Dark Boy, on the Net!

Yes.....he is forced to be with me because of the barrier, right?
Grim I was trying to bring out the point, not asking. But anyways, lets bust some virii or somethin'.
Stealth:"All right! Another chance to kill!"

StealthMan silently ran to find more viruses.
The pair continues forward, trying to find some sort of evidence as to why this barrier is still active. However, their search is quickly halted as a small metal orb lands at their feet. They instinctively jump out of the way; good move, since it was a bomb. They attempt to find where it came from, and end up face to face with several Beetanks, and a few Metools as well!

Viruses Identified!

BeetankA: 50HP
BeetankB: 50HP
BeetankC: 50HP
BeetankD: 50HP
BeetankE: 50HP
BeetankF: 50HP
MetoolA: 40HP
MetoolB: 40HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Dark Boy.EXE: 90HP
Stealthman.EXE: 90HP

<(Battle #2: Bombs away! Ready, Fight!)>
[Jack Out Barrier: Active!]
Beetanks? Metools? Take em' out!

Acknowledged. Commencing battle operation!

Dark Boy requested RAGECLAW and jumped straight to action! He started running forward at mach speeds! Running straight through Metools A and B, then he hopped over the Beetanks and sliced at the BeetankA!

Turn Overview:
RageClaw: Metool A (40 DMG)
RageClaw: MetoolB (40 DMG)
RageClaw: BeetankA (40 DMG)
Sam: Stealth, dont let em ruin all the fun! Lets do it!

Stealth: This isnt the final frontier, but lets do it!

Sam: ....

Sam slotted in a Rageclaw, and then stealth man walked right towards the Beetanks, and as he got near, he sliced at the Beetank B, C, and F.

Stealth: KEep it up, Stealth!

((Time to go home from Dark Boy's house))
((Don't forget to add your turn summary, Stealthman. Just because you are in a hurry doesn't mean you can just skip stuff whenever you please.))

Dark Boy charges into the group of viruses, taking out two Metools and sinking his claws into a Beetank. The Beetank, still not yet deleted, quickly aims its cannon into Dark Boy's chest and blasts him from point blank range. The blast covers both of the combatants, leaving the virus deleted and Dark Boy with a dark blast mark on his chest.

Stealthman blandly walks over to the Beetanks ahead, and starts slashing at them. He miraculously manages to hit all three of them, but then finds himself in the cross-hairs of those three. They all fire in unison, pelting Stealthman with explosions from all sides. The other two open fire, hitting both of the Navis with an explosive round each.

BeetankA: 10HP
BeetankB: 10HP
BeetankC: 10HP
BeetankD: 50HP
BeetankE: 50HP
BeetankF: 10HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Dark Boy.EXE: 70HP
Stealthman.EXE: 50HP
((Is it just me, or were all those Beetanks Metools before? I think my memory is messed))

Stealth, take some more care into fighting this time!

Dark Boy, lay off, hes a new navi.

Dark Boy, you know what this means....Lets use your ultimate power..

Darkness Overload?

Trillian said "No, just Death Vulcan." and also inserted a battlechip.

Dark Boy got out his Dark Gun at the speed of light, and aimed and fired away, One shot at Beetank A and B, and then dashed back because he thought a cannon ball was coming towards him, and then fired a shot at Beetank C and F, and then one at Beetank D and E.

Good Job, Dark Boy! DESTROY THEM!

Now Remember the chip Trillian slotted in? Well that was shotgun and a guard!

Dark Boys arm turned into a gun, and he fired it straight at the BeetankD, applying snipe.

Then, Dark Boy immediatly got under the massive shield, awaiting for the possible bombs to bounce off and roll back to the Beetank(s).

I hope we get a chip from these Beetanks...

Turn Overview:
Death Vulcan: Beetank (A + B + C + D + E + F 10 DMG + SNIPE)
Shotgun: BeetankD (40 DMG + SNIPE)
Guard1: Self (60 DMG)
Stealthman jumped to his feet and got right to action!

Stealth: We can do this!

Sam: Lets hope so, Cannon, SLOT IN!

StealthMans arm turned into a miniature cannon and he ran and fired it straight at BeetankD! Then his arm turned into a shotgun, and he fired that straight at the BeetankE!

Stealth: URF! ATTACK!

StealthMan then started using his stealthy skills and was hiding in the shadows.....

Cannon on BeetankD (40 DMG)
Shotgun on BeetankE (50 DMG)
Attempt to Dodge
((Dark Boy, you can only apply your Cursor Ability (Snipe) to one action per turn. Also, that effect only works with one attack. So, you would only be using Snipe against the BeetankA.))

Dark Boy opens up with his vulcan, picking off the weaker viruses and damaging the others. He misses his cannon round, but Stealthman picks up the slack and deletes the remaining viruses with a cannon/shotgun combination.



Terrain: 100% Normal

Dark Boy.EXE: 70HP Rewards: 300z, 1FXP
Stealthman.EXE: 50HP Rewards: 50z, Guard1, 1FXP

[Jack Out Barrier: Active!]
Dark Boy, this barrier thing is really getting on my nerves. Collect the stuff, and move on. I really am exhausted of kicking butt right now.

Master, I feel the same. But some button or switch is around here somewhere.

Dark Boy picked up the items and ran into the other area, hopefully finding something there.


((Not Requesting Battle, But requesting Switch to get out of here))
Sam: Hes tired...lets try harder to do some efficient work around here.

Stealth: Ok fine. Lets go.

StealthMan ran off after Dark Boy and picked up his items.

((Requests Way to Get Out))
The pair of Navis continue forward, and notice some figures on the horizon. They also notice the temperature seems to be rising as they approach. The take a closer look, and see several viruses, traveling off in one direction. One of the Spikey viruses stops, seemingly smelling something different in the air. It looks around and eyes the two Navis. It emits this odd bark/whooshing sound, catching the attention of the rest of the viruses, and they turn to meet them. One of the OldStove viruses releases some of its excess heat in the form of a huge tongue of flame. The intense light causes something to flicker in the distance. Upon closer inspection, it seems to be a large glass orb, glowing faintly, and supported by a crystalline stalk. It just seems to sit there, shimmering from the light of the flames.

Viruses Identified

SpikeyA: 90HP
SpikeyB: 90HP
SpikeyC: 90HP
ChampuA: 60HP
ChampuB: 60HP
OldStoveA: 50HP
OldStoveB: 50HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Glass Orb: 100HP
Dark Boy.EXE: 70HP
Stealthman.EXE: 50HP

[Jack Out Barrier: Active!]

<(Battle #3: Hot under the collar? Ready, Fight!)>
..Lets destroy the viruses. Stealth can handle the orb.

Battlechip, IN! Trillian said as he slotted in some battlechips. Dark Boy overcame his lazyness, and got out his perfect sized Dark Gun. Hopefully we can get some battle chips!

Dark Boy ran to the glass orb, and ducked down enough that he could see above the orb and fire his gun. Then he shot 3 shots at SpikeyA and B. "Stay near the orb! See if one of those Spikeys will fire at you, and then hit the orb instead!" Trillian told Dark Boy.

Dark Boy's arm turned into a cannon, which he fired straight at the ChampuA, who he thought was coming right at him. As soon as he did this he ducked under his magnificant shield.

Turn Overview:
1) Death Vulcan: Spikey A (30 DMG) + Spikey B (30 DMG)
2) Cannon: ChampuA (40 DMG)
3) Guard1: Self (60 DMG)
Stealth: Lets take out the orb!

Sam: Lets destroy the virii first.

Stealth: Ok.

StealthMan's arm turned into a cannon, and he fired it right down at the orb! After that, he Fired a shotgun at the orb. Then he ran next to Dark Boy and got under his own guard.

Turn Overview:
Cannon on Orb: (40 DMG)
Shotgun on Orb: (50 DMG)
Guard1 on self 60
Dark Boy uses the Orb as cover as he fires several rounds at the incoming viruses. He then picks out a Champu virus and blasts it back with a cannon shot. He then quickly hides himself behind his shield. One of the Spikey viruses quickly fires back at Darkboy, but it hits the Glass Orb first! The fire-charged projectile explodes, bathing Dark Boy in fire, but the attack is quickly reflected back thanks to his Guard Shield! Stealthman then fires a cannon round at the Glass Orb, striking it with a powerful energy round. It still stands, so he decides to hit it with a shotgun. He blasts it with a pocket of energy shot, that shatters the orb and sprays the entire area with energy shot. They need to work on their teamwork, because Dark Boy was standing right next to it! Dark Boy is pelted with relatively harmless pieces of glass and very painful shrapnel from the shotgun spread.

The viruses stand there, confused by the fact that one of their opponents just blasted the other with a shotgun. One of the Champus didn't see the friendly fire incident, and throws a pair of punches into Stealthman's waiting shield. The odd field on the ceiling flickers and fades, the barrier must be down!

SpikeyA: 30HP
SpikeyB: 60HP
SpikeyC: 90HP
ChampuB: 60HP
OldStoveA: 50HP
OldStoveB: 50HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Glass Orb: DELETED
Dark Boy.EXE: 20HP
Stealthman.EXE: 50HP

[Jack Out Barrier: Inactive!]
Dark Boy thought for a sec, and got an idea.

Dark Boy, whats on your mind?

I'm....to we-k. We...go..to ESCAPE! Its the only way! Dark Boy said in a staticy voice as he fell to his knees.

Fine...alright. Trillian said and then pressed the ESCAPE button on his PET screen.


Sam, we are in a little of a dilema here. Dark Boy is hurt..bad. We need to log out. Stay on your toes.

Turn Overview:
1)ESCAPE (10%)
2)ESACPE (10% + 10% = 20%)
3)ESCAPE (20% + 10% = 30%)
[Subchips are out of battle only.]
StealthMan arrogantly ran up to the viruses from the back with out a sound. Then his hand turned into a long jagged claw. He came from the back and.... "Slash Slash Slash!"

StealthMan Quickly jumped backwards and activated guard right around Dark boy and himself.

Turn Overview:

Rageclaw 40 DMG on oldStove A,B
Guards Dark Boy