".....I don't think I should do anything...."
"....Yeah..." The duo looked at Arbalest, the raging Navi had already gone rampaging to the lone mettaur. Kai somehow felt a bit sorry for the Mettaur, yet it's the mettaur's fault for attacking Arbalest, so he should pay. Meanwhile,Slade just stood there, dumbfounded as he see the usually calm friend gone berserk to a mettaur. Therefore, he decided to stay aside and just watching the show.
"....creepy..." Slade muttered a word, amazed and frightened at Arbalest's action.
1-3. Watch the rampaging Arbalest
Digital Strider
18 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
It is, like, TOTALLY dead, man!
Arbalest.EXE: 130 HP
Slade.EXE: 135 HP
Rewards: 400z each
Arbalest.EXE: 130 HP
Slade.EXE: 135 HP
Rewards: 400z each
18 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
" huh, serves you right.... " said Arbalest....then he detached the claw at his left hand....he looked around and saw Slade stand still.... " what's wrong??? " he asked, and collected the remaining data on the floor as well....
18 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
"......nothing..." Slade smiled a bit, bet retained his shocked face. Snapping out of it, the Navi then moved to the other data left by the deleted virii, transferring it to the Zenny Storage. As the process completed, he then turned towards Arbalest.
"...let's go. I think the numbers of virii are decreasing with the deletion of this group." Slade then pointed to a random NetPath, suggesting that they should start scanning there.
"...let's go. I think the numbers of virii are decreasing with the deletion of this group." Slade then pointed to a random NetPath, suggesting that they should start scanning there.
18 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
The pair finds a new set if viruses!
SpookyA 50HP
SpookyB 50HP
CannondumbA 50HP
ShrubbyA 50HP
CannondumbB 50HP
ShrubbyB 50HP
CannondumbC 50HP
ShrubbyC 50HP
BunnyA 50HP
BunnyB 50HP
BunnyC 50HP
Arbalest.EXE 130 HP
Slade.EXE 135 HP
SpookyA 50HP
SpookyB 50HP
CannondumbA 50HP
ShrubbyA 50HP
CannondumbB 50HP
ShrubbyB 50HP
CannondumbC 50HP
ShrubbyC 50HP
BunnyA 50HP
BunnyB 50HP
BunnyC 50HP
Arbalest.EXE 130 HP
Slade.EXE 135 HP
18 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
((battle 2))
" hey Slade, over there....let's go! be careful anyway, I sense many of them.... " said Arbalest to Slade while pointing to the dark area....once they reached there, they found a horde of viruses, attempt to wreck that area....the cannodumbs shooting pointlessly, the bunnies firing their electric ring everywhere....the viruses spotted that something is coming toward their way so they stopped destroying the place and prepared themselves against any encounter....the cannodumbs were being guarded by shrubbies, one to each and the spookies and bunnies act as the front line....it's amazing how they can co-operate even though they're different....
" heh! look at that, they're welcoming us....what should we give them??? " questioned Arbalest....
" your 'appreciation' I guess.... " replied Arch, his right hand slowly moving....picking up two shotgun chips and slot-in both....Arbalest feels that his buster is loaded with something, " did you insert something inside here!? " asked Arbalest while showing his buster.... " a cannon....damn it, i'm out cigar.... " answered Arch....
" your smoking activity has nothing to do with me.... " sighed Arbalest, then he looked around and saw Slade is nowhere near him....it seems that Slade has already make his movement.... " heh, you're leaving me far behind.... "
Arbalest also begin to attack the viruses....he fires a cannon shot to a bunny from aside, maybe he's tired of the old way so he try to developed a new style....Arbalest didn't move a slight inch, he only rotate a little bit and again he shots another bunny using cannons....both shots went out from his buster like a rocket....there's another cannon inside his buster but he choose not to attack but to dodge their attacks....
[ cannon(40+10) >>> bunnyA ]
[ cannon(40+10) >>> bunnyB ]
[ dodge! ]
" hey Slade, over there....let's go! be careful anyway, I sense many of them.... " said Arbalest to Slade while pointing to the dark area....once they reached there, they found a horde of viruses, attempt to wreck that area....the cannodumbs shooting pointlessly, the bunnies firing their electric ring everywhere....the viruses spotted that something is coming toward their way so they stopped destroying the place and prepared themselves against any encounter....the cannodumbs were being guarded by shrubbies, one to each and the spookies and bunnies act as the front line....it's amazing how they can co-operate even though they're different....
" heh! look at that, they're welcoming us....what should we give them??? " questioned Arbalest....
" your 'appreciation' I guess.... " replied Arch, his right hand slowly moving....picking up two shotgun chips and slot-in both....Arbalest feels that his buster is loaded with something, " did you insert something inside here!? " asked Arbalest while showing his buster.... " a cannon....damn it, i'm out cigar.... " answered Arch....
" your smoking activity has nothing to do with me.... " sighed Arbalest, then he looked around and saw Slade is nowhere near him....it seems that Slade has already make his movement.... " heh, you're leaving me far behind.... "
Arbalest also begin to attack the viruses....he fires a cannon shot to a bunny from aside, maybe he's tired of the old way so he try to developed a new style....Arbalest didn't move a slight inch, he only rotate a little bit and again he shots another bunny using cannons....both shots went out from his buster like a rocket....there's another cannon inside his buster but he choose not to attack but to dodge their attacks....
[ cannon(40+10) >>> bunnyA ]
[ cannon(40+10) >>> bunnyB ]
[ dodge! ]
18 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
"Rageclaw! Double Slot In!" As soon as they saw the shadowy figures of viruses, Kai immediately made his move and inserted two flash crads inside the chip reader of his PET, transferring the unique data of two rageclaws to his NetNavi via the infra red. The data streamed towards Slade and morphed his hands into a huge, furry paw with long and sharp claws. "Destroy the Cannodumbs first, make the Shrubbies defenseless"
"Deal!" Slade responded, directing his dash to get in closer to the Cannodumbs. He charged to the Cannodumbs, holding both of his claws straight while maintaing himself, preparing for the unexpected. He came storming towards two of the Cannodumbs and swiftly brought the claws to rip the Cannodumbs' fragile body.
1. Dash and dodge.
2. Rageclaw to CannodumbA [50 Dmg]
3. Rageclaw to CannodumbB [50 Dmg]
"Deal!" Slade responded, directing his dash to get in closer to the Cannodumbs. He charged to the Cannodumbs, holding both of his claws straight while maintaing himself, preparing for the unexpected. He came storming towards two of the Cannodumbs and swiftly brought the claws to rip the Cannodumbs' fragile body.
1. Dash and dodge.
2. Rageclaw to CannodumbA [50 Dmg]
3. Rageclaw to CannodumbB [50 Dmg]
18 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
They each come up and attack, peeling away a pair of virri each. However, when the retaliation comes, A shrubby and spooky each find their targets in the navis.
SpookyA 50HP
SpookyB 50HP
CannondumbA DELETED
ShrubbyA 50HP
CannondumbB DELETED
ShrubbyB 50HP
CannondumbC 50HP
ShrubbyC 50HP
BunnyC 50HP
Arbalest.EXE 110 HP
Slade.EXE 115 HP
SpookyA 50HP
SpookyB 50HP
CannondumbA DELETED
ShrubbyA 50HP
CannondumbB DELETED
ShrubbyB 50HP
CannondumbC 50HP
ShrubbyC 50HP
BunnyC 50HP
Arbalest.EXE 110 HP
Slade.EXE 115 HP
18 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
both shots marks the bunnies, blowing them into pieces....the bunnies didn't stand a chance against the powerful cannon....their fragments scattered around before dissolve into the thin air....the viruses retaliate, a shrubby and a spooky lands an attack towards Arbalest, it's the green virus who attacked 1st....lob some wooden logs that roll over Arbalest, followed by the sticky tongue from a spooky....Arbalest becomes dizzy for a moment....
" yuck! I hate this slimy thing.... " cursed Arbalest, he tries to give a cannon towards the spooky that licked him but something's wrong....he's out of ammo!, no cannon inside his buster actually....he's pissed of looking at the spooky, taunting at him and making a silly looks.... " what's going on....did I already used all??? " Arbalest questions himself.... " ohh, I forgot to mention that I only insert two cannon chips, sorry.... " answered Arch, then grabbed two shotgun chips.... " take this, two shotgun....happy??? "
Arbalest finishes of his chat with Arch with " I hate you! " word, then he charged towards the viruses....pointing his buster to a cannodumb, which is the most suitable target for his shotgun as there's a shrubby behind it....Arbalest fires the shotgun and as he watched the light-blue energy beam fly, he moves forward until he's in front of a shrubby....he is going to blow out the shrubby....he waits for the shrubby to open it's mouth cause he want to send the shotgun right through it's stomach.... " you're out of wood, let me load it....with this! " Arbalest talks to the shrubby and fires the shotgun as soon as the wooden virus open it's mouth....
done with the shotgun....Arbalest prefers to attack this time, it's useless for him to dodge....knowing that he cannot handle the spookies, he chases the lone bunny....as he's keep on running, he loaded his buster with two arrows....the cat and mouse scene only lasts for a minute, Arbalest is tired of chasing that thing....his foot cannot bring him any quicker than he could....so he shots the long wooden stick with sharp edge at the end of it from wide range at the same time towards the bunny....
" man, you need to do some workout.... " sighed Arch....
[ shotgun(50+10) >>> cannodumbC >>> shrubbyC ]
[ shotgun(50+10) >>> shrubbyA ]
[ DA(60) >>> bunnyC ]
" yuck! I hate this slimy thing.... " cursed Arbalest, he tries to give a cannon towards the spooky that licked him but something's wrong....he's out of ammo!, no cannon inside his buster actually....he's pissed of looking at the spooky, taunting at him and making a silly looks.... " what's going on....did I already used all??? " Arbalest questions himself.... " ohh, I forgot to mention that I only insert two cannon chips, sorry.... " answered Arch, then grabbed two shotgun chips.... " take this, two shotgun....happy??? "
Arbalest finishes of his chat with Arch with " I hate you! " word, then he charged towards the viruses....pointing his buster to a cannodumb, which is the most suitable target for his shotgun as there's a shrubby behind it....Arbalest fires the shotgun and as he watched the light-blue energy beam fly, he moves forward until he's in front of a shrubby....he is going to blow out the shrubby....he waits for the shrubby to open it's mouth cause he want to send the shotgun right through it's stomach.... " you're out of wood, let me load it....with this! " Arbalest talks to the shrubby and fires the shotgun as soon as the wooden virus open it's mouth....
done with the shotgun....Arbalest prefers to attack this time, it's useless for him to dodge....knowing that he cannot handle the spookies, he chases the lone bunny....as he's keep on running, he loaded his buster with two arrows....the cat and mouse scene only lasts for a minute, Arbalest is tired of chasing that thing....his foot cannot bring him any quicker than he could....so he shots the long wooden stick with sharp edge at the end of it from wide range at the same time towards the bunny....
" man, you need to do some workout.... " sighed Arch....
[ shotgun(50+10) >>> cannodumbC >>> shrubbyC ]
[ shotgun(50+10) >>> shrubbyA ]
[ DA(60) >>> bunnyC ]
18 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Slade arose after his previous attack upon the Cannodumbs, but suddenly thrown away as an attack dealt directly towards him. "Hmmph..." he growled, maintaining his stance again and placing one of his arms on the floor. But he could still smiling as his attacks worked greatly, two of the shrubbies now defenseless with the deletion of the Cannodumbs. Fragment of the Cannodumbs slowly dispersed and revealed the shrubbies as Slade decided to slam down his claw against one of them. He took his hand as high as he could before connecting the claws with the tiny body of Shrubby in his attept to rip the shrubby apart.
"I'll give you some more chip, Sword! Slot In!" Kai had been watching his NetNavi's action and noticed the crack on one of Slade's rageclaw. Playing safely, Kai inserted a sword to override the claw. Slade felt the presence of the new chip and quickly detached his left hand's claw and formed a digital blade. The Navi then glared at the other Shrubby piercingly, in order to bring out the Shrubby's deepest fear before swing his claw heavily, powerful enough to shred the virii to pieces.
Without further dialogue or anything, Slade made his way to the ghost virii as Arbalest had already set his eye towards the other. He thought that he wouldn't have to try and help Arbalest, knowing that his partner was not half bad. Instead, he kept his eye directly towards the Spookies and spun his body as his sword was swung upon the white virus, delivering a mighty slash.
1. Rageclaw to ShrubbyA [50 Dmg]
2. Rageclaw to ShrubbyB [50 Dmg]
3. Sword to SpookyA [90 Dmg]
"I'll give you some more chip, Sword! Slot In!" Kai had been watching his NetNavi's action and noticed the crack on one of Slade's rageclaw. Playing safely, Kai inserted a sword to override the claw. Slade felt the presence of the new chip and quickly detached his left hand's claw and formed a digital blade. The Navi then glared at the other Shrubby piercingly, in order to bring out the Shrubby's deepest fear before swing his claw heavily, powerful enough to shred the virii to pieces.
Without further dialogue or anything, Slade made his way to the ghost virii as Arbalest had already set his eye towards the other. He thought that he wouldn't have to try and help Arbalest, knowing that his partner was not half bad. Instead, he kept his eye directly towards the Spookies and spun his body as his sword was swung upon the white virus, delivering a mighty slash.
1. Rageclaw to ShrubbyA [50 Dmg]
2. Rageclaw to ShrubbyB [50 Dmg]
3. Sword to SpookyA [90 Dmg]
18 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
The first shotgun takes out a happy pair of enemies, while the second finishes off a defenseless shrubby. Arbalest then strikes the Bunny, deleting it with arrows. Slade rushes to delete one shrubby, but another is already dead by the time he reaches it. He runs at the Sppoky, but it evades the movement by disappearing, popping up in front of Arbalest and licking him n the cheek.
SpookyA 50HP
SpookyB 50HP
CannondumbA DELETED
CannondumbB DELETED
CannondumbC DELETED!
Arbalest.EXE 95 HP
Slade.EXE 115 HP
SpookyA 50HP
SpookyB 50HP
CannondumbA DELETED
CannondumbB DELETED
CannondumbC DELETED!
Arbalest.EXE 95 HP
Slade.EXE 115 HP
18 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
" for god sake, stop doing that!!! it's so annoying.... " Arbalest shouted at the spooky that comes from nowhere and lure out it's tongue, touching his face....Arbalest tries to chopped up the ghostly virus using his buster but failed....the spooky goes invisible and reappeared at the place where the late cannodumb stood....
Arbalest mumbles, saying a few things like " how am I ever going to kill that thing, if I cannot hit them properly.... " as he only managed to delete only one spooky in the previous fight and he put a lot of effort to just to dispose the spooky into a dust....he felt very frustrating....as he's about to give up and let Slade deal with them, he realized that his buster is loaded with guns....
" don't give up....failed once doesn't mean failed forever.... " Arch give some support....and encouraging words, Arbalest was snapped by that....he knows that sitting around won't change anything, he must at least try....Arbalest pick up his buster, attempt to lock a spooky....he may not know that the battlechip he's currently using is markcannon....a few seconds later, sparks can be seen from his buster....alongside with it, a yellow bullet came out from the buster....speeding towards a spooky in high velocity.... " the rest is yours.... " said Arbalest to Slade, as he moved far away from the war zone....it seems that the markcannon is the final strike from Arbalest....
[ markcannon(70+10) >>> spookyA ]
[ dodge! ]
[ dodge! ]
Arbalest mumbles, saying a few things like " how am I ever going to kill that thing, if I cannot hit them properly.... " as he only managed to delete only one spooky in the previous fight and he put a lot of effort to just to dispose the spooky into a dust....he felt very frustrating....as he's about to give up and let Slade deal with them, he realized that his buster is loaded with guns....
" don't give up....failed once doesn't mean failed forever.... " Arch give some support....and encouraging words, Arbalest was snapped by that....he knows that sitting around won't change anything, he must at least try....Arbalest pick up his buster, attempt to lock a spooky....he may not know that the battlechip he's currently using is markcannon....a few seconds later, sparks can be seen from his buster....alongside with it, a yellow bullet came out from the buster....speeding towards a spooky in high velocity.... " the rest is yours.... " said Arbalest to Slade, as he moved far away from the war zone....it seems that the markcannon is the final strike from Arbalest....
[ markcannon(70+10) >>> spookyA ]
[ dodge! ]
[ dodge! ]
18 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
"Damn!" Slade stumbled as his previous slash missed the Spooky. He didn't expect that the Spooky would vanish and Slade ended up losing his balance and fell, face first. Quickly, he got up and drew his stances while rubbing his nose and glanced at the surrounding, finding the vanished Spooky. "Where the hell did it go?!"
"Don't mind that! There's another near you! BattleChip, Zapring! Slot In!" What Kai had in mind was to stun the Spooky so it would be easier to target it. Slade understand completely what his NetOp was aiming for and quickly got into action, uploading the Zapring onto his right hand. A yellow sphere appeared on Slade's hand, glowing brightly. As the light faded, the Zapring was immediately launched by Slade, towards the Spooky near him.
A sudden scream by Arbalest then caught his attention. It seems that the vanished Spooky was attacking Arbalest but counter-attacked. Seeing that his partner wouldn't have much difficulties or anything, he charged towards the Spooky he was targetting without hesitation. Slade gripped tight to the sword, making sure his next slash would be fatal to the Spooky. The wing on his back glowed brightly and added the thrust of Slade, causing him to bullet with extremely high velocity before delivering another deadly slash to the Spooky.
1. Zapring to SpookyB [30 Dmg, Elec, Stun]
2. High speed dash!
3. Sword to SpookyB [90 Dmg, Death XD]
"Don't mind that! There's another near you! BattleChip, Zapring! Slot In!" What Kai had in mind was to stun the Spooky so it would be easier to target it. Slade understand completely what his NetOp was aiming for and quickly got into action, uploading the Zapring onto his right hand. A yellow sphere appeared on Slade's hand, glowing brightly. As the light faded, the Zapring was immediately launched by Slade, towards the Spooky near him.
A sudden scream by Arbalest then caught his attention. It seems that the vanished Spooky was attacking Arbalest but counter-attacked. Seeing that his partner wouldn't have much difficulties or anything, he charged towards the Spooky he was targetting without hesitation. Slade gripped tight to the sword, making sure his next slash would be fatal to the Spooky. The wing on his back glowed brightly and added the thrust of Slade, causing him to bullet with extremely high velocity before delivering another deadly slash to the Spooky.
1. Zapring to SpookyB [30 Dmg, Elec, Stun]
2. High speed dash!
3. Sword to SpookyB [90 Dmg, Death XD]
18 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
The autolock cannon deletes the virus, and the speedy ring sets up the second one for the sword!
CannondumbA DELETED
CannondumbB DELETED
CannondumbC DELETED!
Arbalest.EXE 95 HP
Slade.EXE 115 HP
400z, Recov10 each
CannondumbA DELETED
CannondumbB DELETED
CannondumbC DELETED!
Arbalest.EXE 95 HP
Slade.EXE 115 HP
400z, Recov10 each
18 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
boom!!! the cannon homing towards the spooky, killing it instantly....it's partner shared the same fate, except it got sliced by Slade's superior sword.... " heh, is over finally.... " said Arbalest while sweeping the sweats all over his forehead and breathes slowly.....then he secured the place and founded some data laying on the floor....grabbed it and passes half of it over to Slade....
" jack out, Arbalest....it's already midnight.... " orders came from Arch....
" how about the task.... " questioned Arbalest....
" we come back tomorrow....plus, i'm kinda tired....yawn!!! " Arch replies....
Arbalest understands, he walk towards Slade and say something.... " well, this is it....i'll see you tomorrow, good bye for now....and thank you.... "
Arbalest.exe >>> Arch's PET
" jack out, Arbalest....it's already midnight.... " orders came from Arch....
" how about the task.... " questioned Arbalest....
" we come back tomorrow....plus, i'm kinda tired....yawn!!! " Arch replies....
Arbalest understands, he walk towards Slade and say something.... " well, this is it....i'll see you tomorrow, good bye for now....and thank you.... "
Arbalest.exe >>> Arch's PET