Common brings.....TERRAIN AND CHIPS!
Plank -
A wooden floor. Hardwood and sturdy.
- Turns to Ash Panel when hit with fire attack
- Turns to Debris Panel when hit with break/sword attack
- Reduces elec damage by 25%, effect removed when wet
- Panel shot does Wood + breaking
Ash -
Something got burnnitated. So now there's Black ash on the ground.
- adds 50% base damage on Fire attacks
- Turns to Swamp panel when hit with water attack
-Wind/Fan effect causes Sandstorm for 3 turns, reverts to normal panels when time has elapsed.
-Causes Blindness when used w/ Gust ability, reverts to Normal afterwards (Wind Type only).
-Deals Fire Damage + Blind when used w/ Panel Shot
Debris -
Someone broke the cubes!
-Combatants move slower
-Dodge is not affected
-Causes Damage when used w/ Gust ability, reverts to Normal afterwards (Wind Type only).
-Turns into an ash panel when hit with a fire attack
-Panel shot gives Null + Pierce damage
Swamp -
-Fire types lose HP when standing in them
-Combatants move slower
-Dodge reduced by two ranks
-Adds 100% base elec damage
-Fire attacks greater than 100 change panels to sea
-Damage from poison effect DOUBLED on swamp panels
-Deals aqua + poison with panel shot
Static -
I thing the floor is a TV! (bad reception too)
-Characters standin on static panels get bugs
-Can only be changed to another panel by hitting it with an elec attack or a cursor attack.
-Elec attacks change the panel to glass
-Cursor attacks break the panel
-Panel shot does null damage + adds bug
Cybeast -
-Only appears in cybeast battles
-the entire battlefield is cybeast panels
-The cybeast's attacks have +50% base damage
-Panel cannot be changed
-Panel shot does Null damage + superpiercing
Wooden crate -
think of a rockcube, but a crate with 100 HP. When destroyed leaves behind a debris panel.
Energy Blade - No, Its not (I WANT TWO CHIPS FUSED TOGETHER LOL) thing.
Damage: 70 + Slashing, 60
Accuracy: B, C
Description: A wide sword. Can hit up to 2 targets with good RP. Can also fire up to three energy waves similar to wideshots
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks after 6 swings. Can only fire three energy shots (shots do not count as swings)
Element: None/None
And I might post more later
Commondragon's Idea Hole
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I like the swamp thing. I was thinking of makling some panle types myself, where only one type is able to avoid damage. For example, your static pannle looks like it would be a good 'all but elec types receave damage from standing on them' candidate.
Debree is a nice idea, as are planks and ash. I wonder if ash could be left after you burn grass, instead of them returning to normal?
Debree is a nice idea, as are planks and ash. I wonder if ash could be left after you burn grass, instead of them returning to normal?
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I always leave my ideas open to improvement, and I dunno about grass. There usually isnt enough to make any ash really, just to burn up and fizzle away. Maybe I could come up with another panel type that would count as "long grass"?
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Decent ideas, but if you're looking for implementation, let me just point out how many chips we already have, and let you know that our collection of terrain is quite sufficient.
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Quote (P.A. Master)
Decent ideas, but if you're looking for implementation, let me just point out how many chips we already have, and let you know that our collection of terrain is quite sufficient.
PA, your taling to someone who has to add more and more and more and more to every game he plays. If it has mods, Im gonna overload my system with custom races, classes, clothes, toothpicks, spells, and features.
Even if I forget to use it anyways.