Acquaintance with apathy

Shinokami takes two of the pairs down, and swiftly dodges an attack thrown at him.

CanodumbA: DELETED
CanodumbB: DELETED
ShrubbyC: 50 HP
CanodumbC: 50 HP
ShrubbyD: 50 HP
CanodumbD: 50 HP

Shinokami: 80 HP

The Shrubbies are behind the Canodumbs!
Kamoku pushed in the RageClaw chip. Despite her inexperience, even she knew their options were becoming more and more limited. However, the RageClaw seemed to open up quite a few possibilities.

Shinokami ran forward, attempting to hit, then throw one of the Cannondumbs into the other Cannondumb, following it up with another slash. That was the plan, at least. It could go anywhere.

"Your allies have been defeated. Are you not afraid? Or are you not programmed to feel fear? Ah, 'tis a shame that that is the case, or your cries would be a perfect lullaby."

((1 - RageClaw (40) @ CannondumbC))
((2 - RageClaw Throw (20) @ CannondumbC and D))
((3 - RageClaw (40) : CannondumbD [Swordplay Dodge]))
Shinokami takes down both canodumbs, and the remaining Shrubbies attempt to get behind one another to stay away from the attacks! The result? A rather comical spinning circle of shrubbery.

CanodumbA: DELETED
CanodumbB: DELETED
ShrubbyC: 50 HP
CanodumbC: DELETED
ShrubbyD: 50 HP
CanodumbD: DELETED

Shinokami: 80 HP

The Shrubbies are spinning!
"Kamoku, it is time for you to learn about the SIN Locks."


A small icon appeared on Kamoku's PeT, which she tapped, and seven options appeared on the screen, every one of them covered in chains, yet each could be read. Kamoku took them in, then read each one to herself.

"Luxuria ... Gula ... Avaritia ... Acedia ... Ira ... Invidia ... Superbia"

"Please select Ira, Kamoku."

Kamoku was taken aback by Shinokami's request, but tapped the bar regardless. The moment she did, a single tone rang out. A in C major.

Shinokami doubled over almost instantly, his body growing larger and more feral as he let out a gutteral cry, somewhere between a growl and a howl. Kafziel had disintegrated into white feathers, then into nothing. Shinokami's eyes began to glow a violent red, and black flames encircled his body.

"Kisama ... koroshite YARU!"

Not even Kamoku was ready for what happened next. Shinokami ran forward, attempting to impale the Shrubby on his hand, grinning like a madman and staring hungrily at everything around him. He glanced over at the other Shrubby, his crimson eyes, hair and black aura making only adding to the intimidation.


With his left hand, Shinokami attempted to grab the Shrubby, pummeling it twice with his right, before tossing it aside like a ragdoll. All the while, Kamoku stared in horror at the events as they unfolded. She didn't know what had happened, but the Shinokami she first met had vanished, replaced with a psychopathic murderer.

((1 - Musou Tenshou Yoku no Jin (70) @ ShrubbyC))
((2 - Attack (8) @ ShrubbyD))
((3 - Attack (8) @ ShrubbyD. Yes, no Swordplay dodge. He's too crazed right now to dodge))
Too crazed to dodge? Maybe, but it doesn't matter! After its ally gets taken out, all the Shrubby can do is sit there, shivering in terror!

CanodumbA: DELETED
CanodumbB: DELETED
CanodumbC: DELETED
ShrubbyD: 34 HP
CanodumbD: DELETED

Shinokami: 80 HP
"Nikume..." growled Shinokami, slowly stepping forward towards the Shrubby. "Nikume, nikume, nikume!"

Shinokami grabbed the virus again, this time attempting to punch the virus as hard as he could with one movement, as if charging up.

Kamoku still watched, whispering "yamete..." under her breath, trembling slightly.

((Charge attack (32) @ Shrubby))
The Shrubby is punched! But, the action causes it to throw up a Ringlog, which just misses Shinokami.

CanodumbA: DELETED
CanodumbB: DELETED
CanodumbC: DELETED
ShrubbyD: 2 HP
CanodumbD: DELETED

Shinokami: 80 HP
Shinokami jumps over the log, running towards the virus, still screaming his war-cry of "Nikume! Nikume!", not even stopping as he neared the virus, instead, attempting to bulldoze his way through it. Then following up with a back-hand attack.

((1 - Dash (1) through Shrubby))
((2 - Attack (8) @ Shrubby))
((3 - EMPTY))

Shinokami, in a not-so-strange display of cruelty, lowers the virus to 1 HP before deleting it.

CanodumbA: DELETED
CanodumbB: DELETED
CanodumbC: DELETED
CanodumbD: DELETED

Shinokami: 80 HP

Prize: 300z
"Yamete!" Kamoku shouted, surprising even herself. "Yamete, Shinokami!"

Shinokami looked up towards the screen with Kamoku's head inside in disgust.

"Shinokami ..."



"Urusai, subeta."

Kamoku stared back at the glowing red eyes that seemed to pierce her skin and chill her heart. Not only was he disobeying orders, but calling her a bitch as well? This wasn't Shinokami.

Kamoku panicked, tapping the icon on her screen and bringing up the SIN Locks. Shinokami hadn't told her how to work them properly, and Ira wasn't going to help. She needed help, but she couldn't get any. Again, she was alone. In frustration, she hit the PeT's screen. And then it happened. Shinokami howled out again and morphed once more, returning to his original form. Kamoku had hit the 'Ira' selection by accident, but solved the problem. Shinokami stood up, brushing himself off and picking up Kafziel which had fallen nearby.

"Kamoku, is everything all right?"

"Shinokami ... you..."

"I am all right. Anything said while I was Ira is of no importance, as my programming was overwritten with pure wrath, clouding any of my own thoughts."

"Why ... why would you have such a thing?"

Shinokami shook his head.

"I do not know, as I was created with these abilities. I shall return to your Personal Terminal for your use. I am under your command, now."

With that, Shinokami flapped his wings and headed skywards, returning to the PeT...