of every suggested idea and concept under this sub forum. I was going to post some ideas of mine when I realized I wasn't sure if they'd been done before. And to check it, I had to go through all the old suggestion threads. Needless to say, this was a bit of a hassle, but it gave me an idea. Now, there shouldn't be a need to go blazing through old suggestion threads with a worry over whether or not something's been done.

The database should be easy enough to read through. Each suggested idea is listed chronologically, starting from oldest to newest, with the original poster, the progress of the concept (be it in progress, finalized, or shot down), as well as moderator support or disfavor. Each idea will also contain links to the associated projects. 'Ere we go again, say hello to the Suggestion Index!

Note that redundant information regarding old rules and types will be ignored in total due to the fact that they're so far from current rule settings that they're relevance is ignorable. Anything catalogued in the index that reaches a state of redundancy will have its status changed to
Redundant, I'm simply avoiding said subjects for now to save myself a bit of trouble.

Signature Drop Down Boxes — 1/18/07 - Majin's Drop Down Boxes. Not quite a suggestion, just friendly advice from Majin for condensing signatures. Now trumped by the more commonly used Drakim code found in Drakim's Great Code Thread. Project Complete.

Site Advertisement — 1/19/07 - Common's Suggestions in Light of the Fall of RE:CN. As listed. Numerous projects in effect and while we do not maintain a steady influx of new members, the site does grow and prosper. There's always room to grow though. Project Complete.

Site Archival — 1/19/07 — Common's Suggestions in Light of the Fall of RE:CN. As listed. At the time, general consensus was that such a thing was unnecessary, but that was over two years ago. No catalogued Moderator input. Project Incomplete.

Site Back-Up Plan — 1/19/07 - Common's Suggestions in Light of the Fall of RE:CN. As listed. Unknown progress on this and largely unremarked upon. The core moderators and administrators of RE:RN may know more, but as it stands I have confidence in the stability of the site. Incomplete.

Player-Moderated Homepages — 1/20/07 — Sora's Homepage Suggestions. Sora suggests the players themselves moderate homepages. At the time, nothing came of it. Project Incomplete.

Player-Created Battlechips — 1/29/07 - Strikeman's Suggestion Thread. Another attempt to bring back a RE:CN favorite. Shot down at the time. Project Incomplete.

Player-Created Viruses — 1/29/07 — Strikeman's Suggestion Thread. Another attempt to bring back a RE:CN favorite. Shot down at the time. Project Incomplete.

NPC BBS — 1/28/07 - Goroke's BBS TIEM. A BBS as run by a non-player character, thus giving it more influence. Shot down by Kazu, then Admin. Denied.

Player Made Missions — 1/31/07 — Goroke's Next Big Suggestion. Deemed unnecessary by the moderation crew. With subplots and missions in place, it hardly seemed necessary. Denied.

Navi Chips — 2/8/07 —Goroke's Navi Chip Suggestion Thread. There was interest in the project, apparently, as told by SMS's post near the end of the thread, but as of yet this is... Project Incomplete.

Enemy Turn Splices — 3/26/07 — Tom's Suggestions. An odd affair, in the end it appears that it was decided by all that it was an unnecessary hassle. Denied.

Double Crosses — 3/26/07 - Tom's Suggestions. The act of using two soul crosses at once. Shot down by Heat, saying that it felt too gimmicky and power gamey, as well as reducing the impact of crossing one's soul with another. Denied.

Spoiler Tags — 4/4/07 — Omega's Spoiler Suggestion. Considered, but an alternative solution was found. See thread for details. Project Complete.

Operator Abilities — 4/8/07 — Goroke's Next Suggestion. Special abilities as performed by operators. Had a lot of attention at the time, but was never implemented. Project Incomplete.

Seasonal Events — 4/9/07 — Omega's Idea. While smiled upon, it was agreed that it would be difficult to implement. Project Incomplete.

Movement Values — 4/11/07 — Wooga's Movement Suggestion. Giving Navis a speed that would determine their ability to move in battle and navigate the world. Deemed unnecessary. Denied.

Signature Move Program Advances — 4/23/07 — Knight's Sig PA Thread. Interesting concept with varied levels of interest, but no final word. Project Incomplete.

5/15/09 - Posted first copy, incomplete. Backing up information and continuing index. Up for review.