Orthos jacked in, and began surveying the landscape. He was a little edgy, because there was no way Aries was going to let him take his time. "I don't see anything Aries." Orthos reported.
"That's because you need to get to the control center. Do you see that firewall over there, if there's a hole in it, there are viruses. Also, be careful Orthos, this isn't Netopia, the viruses here aren't nearly as predictable, and there is no civilian policing, we are trespassing right now, so avoid any security or police navi, otherwise we are in trouble." said Aries.
"Yes sir." said Orthos. He had become used to the more lax laws in ACDC net, Sharo didn't allow random people jacking into the core systems. Orthos had to prepare for anything, it either was a powerful virus, or one that had a long time alone with the control system. It was probable that the police were, ironically, stuck in traffic. He walked over to the firewall, and began to scan it for abnormalities, but at the same time he began taking preparatory measures, he had begun to stake out cover an escape routes encase it got ugly.
"Be on your toes, I doubt the virus is much to worry about, but the police are another story." said Aries
Crossing the street
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While the place seems somewhat deserted, suddenly a bamboo hat pops up from the snow ahead. It begins floating around for a bit while twirling slowly, then what appear to be its companions break through much thicker ice. Two walruses, apparently. They clamber up onto the previously abandoned terrain, and notice Orthos. They begin to growl and hiss and sorts of things.
Then they start lumbering/floating forward, promptly on the attack without a single chance at negotiation.
Battle Routine Set:
WeatherA: 80 [On Ice Terrain]
WallaA: 100 [On Sea Terrain]
WallaB: 100 [On Sea Terrain]
Orthos: 100 [On Normal Terrain]
Terrain: 40% Ice (Ahead), 50% Normal, 10% Sea where the Wallas broke through.
Then they start lumbering/floating forward, promptly on the attack without a single chance at negotiation.
Battle Routine Set:
WeatherA: 80 [On Ice Terrain]
WallaA: 100 [On Sea Terrain]
WallaB: 100 [On Sea Terrain]
Orthos: 100 [On Normal Terrain]
Terrain: 40% Ice (Ahead), 50% Normal, 10% Sea where the Wallas broke through.
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((Honestly Harbin, I could hug you))
Orthos had seconds to assess, the situation, under no circumstances could he move forward yet, there would be no way to stop until he would not be able to stop until he hit the opponent, by that point there would be nothing else he could do except fight like hell, also, he realized that 2 of the 3 opponents were slow moving, and the last was to weak to fight alone, and would probably use the two Walla as cover before the point of attack.
For this reason Orthos dodged backward, to remain out of range and remained on the normal ground while hopefully staying out of range of the viruses. At this point he began to charge his buster, it was going to be a dangerous gamble, but then again, in order to win, some gambles must be taken.
The main problem was the police, Orthos either had to delete these viruses quickly enough to escape or efficiently enough to be able to fight the police.
1) Dodge
2) Charge Buster
3) Charge Buster
Orthos had seconds to assess, the situation, under no circumstances could he move forward yet, there would be no way to stop until he would not be able to stop until he hit the opponent, by that point there would be nothing else he could do except fight like hell, also, he realized that 2 of the 3 opponents were slow moving, and the last was to weak to fight alone, and would probably use the two Walla as cover before the point of attack.
For this reason Orthos dodged backward, to remain out of range and remained on the normal ground while hopefully staying out of range of the viruses. At this point he began to charge his buster, it was going to be a dangerous gamble, but then again, in order to win, some gambles must be taken.
The main problem was the police, Orthos either had to delete these viruses quickly enough to escape or efficiently enough to be able to fight the police.
1) Dodge
2) Charge Buster
3) Charge Buster
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((You have 3 actions, and really no firewall to hide behind, unless we dictate it's an object. I suggest you finish your turn or do a "turn split" like thing :/ ))
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Orthos charged his buster. As he finished, a Walla shot forth a pair of fangs. Luckily Orthos was paying attention and he moved to the side, out of the way.
WeatherA: 80 [On Ice Terrain]
WallaA: 100 [On Sea Terrain]
WallaB: 100 [On Sea Terrain]
Orthos: 100 [On Normal Terrain]
Terrain: 40% Ice (Ahead), 50% Normal, 10% Sea where the Wallas broke through.
WeatherA: 80 [On Ice Terrain]
WallaA: 100 [On Sea Terrain]
WallaB: 100 [On Sea Terrain]
Orthos: 100 [On Normal Terrain]
Terrain: 40% Ice (Ahead), 50% Normal, 10% Sea where the Wallas broke through.
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The moment after he dodged to the side Orthos began to make his move, he unleashed his charged buster at the Weather. He knew that the Weather was both the weakest, and and the most dangerous depending on which attack it used. He swung his saber, sending a blade shaped shockwave at the Weather.
He had to move fast, he made a mad dash in, hoping his speed would offset the accuracy of any attacks against him. When he made it to the ice he jumped, right before touching it he leapt into to the air, aiming at the Weather he had just attacked earlier.
"Shotgun, in." said Aries.
Orthos was right next to the Weather when the shotgun downloaded. He shot it point blank, hopefully damaging the Walla as well. Orthos hit the ice hard, and he kept moving with similar momentum. When ice is dry, it is moderately slippery, but when wet, like at this moment now, it is practically frictionless.
Orthos was happy to be moving away from the two Walla viruses at such high speeds, but he was also nearly paralyzed with indecision, should he try and take one of them out at long range? He had a cannon chip, but then all he would have was the Rageclaw if anything else went wrong. Or, should he use the Rageclaw? With 15 uses it was possible to defeat them both, it was probably the safest option, if you didn't count the fact that it would require Orthos to fight toe-to toe with monsters as strong as himself.
1) Charged Buster Shot (2*2*8=32 dmg)
2) Movement/ Dodge (?)
3) Shotgun battle chip (50 dmg)
Battlechips left: Rageclaw and Cannon
He had to move fast, he made a mad dash in, hoping his speed would offset the accuracy of any attacks against him. When he made it to the ice he jumped, right before touching it he leapt into to the air, aiming at the Weather he had just attacked earlier.
"Shotgun, in." said Aries.
Orthos was right next to the Weather when the shotgun downloaded. He shot it point blank, hopefully damaging the Walla as well. Orthos hit the ice hard, and he kept moving with similar momentum. When ice is dry, it is moderately slippery, but when wet, like at this moment now, it is practically frictionless.
Orthos was happy to be moving away from the two Walla viruses at such high speeds, but he was also nearly paralyzed with indecision, should he try and take one of them out at long range? He had a cannon chip, but then all he would have was the Rageclaw if anything else went wrong. Or, should he use the Rageclaw? With 15 uses it was possible to defeat them both, it was probably the safest option, if you didn't count the fact that it would require Orthos to fight toe-to toe with monsters as strong as himself.
1) Charged Buster Shot (2*2*8=32 dmg)
2) Movement/ Dodge (?)
3) Shotgun battle chip (50 dmg)
Battlechips left: Rageclaw and Cannon
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(I know, I ran out of time on the hotel internet cards, so I couldn't finish
thank you though, and fixed)

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((Don't forget to include damages and targets in your summery. Also, by jumping onto the ice and sliding on it, wouldn't you be heading TOWARDS the enemies, not away? A bit confused.))
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(I do, until I pass them, similar to how you can only walk into a forest halfway, and after that you are walking out, fixed the damage thing)
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((Ah, okay.))
Orthos hits the Weather with his charged attack and then rushes out accross the ice. THe weather sends a cloud at him but it passes right over the navi's head as he slides. Orthos manages to get enough of a lock on the Weather to take it out with his shotgun as he travels. He finally stops a few feet in front of the Walla, who just kind of look at him. At least that's all they're doing at the moment.
WeatherA: DELETED!
WallaA: 100 [On Sea Terrain]
WallaB: 100 [On Sea Terrain]
Orthos: 100 [On Ice]
Terrain: 40% Ice, 50% Normal (behind), 10% Sea where the Wallas broke through
Orthos hits the Weather with his charged attack and then rushes out accross the ice. THe weather sends a cloud at him but it passes right over the navi's head as he slides. Orthos manages to get enough of a lock on the Weather to take it out with his shotgun as he travels. He finally stops a few feet in front of the Walla, who just kind of look at him. At least that's all they're doing at the moment.
WeatherA: DELETED!
WallaA: 100 [On Sea Terrain]
WallaB: 100 [On Sea Terrain]
Orthos: 100 [On Ice]
Terrain: 40% Ice, 50% Normal (behind), 10% Sea where the Wallas broke through
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Orthos stopped moving right in front of one of tyhe Walla, they were just staring at each other. Orthos was a bit afraid to attack first, wondering how long the tuce would hold, or if they would attack him, after all he was a Heel Navi. But he quickly remebered that it was the Walla that attacked him first.
"Rageclaw: Download." said Aries, mostly to snap Orthos out of a trance and make him remeber that they were fighting at the moment. Orthos quicklysnapped out of it, he scaned the two Wallavand realized that it was possible to hit them both, if he aimed just right.
Orthos had to quickly move into position, it was hard to start up momentum on ice, so Orthos had to be a little creative, he kicked off the Walla, and did a windmill kick in midair to shift his postion to bebeside the Walla, instead of infront of it, and now the walla were perfectly lined up, he lashed out at the first one with a Rageclaw, hoping to send it careening into the second, with the Claw's tendancy to send things flying.
Orthos only had a moment to strike at the walla, because the momentum he had built up was caring him away on the ice. He stopped just a short distance away however, but that was when Orthos realized his mistake, he was now stuck in a perfect line of fire from the Walla, he couldn't move at all, he could only pray that the Walla were too stunned to act.
Rageclaw: 14 swings left
1) Scan Enemies (take aim)
2) Midair windmill (Dodge)
3) Rageclaw (45 dmg to Walla A, 25 dmg to Walla B)
Battlechips left:
1x Cannon
"Rageclaw: Download." said Aries, mostly to snap Orthos out of a trance and make him remeber that they were fighting at the moment. Orthos quicklysnapped out of it, he scaned the two Wallavand realized that it was possible to hit them both, if he aimed just right.
Orthos had to quickly move into position, it was hard to start up momentum on ice, so Orthos had to be a little creative, he kicked off the Walla, and did a windmill kick in midair to shift his postion to bebeside the Walla, instead of infront of it, and now the walla were perfectly lined up, he lashed out at the first one with a Rageclaw, hoping to send it careening into the second, with the Claw's tendancy to send things flying.
Orthos only had a moment to strike at the walla, because the momentum he had built up was caring him away on the ice. He stopped just a short distance away however, but that was when Orthos realized his mistake, he was now stuck in a perfect line of fire from the Walla, he couldn't move at all, he could only pray that the Walla were too stunned to act.
Rageclaw: 14 swings left
1) Scan Enemies (take aim)
2) Midair windmill (Dodge)
3) Rageclaw (45 dmg to Walla A, 25 dmg to Walla B)
Battlechips left:
1x Cannon
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((Actually, Rageclaw does either 40 damage to one opponent or 20 to two.))
Orthos jumps around a lot, which makes him too hard for the wallas to hit. He finally stops on one side of the virus pair and smacks one. The force of it causes the Walla to tip over and bump the other, which causes both a bit of pain. Orthos then moves away and the two enemies prepare to attack.
WeatherA: DELETED!
WallaA: 80 [On Sea Terrain]
WallaB: 80 [On Sea Terrain]
Orthos: 100 [On Ice]
Terrain: 40% Ice, 50% Normal (behind), 10% Sea where the Wallas broke through
Orthos jumps around a lot, which makes him too hard for the wallas to hit. He finally stops on one side of the virus pair and smacks one. The force of it causes the Walla to tip over and bump the other, which causes both a bit of pain. Orthos then moves away and the two enemies prepare to attack.
WeatherA: DELETED!
WallaA: 80 [On Sea Terrain]
WallaB: 80 [On Sea Terrain]
Orthos: 100 [On Ice]
Terrain: 40% Ice, 50% Normal (behind), 10% Sea where the Wallas broke through
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((Oh, sorry. Also I ment Walla B not Walla B), I wasn't paying close attention.. ))
Orthos saw his chance, the Walla weren't able to attack him at the moment, otherwise they would have done so. Orthos charges forward, although it is hard to build momentum on the ice, once you get going there is no stoping you. Orthos was well aware of this fact by this time.
He used the momentuem he got when he charged forward in an atempt to stab into the closest Walla. Then he spun, using that same speed to try an deliver a second slash to the same Walla. To Orthos this was the do or die moment, it would be perfect if he could finish the fight with out being hit, he still had a cannon and most of the Rageclaw left to use.
Orthos realized that jumping and arial manuvering might be the best way to defeat his oppoent, he was going to try the same windmill kick that he used earlier, only this time he was going to go above the Walla and land on the other side. He took off the ground, and did the same spinning windmill kick over the head of the second Walla, landing behind him. From what he had seen Walla were slow, so Orthos hoped the Walla would be unable to turn fast enough to give the Walla an accurate shot at Orthos.
Rageclaw: 12 swings left
1) (Rageclaw) Stab Walla A (40 dmg to Walla A)
2) (Rageclaw) Swing Walla A (40 dmg to Walla A)
3) Jump over Walla(s) (Dodge)
Chips Left:
1x Cannon
Orthos saw his chance, the Walla weren't able to attack him at the moment, otherwise they would have done so. Orthos charges forward, although it is hard to build momentum on the ice, once you get going there is no stoping you. Orthos was well aware of this fact by this time.
He used the momentuem he got when he charged forward in an atempt to stab into the closest Walla. Then he spun, using that same speed to try an deliver a second slash to the same Walla. To Orthos this was the do or die moment, it would be perfect if he could finish the fight with out being hit, he still had a cannon and most of the Rageclaw left to use.
Orthos realized that jumping and arial manuvering might be the best way to defeat his oppoent, he was going to try the same windmill kick that he used earlier, only this time he was going to go above the Walla and land on the other side. He took off the ground, and did the same spinning windmill kick over the head of the second Walla, landing behind him. From what he had seen Walla were slow, so Orthos hoped the Walla would be unable to turn fast enough to give the Walla an accurate shot at Orthos.
Rageclaw: 12 swings left
1) (Rageclaw) Stab Walla A (40 dmg to Walla A)
2) (Rageclaw) Swing Walla A (40 dmg to Walla A)
3) Jump over Walla(s) (Dodge)
Chips Left:
1x Cannon
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Orthos mamanaged to claw right through the large walrus virus, twice. This was enough to delete the thing.
He made some sort of crazy jump over the second Walla, which landed him on the other side of it. Unfortunately, near these Wallas, the ice was wet, and he hadn't landed with nearly enough traction.
His landing didn't stick, and he ended up slamming into the ice with his back. The falling was enough to knock the wind out of him, stunning him for a single action.
It also left him in a rather precarious position. He seemed to be lying on his back next to his enemy. If this wasn't a prone position, I'm not sure what is.
It'd probably take another action if he wanted to stand up, or he could go ahead and continue fighting while lying on the wet ice. The Walla was within arm's reach.
Battle Summary
Poor Navi:
Orthos.EXE: 100 [Lying on ground, immediately next to WallaB, -1 Action this turn]
WeatherA: -Deleted-
WallaA: -Deleted-
WallaB: 80 HP
40% Ice [All around where you are now]
50% Normal [Back where you cam from]
10% Sea [Where the Wallas Broke out]
He made some sort of crazy jump over the second Walla, which landed him on the other side of it. Unfortunately, near these Wallas, the ice was wet, and he hadn't landed with nearly enough traction.
His landing didn't stick, and he ended up slamming into the ice with his back. The falling was enough to knock the wind out of him, stunning him for a single action.
It also left him in a rather precarious position. He seemed to be lying on his back next to his enemy. If this wasn't a prone position, I'm not sure what is.
It'd probably take another action if he wanted to stand up, or he could go ahead and continue fighting while lying on the wet ice. The Walla was within arm's reach.
Battle Summary
Poor Navi:
Orthos.EXE: 100 [Lying on ground, immediately next to WallaB, -1 Action this turn]
WeatherA: -Deleted-
WallaA: -Deleted-
WallaB: 80 HP
40% Ice [All around where you are now]
50% Normal [Back where you cam from]
10% Sea [Where the Wallas Broke out]
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Orthos hit the ground, lying on his back, this was an extremely bad position from which to fight. This made Orthos extremely nervous, which in turn, activated 451T8-M1R38. Orthos instantly lost rationality an compassion, all that was left was an extreme aggressive nature with the instincts of a wild animal.
451T8-M1R38 was not one to dodge when he could delete, his instincts told him the Walla would not turn fast enough. Without standing up he lashed out at the Walla, Then he chrushed himself close to the Walla, bringing himself close enough to stab instantly.
He used the rageclaw to try and stab into the poor beast as hard as he could. The moment that was done he leapt up onto his feet (if it's still alive, he's standing right infront of it). The 451T8-M1R38 did something incredibly stupid, he unleashed a Primal scream into the sky, he couldn't help it, it was what he did. But it was like a beacon saying "HERE I AM!" to any curious viruses, or worse, Net police.
"ORTHOS!" Aries yelled, "Get a hold of yourself, now!"
This snapped Orthos out of his rage for a moment. "What's up?"
"Finish up whatever you are doing, then get out! Get far enough away so that the net police won't trace you when you leave."
Rageclaw: 10 swings left
1) Rageclaw slash at Walla B
2) Rageclaw Stab at Walla B
3) Stand
Chips left:
1x Cannon
451T8-M1R38 was not one to dodge when he could delete, his instincts told him the Walla would not turn fast enough. Without standing up he lashed out at the Walla, Then he chrushed himself close to the Walla, bringing himself close enough to stab instantly.
He used the rageclaw to try and stab into the poor beast as hard as he could. The moment that was done he leapt up onto his feet (if it's still alive, he's standing right infront of it). The 451T8-M1R38 did something incredibly stupid, he unleashed a Primal scream into the sky, he couldn't help it, it was what he did. But it was like a beacon saying "HERE I AM!" to any curious viruses, or worse, Net police.
"ORTHOS!" Aries yelled, "Get a hold of yourself, now!"
This snapped Orthos out of his rage for a moment. "What's up?"
"Finish up whatever you are doing, then get out! Get far enough away so that the net police won't trace you when you leave."
Rageclaw: 10 swings left
1) Rageclaw slash at Walla B
2) Rageclaw Stab at Walla B
3) Stand
Chips left:
1x Cannon
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After Orthos goes crazy, for some strange reason, he manages to get back up and take down the last Walla before it can turn it fat buttox around and do anything. With the battle done, he now has a chance to run like hell, though he might want to grab his rewards first.
Battle Summary
Poor Navi:
Orthos.EXE: 100
WeatherA: -Deleted-
WallaA: -Deleted-
40% Ice [All around where you are now]
50% Normal [Back where you cam from]
10% Sea [Where the Wallas Broke out]
Rewards: 450z
Battle Summary
Poor Navi:
Orthos.EXE: 100
WeatherA: -Deleted-
WallaA: -Deleted-
40% Ice [All around where you are now]
50% Normal [Back where you cam from]
10% Sea [Where the Wallas Broke out]
Rewards: 450z
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The moment Orthos regained control he grabbed the reward data and ran like hell, he kept the Rageclaw active incase any viruses show up unexpectedly. He dashed as far as he could on the ice, leaping right over the area where the Walla broke out. He skated along the ice as fast as as he could.
He could hear the police, he couldn't tell which way the sound was coming from though, he dashed along the ice, until he met the next round of viruses. Orthos didn't want to push his luck, he couldn't spend to long. The police didn't smile on vigliantism, especially from a sellsword.
[Round 2 begins....]
He could hear the police, he couldn't tell which way the sound was coming from though, he dashed along the ice, until he met the next round of viruses. Orthos didn't want to push his luck, he couldn't spend to long. The police didn't smile on vigliantism, especially from a sellsword.
[Round 2 begins....]