Checking out the Network

Virus Attack!

MetoolA: 40
MetoolB: 40
BunnyA: 50
BunnyB: 50
BunnyC: 50
SeedbatA: 50

Basilisk: 80

Battle 3 Start!
"...ooooh no." Basilisk stopped in her tracks.

"Eh? What, did you get yourself into a virus battle?" Abandoning the box she had been emptying, she took a seat back in front of the PET.

"Yeeeeah. And I'm not liking what I see." She was an Aqua type; her eyes were trained on those Bunnies among the other viruses.

Sarah looked at the screen, somewhat annoyed. "Are you just going to stand there slurring, or are you going to report the situation?" She looked at the five chips she had again, wondering which to use and which not to.

"Er... two Metool, a bat sort of thing, and..."

"Bunnies. Three of them." She was on her toes, ready to dodge at any given moment.

Sarah shrugged, grabbing a chip. " Yeah. Elec, you're Aqua, so what? Being a deer in headlights isn't going to do anything... I'm sending over a Shotgun. See if you can line up two of the Bunnies before you use it." She slotted in the chip.

"...right!" Still looking a bit nervous, she began to focus, wings glowing as a burst of wind shot towards one of the Bunnies in an attempt to throw it behind another one. As the Shotgun data was received, she aimed at the closer of the rabbits and fired.

"Executing Wavedash!" With a slight cry of annoyance by her operator, Basilisk shot forward towards the third of the Bunnies, pausing a moment as she released her payload, and speeding off again to avoid any lethal shocks. "How was that?"

Battle Summary:
*Gust: Move BunnyB behind BunnyA
1. Shotgun BunnyA, possible splash [50]
2. Wavedash on BunnyC [70]
3. Prepare for Dodge
The bunny freezes up as its moved by the wind. This gives the navi a chance to blast both before its able to move around some more. The last one is taken out by the powerful special technique, not sold in stores. A met attacks, but the shockwave misses.

MetoolA: 40
MetoolB: 40
SeedbatA: 50

Basilisk: 80
"There, see? You got them beat already, and you were so freaked out before..."

Basilisk frowned a bit. "Oh, go shove it and send me some Cannons, will ya?" She looked past the dissapearing data of the Bunnies at the Metools, including the one that had attempted to attack her. She held up a hand, and waited.

"Coming, coming..." Sarah muttered something about being glad to be off the net and slotted in the two chips. The Navi smiled a bit as the gun adjusted for the chip, and she brought her hand to aim at the first of the two. Off went a shot, and she whipped it over and fired again at the second Metool. "Okay, do you have anything for the bat thing?"

"Maybe..." Sarah picked up a chip and smirked to herself. "Okay, here it comes.

Basilisk waited... and faltered a bit as a large yellow shield formed on her arm. "What is THIS?"

Sarah smiled a bit, leaning on the chair a bit. "It's a Guard chip! Use it to block an attack.

"Oh geez... you do this just to annoy me, don't you?" She sighed, holding up the shield towards the Seedbat.

Battle Summary
1. Cannon MetoolA [40]
2. Cannon MetoolB [40]
3. Guard1 on Self [Reflect up to 60]
Bam! Bam! Both mets are blasted by the set of cannons, leaving Basilisk alone with the fluttering foe. It fires off its wings to attack, but they are reflected back by the shield.

SeedbatA: 30

Basilisk: 80
The shield disappeared, and Basilisk lifted her left arm, which shifted into a buster yet again. She pointed the weapon at the bat. Three shots went off, aimed for the lone Seedbat. "That should be it, then!"

"Right... let me go grab that charger cable now." Sarah left the PET again as the Navi waited for resolution.

Battle Summary:
1. Buster on SeedbatA [10]
2. Buster on SeedbatA [10]
3. Buster on SeedbatA [10]
*Gust: Prepare for dodge.
((Normal buster shots should be doing 8 for you.))

Two of the shots hit, but the bat flies out of the way of the third. It then fires its wings and Basilisk reacts too slow to dodge this time.

SeedbatA: 14

Basilisk: 60
[Gar. Mixed up my forum damages. Sorry!]


"Gyah! I thought I deleted it!" Basilisk pulled herself back to her feet, shooting a glare at the bat. "Must have misread something... Sarah, could you send me that last chip?"

There was no response. After all, the operator had herself immersed in boxes, looking for a charger as well as unpacking in a rather messy fashion.

The Navi growled, and turned to the bat. "Fine then, I'll have to do it without my op!" She pointed her buster at the bat again, this time holding her fire as the buster took on a pale glow. "Come on... charge faster!"

The buster finally seemed to come to it's limit, as it released what looked like a comet of blue energy towards the lone bat. "Come on... let's see if this hits..."

1. Charging...
2. Charging...
3. Charge shot on SeedbatA [32]
Basilisk's charge shot manages to take out the final virus.

SeedbatA: DELETED!

Basilisk: 60

Prize: 300z
"And there we go! Now to out next stop..." This time she didn't take her time, dashing for the link to the Netsquare. "This looks like it's it..."


Sarah picked up the PET, the screen now lit due to the extra power of the charger cable. "Okay then, you're plugged in and should be ready to go... and what happened to your HP?""

Basilisk muttered, crossing her arms. "I er... misjudged the Seedbat's health, and it caught me in the back while I was looking away."

"Erk, I may have to check that... hope it's not a glitch or anything." Sarah set the PET back down.

The Navi shrugged. "Well, I'm going through. Basilisk nodded, looked as if she was bracing herself, and stepped through the link, disappearing in a flash of light and color.

[And off to the Netsquare we go!]