WARNING: Screwing with this can cause you to lock up your sig. Do so at own risk.
Dropdown Boxes:How to make, and use.
<select name="Whatever you're putting info about">
<option value="description">what you want to show up in the box
Well, This doesn't look like much, but oh, this allows so much more space. Well, how do you use it, you ask?
Well. Here's my coding fer it, so that you can either just copy off me, as I sort of did off valience, or you could not change anything at all, and advertise me. Your choice.
<select name="Whatever you're putting info about">
<option value="description">Eon||Level 3||Normal||150 HP||Atk:1||Chrg:2||Spd:3
<option value="xxx">Weapon:Sword Buster
<option value="xxx">Signature Attacks:
<option value="xxx">-Flurry of Blows (3): Teleporting, five attacks of ten.
<option value="xxx">-Glitchblade (6): Glitchy Infection, delayed damage.
<option value="xxx">Soul Unisons:
<option value="xxx">-None
<select name="Whatever you're putting info about">
<option value="description">Upgrades:
<option value="xxx">SoulUni chips:1
<option value="xxx">HP Memory:0
<option value="xxx">Navicust:35/40
<option value="xxx">-Speed+1:2 (e)
<option value="xxx">-Charge+1:1 (e)
<option value="xxx">Unused Navicust:
<option value="xxx">-N/A</select></form>
Netop:Dethis Harbin<form>
<select name="Whatever you're putting info about">
<option value="description">Dethis Harbin
<option value="xxx">-1675z
<option value="xxx">Key Items:
<option value="xxx">-PET
<option value="xxx">-SU Chip
<option value="xxx">-HpMemx3
<option value="xxx">-Speed+1
<select name="Whatever you're putting info about">
<option value="description">Battle Chips:
<option value="xxx">-Sword (1) Dmg:80
<option value="xxx">-Guard (1) Dmg:**
<option value="xxx">-EnrgBmb (1) Dmg:40*3
<option value="xxx">-Heatsht (2) Dmg:40
<option value="xxx">-Bmrang (1) Dmg:60
<option value="xxx">-FlmLine1 (1) Dmg:70
<option value="xxx">-BmbLnce (1) Dmg:130
<option value="xxx">-Recov10 (1) Heal:10
<option value="xxx">-Magbolt1 (1) Dmg:90
If you want a clean slate, then hesitate no further. Here is one for all of you to copy, paste, and replace.
<select name="Whatever you're putting info about">
<option value="description">
<option value="xxx">Weapon:
<option value="xxx">Signature Attacks:
<option value="xxx">
<select name="Whatever you're putting info about">
<option value="description">Upgrades:
<option value="xxx">
<option value="xxx">
<option value="xxx">
<select name="Whatever you're putting info about">
<option value="description">Name:
<option value="xxx">
<option value="xxx">
<option value="xxx">
<option value="xxx">
<option value="xxx">
<option value="xxx">
<select name="Whatever you're putting info about">
<option value="description">Battle Chips:
<option value="xxx">
<option value="xxx">
<option value="xxx">
<option value="xxx">
Just pasting this in your sig allows you the power of blank drop boxes. Placing text next to the option value allows your drop down boxes to have text within them.
To be later updated when more time comes along.