Kenshin, back again to bust some viruses

XIII sheathed Tsukiakari Ten'un in its sheath at his side and sighed. "Remi, this is a little too easy don't you think?" There was silence on the line for a second. "Well, I guess so. I'm still kinda worried about you, so I wanted to take it slow...." Kasumi responded.

"Look, I'm fine, in fact, I've really never felt better. I feel like we've both gotten stronger, so picking off the weak viruses is like swatting flies with a katana." XIII said, trying to talk some more sense into her. "I'm going to head towards the net square. The viruses get tougher as I get closer, so I might get more of a work out that way."
"Are you sure--" Kasumi started up. It wasn't like her to be this calm and concerned, being as she usually had a "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" kind of attitude.

"Yes I'm sure Remi. Dad restored me fine, and I'm better than ever... although he was kind of hesitant when I asked him why I felt that way. But anyway, we both need to get stronger so it doesn't happen again." XIII began walking towards the entrance to net square, walking slowly so as to make himself a good target for any other viruses. He atleast wanted one more fight before he entered the protected area.

Metool: 40 HP
Canodumb: 50 HP
Bunny: 50 HP
Shrubby: 50 HP <Behind the Canodumb>

XIII: 100 HP

"Ahh, now this is the kinda challenge we both need, Remi," XIII said, noticing the newcomers. Already though, both Kasumi's and XIII's minds were calculating the strategy as if they were of only one mind.

"XIII, Target the canodumb first. It may be slow, but it's got a fast moving projectile attack, which means as weak as it is, you still have a basic disadvantage with your main weapon being a sword." Kasumi's voice came through the comlink. "Rage Claw, Slot in!"

She didn't need to say it though, XIII had already read her mind. Quick in, quick out, no time for the enemy to react before he was there and gone again. XIII reached the cannon as swiftly as possible, his right arm already thrusting the massive bear claw into a slash at the stationary opponent. He delivered two blows with, spun around to the bunny and delivered a third slash to it before flipping backawrds and dashing back to a relatively safe distance.

Rage claw (40) (14 uses left) To Canodumb
Rage claw (40) (13 uses left) To Canodumb
Rage claw (40) (12 uses left) To Bunny
(As a note, because you're sword type, once a turn when you perform two melee attacks, you get a dodge that doesn't take up an action.)

Slash slash! Dodge!
Moar slash!

Metool: 40 HP
Canodumb: DELETED
Bunny: 10 HP
Shrubby: 50 HP <Behind the Canodumb>

XIII: 100 HP
((Thank you kindly. I'll do to remember that one.))

"once again XIII. Take out the bunny, it attacks are electrical based, so it could paralyze you if it gets a shot in." Kasumi responded through the com link, and XIII nodded, thinking the same thing. He dashed in again, delivering one slash with the rage claw, and then turned to the mettool, delivering a second slash. He leaped at the Shrubby and delivered a final blow with the rage claw, then flipped backwards again, out of close attack range.

Rage claw (40) Bunny
Rage claw (40) Mettol
Rage claw (40) Shrubby
(Alright, that's it, but please state you're using it when you do.
Otherwise, it looks like you have one too many actions.)

Shrubby is left.
And trembling.

Canodumb: DELETED
Shrubby: 10 HP

XIII: 100 HP

(Also, cool thing about rageclaw is that for one action, it can either do 40 to one, or throw one enemy at another for 20 to each.
Spiffy, no?)
((Hai, "Spiffy" desu ne. And sorry, I'm still getting back into the swing of things here from my long absence .))

Kasumi folded her arms triumphantly as she looked at the screen. "Alright, the last one and he's against the ropes. Think we should let this one go?" She asked, sarcastically.

"Yeah right, Re---aah!" XIII was beginning to respond when suddenly he clutched his head, like a surge of pain ran through it. He immediately burst forth at the Shrubby, a terrifying look on his face as his eyes had gone white. As they passed he slashed with his sword, hit the ground behind, and shoved himself backwards, delivering another slash. He was charging back and forth like a mad man with but with the precision of a surgeon.

"XIII! Are you ok?" Kasumi yelled, and suddenly his eyes went back into focus, and he lost his footing and fell, just barely catching himself with his hands.

"Huh? Yeah... why?" XIII asked, kind of puzzled how he ended up on the floor suddenly. Remi sounded a little worried. "XIII, you stopped responding to me, and you kept wailing on that Shrubby."
"Sorry, guess the heat of the battle got to me or something, hehe." XIII's laugh was a little weak, causing alot of doubt, but Kasumi realized he probably didn't remember. Still, ti was something of concern to ask her father about when he got home.

Slash (8)
Slash (8)
Slash (8)

((I know I went a little over board, but I was doing it for character development.))
((Well, not at least it's not GODMODING INTO RAGE MODE. That would be overboard.))

Canodumb: DELETED
Shrubby: DELETED

XIII: 100 HP

Get: Zapring1, 150z
((Thanks. In this case its more story related, in that he tends to black out like that, changing his persona and how he acts. Nothing to do with any in game system.))

XIII stood up and shook off the odd feeling he had. "Well I'm going into the net square. I wonder if Anyone we know will be there?"

He walked into the door to the net square, feeling much more at home now.

((Thread end))