Geyser and Mokusei

Coming upon the blazing battle field, Mokusei, though still full of his usual amount of confidence and self-assurance, was hit with an oppressive wave of self-pity and frustration. Damn it! he thought. Of any possible battle, I had to get stuck with these two. He thought to himself as the two Navis went along speaking. Great. On my side, I've got an apparently boring partner who seems to have no obvious abilities, and seems as uninterested in this fight as is physically possible. I have to face this obviously psychotic fire Navi, who is clearly powerful, since it seems he's killed plenty of Net Police already, and will probably be able to easily trump me due to his elemental affinity and strength. If it weren't for the fact that I really don't want to work with a psycho, and that it would be going against Rose's orders, I would be strongly considering joining the NetMafia right about now.

"Rose, are you sure you want to continue?" heasked, privately, of course.

"Yes. Unless you're afraid." she said, teasingly. I am afraid for his safety, but if we want to make it through this, there's no point in being pessimistic..

"Alright, then, we'll continue." Mokusei said.

Rose, noting his masked disappointment in his current situation, tried to offer some sort of consolation prize for Mokusei. "Think of how much we've done. At this rate, we're sure to get some sort of medal, or at least a great reward." she said.

Mokusei thought about this. "Yes, we should." He said. But the idiots on the NetPolice haven't taken my name yet. Nor have they given me anything to prove my involvement in this. At this rate, I'm starting to doubt that there really will be benefits, unless they plan on giving them out on the honor system, which would just show that they have no Idea as to what they are doing, or that they are incredibly naïve. And I doubt that that'll happen. Mokusei took a deep breath in order to calm himself. Whatever, I'll just have to hope for the best. he thought, the breath having calmed him signifigantly. Though I better get something more than "a great life experience" out of this.

As the two other Navis finished speaking, Mokusei decided that he should get in on the battle. "Hey," he called, searching for his new ally's name. Damn it, his name escapes me. "Dull-looking Navi, I'm coming in this on your side!" He shouted to Naviman.

Mokusei quickly glanced over the battle field. Okay, there seems to be a good amount of fire all around, which I'll want to avoid. I don't know exactly how Pyro-psycho over there fights, but regardless, I'll want to stay at a distance. I'll have to be careful, too, since I'm going into this fight injured. Damn watermelon. he summarized quickly. Now to start this off, I might as well go with one of my as-of-yet most reliable chips, and then get over to Dull-man over there.

"Rose, Ringlog!" Mokusei ordered, on the private channel.

'Sure thing," she replied nonchalantly, also on private, sending her navi the chip he requested. She now felt slightly more confident in his abilities, and didn't fear his death quite as much. I trust his ability to strategize, so I'm sure I can leave it to him unless he gets to overwhelmed. I might as well still start thinking of some plans, but I don't really need to be too worried. At least not yet. She thought.

Mokusei got into the mood of the battle as the ringlog chip materialized. I expect this to be a pretty fast passed battle, but I always like to take my attacks slow. I'll have to speed up all my non-attacking movements, and see what Dull-man can do to compensate. As he thought this, he rolled the log so it would be in line with his fiery foe. Hoping to knock him over if at all possible, Mokusei tried to the best of his abilities to make it line up in a way that would leave it rather flat on the ground. If I can get it to hit him, and it stays on the ground, I have a chance to hit him and knock him over. He thought, as he finalized his placement of the log. And, with any luck, considering how hot-headed and insane he seems to be, he may not even notice the attack, since he is so intrigued by my rather boring ally. And with these thoughts, Mokusei gave the log a swift kick, connecting at the top center, and sending the log spinning away.

I must admit, Rose thought, watching the attack, That this tactic of starting with a Ringlog is getting a little boring. I'll have to mention this to him, and see if he can come up with something new.

Mokusei, meanwhile, took a quick second to watch the log roll. Then, he immediately started sprinting. Note to self: Beware of fire and cracked flooring he thought as he ran at a good pace towards his new partner, being careful to avoid his mentally noted obstacles. Oh, yes, and attacks, as well. He thought, now watching his peripherals.

As soon as Mokusei got closer to his ally, he started to lean his body slightly against the direction of his running, causing him to slide to a stop. Watching his enemy carefully, and fully prepared to dodge in anyway possible, he realized that he should take a moment to quickly speak to his ally. In a hushed tone, he quickly said, "Alright, Dull-looking Navi. I'm Mokusei. I have a wooden elemental affinity, and my specialty is in ranged fighting. If there is anyway that you could either defend me or keep Hotshot over there busy at close range, that would be greatly appreciated."

Rose chimed in on private to speak to Mokusei. "You know, his name is NaviMan. Blaze called him that, at least. Also, you were awfully bossy for just meeting him. I know this is a battle, but couldn't you have spared just a second for common formalities?" she asked. Her tone sounded like she was trying to be helpful, but it seemed more like unneeded criticism, just to get Mokusei worked up.

Mokusei, still focused on the battle, spared a second to reply to Rose, on the private channel, with a quick, "I apologize", before he returned to full physical focus. This is a battle. This freaky flamethrower clearly is going to be powerful, so I think Dull-man, or Naviman, whatever, will forgive me for sparing the formalities.

1. Ringlog at Blaze (50+5 Wood dmg)
- - - - -Snipe on Ringlog (Can you really snipe with a Ringlog?)
2. Reposition near Naviman / Dodge
3. Dodge / Speak to Naviman

Blaze has expected an attack.
But a WOOD attack was so jaw-droppingly idiotic to him that he was a bit stunned, even though he still looked like he was smiling, so much so that he was tripped by the head-on attack of Mokusei's, making him fall, face-first to the floor.
"Silly," Naviman commented to Mokusei as he observed the attack, and followed up with a quick beige colored shot of his own, making the Mafiosi grunt as he got up. A chuckle could be heard from the opponent.
"Man oh MAN!" Blaze roared with laughter, his hand placed firmly on his face for dramatic effect. "Wasn't THAT something? It just BURNS me up!" the Mafiosi roared sending towers of flame erupting around the battlefield, soon there was a square wall surrounding the combatants. Blaze was closer to a wall, with little room to have anyone get behind him.
"Inferno, huh?" Naviman muttered, obviously having seen the attack before. Hearing Mokusei's request, Naviman simply nodded as he activated a Sword chip.
"Don't get anywhere relatively close to the flames, my allies..." the NetPolice Enforcer gestured to the dead bodies of the scattered NetPolice agents, "Were fatally burned by them," he finished as he rushed Blaze, and swung a mighty blow at the opponent, but the Mafiosi smirked, shouted "RISE!" as he gestured toward the ground, sending up a column of steam that knocked Naviman back. The NetPolice grunted as he flew backward through the air, then backflipped toward the ground, landing safely on the ground.
"That all? Take this!" Blaze roared as he sent a flaming punch right at...
But luckily a certain NetPolice agent rushed in front of our wood navi, left hand out, right hand still in sword form, while projecting a dull, beige colored shield to block the attack.
"Hm? Thought you wouldn't be fast enough, Mr. Naviman," Blaze commented nonchalantly. "Full of surprises, aren't you?" the Mafiosi joked, grinning.
Man, that was close.

Blaze.exe: 629 HP (back to firewall)

Naviman.exe: 500 HP (Near center of the area)

Terrain: RING OF FIRE! All combatants are located within a square wall of towering fire. Touching the fire will burn you for 80 DMG! Panels are Normal

Mokusei.exe: 85 HP (Near center of the area)
With a grin, Mokusei quickly committed his ally's name to memory. Naviman, eh? I guess I'll have to remember that. He does seem to be pretty useful. And I'll need him even more now that I'm locked in this small space. he thought, glancing at the ring of fire. I'll have to make sure I don't touch that, like the dull-man said. . .Why did it have to be fire?

Rose watched the battle in fascination, awaiting her next instruction. This battle looks like it's going to be intense. Mokusei may need to handle this one on his own. I wouldn't admit it, but I guess he has a good handle on things, and he does make things interesting enough. I'll just have to be sure I'm ready to slot in a chip whenever he needs it. Rose thought to herself, before prepping herself for chip transfer.

Mokusei tried to quickly come up with a plan. Alright, I've got most of my chips left. What would work best for me against this psycho? He quickly reviewed his chips. Well, the most powerful ones are my new Sword, and the HiCannon. I'd rather stay far away if at all possible, however, so I think I'll use the Hicannon now and save the sword for later.

After making up his mind, he quickly made contact with Rose on private. "HiCannon please." he said.

Rose, already prepared and ready to go, sent him the chip within seconds. As it appeared in the form of a large Cannon-handgun, Mokusei got ready to dodge if at all necessary.

I really don't want to get hit, so I shouldn't make myself so vulnerable. But if I can't land my shots, not getting hit now won't matter. So I'll have to do what I must. He thought, as he got down on one knee and pulled the gun to lap height. I just hope Dull-man can keep psycho occupied.

He was totally ready to roll in any direction should an attack come his way, and he remained ready for such an evasive maneuver throughout his aiming ordeal.

Mokusei quickly pulled the Cannon-gun up to eye level. Holding his off hand at the end of the barrel in order to steady it, he began targeting his opponent, being careful to not aim to close to his rather important ally. If I killed dull-man, psycho would kill me for sure, so I need to be careful. A headshot would be more effective, IF I can pull it off. A torso shot is easier. What to do . . . Mokusei momentarily paused in his aiming, keeping the gun trained on Blaze, but more his general direction than any location on his body.

Finally deciding that he trusted his aim, he chose to aim for the pyro's flame-engulfed face. Although I'll have to aim for the bottom of his face, as the top is risky due to the fire obscuring it. Carefully lining up the gun's sight with the enemy Navi's head, using all the steadiness he could muster, due to the gun's size, and his natural knack for aiming to pull off this shot, for which the utmost accuracy would be required. Pulling the trigger, he let off the enormous blast, with the recoil knocking him backwards off his knees into a sitting position.

I hope that worked, Mokusei thought as he started standing up. Otherwise I just wasted a lot of time and effort, as well as my best chip.

3. BLAST HIS FACE OFF! HEAD SHOT! [Hicannon to Blaze(80 dmg)]
- - - - -Snipe on Hicannon
Mokusei rolled away just in time to avoid a flamethrower like attack that spurted from the flames on Blaze's body. The Wood navi then sniped the Mafiosi from afar with a powerful blast, hitting him in the chest. Blaze grunted and staggered back a bit, before roaring and charging at Mokusei.
Naviman leaps into the way and aims his buster at the charging pyromaniac. The dull navi fired, letting loose a simple beam of concentrated energy that blasted Blaze back into his own wall of flames. Ooh~
But it doesn't seem like the Mafiosi was hurt. Blaze started to chuckle.
"Nice try Mr. Naviman! But my flames are MY flames for a reason! Have a taste of what they're like! Here we go!!" the fire navi bellowed, generating three concentrated orbs of plasma around him and then launching them at the ground right at Naviman while yelling, "POWER EXPLOSION!" The explosion's radius was enormous, even hitting Mokusei! However, the real damage was done when it knocked Naviman right into a wall of flame, causing the NetPolice Enforcer to cry out in pain.
Blaze grinned and shouted, "That was just the bit of the pain! Have some more!" Adding further injury to the dull navi, a blast of heat slammed into Naviman from the wall he had just crashed into, sending him spiraling forward onto the ground.
"Not bad, eh?" the pyromaniac taunted, grinning menacingly at his two opponents.
However, without warning, a bombardment of dull beige colored lights appears in front of Blaze. The source, Naviman. Blaze grins at the slideshow and comments, "Man, this is the lamest thing ever... I... think... I... might... fall... Asleeep.... zzzzzz...." Suddenly, the Mafiosi slumped down onto the ground, snoring away. Apparently, the display was so dull, that it made him fall asleep! What irony!
"Being dull has its merits," Naviman joked lamely.

Blaze.exe: 489 HP (back to firewall) (Sleep!)

Naviman.exe: 350 HP (Near wall)

Terrain: RING OF FIRE! All combatants are located within a square wall of towering fire. Touching the fire will burn you for 80 DMG! Panels are Normal

Mokusei.exe: 45 HP (Near center of the area)
Although Mokusei was hit rather forcefully by the Power Explosion, he was rather happy that his ally had taken the hit, survived, and fought back. Man, this dull-man is great. He seems to be acting as a damage sponge and a lightning rod. And he is fighting really well, too. I can't say that I can complain. Although I'll have to make sure he doesn't get deleted, because if he does, I'm doomed. He thought to himself, getting back up after being knocked over by the Power Explosion.

Rose, watching the battle, seemed to be much more thankful for Naviman's presence. Man, I hope Mokusei realizes how lucky he is. At his current health, if Blaze had targeted him, he would've been deleted. She looked at her Navi's ally on her screen, thinking Thank god for you, NaviMan. If you keep up the good work, you and Mokusei should both make it out of here alive.

Mokusei, however, was busy. He had more important things on his mind, because for him, living was more important than thanking someone for saving his life.

Seeing Naviman pull of his bland lightshow he had wondered what it's point was. However, after seeing Blaze fall over, asleep, he no longer had any problems with the ability. Wow, that was great. I guess this guy is even more useful than I thought. What a lame joke, though. After a quick thumbs-up to Naviman to thank him (he didn't want to risk waking up the enemy and ruining the moment) he began to think.

With this wonderful opportunity now open, he needed to get his mind in motion and come up with a good plan. The question; what the best plan of action would be to take advantage of this opening in his enemies defenses. Quickly, what to do. His mind raced. Well, I could attempt to shoot him, but I can do that anyways. However, without the chance to dodge, and based on my remaining chips, I could probably deal 90 damage. If I went in melee range, with that new sword of mine, I could do some serious damage, like, 240 if all went well. I could also dodge or heal, or use a guard chip, considering I am so low on health. Okay, I'll go with a combo of the sword and dodging, since I would really like to not die. he decided.

Tabbing over to private chat, he requested the chip he wanted from Rose. "Sword, please." was how he materialized that request. It was short, but sufficient enough to get the point across. Surely enough, he got the chip only moments later. It took the form of a katana, another reference to his slightly Japanese theme. The gleaming blade, shining silver, was clearly ready to serve its owner well. Mokusei held the sword down as he rushed towards Blaze. While I do really prefer staying at a range, I guess coming in close isn't so bad considering the enemy is asleep. Besides, I want to survive this match, and if we don't take this Pyro out soon, there's no way I will.

Within a matter of moment he had reached the area where Blaze had fallen asleep. I can't hope to kill him fast enough to avoid retaliation, and in turn, death. As a result, Handicapping would be better. He decided, pulling the blade out before him. Rotating it in his hand, he moved it into an underhand grip, with the blade facing downwards. Looking down at the body one last time, he made up his mind. I'll go for . . . With a flash he brought the blade downwards, hoping to plunge the blade into his target on the enemy's body, HIS EYE!

After his first stab, he quickly pulled the blade back up, grabbed the hilt with his other hand, as well, and made a short hop sideways. Moving the blade back into a proper grip, he crouched. Now to get away. He's a far better melee fighter than I am, and at my current health, a hit or two by him is all it will take to kill me. he thought. Quickly, he pushed off against the ground, sending him into a backflip well above the ground, flipping through the air to a more distant location, a little bit further from harm's way.

Landing gracefully, he quickly called up to Rose on private, hoping to be able to get the chip in before an attack. "Rose, Guard, quick!" he pleaded. Luckily, it wasn't long before the obnoxiously large yellow shield materialized in front of him. Leaning his back up against it, he could only hope that it would shelter him well enough from his enemy's attacks. I need to live. Losing now would mean I wasted all this time. Come on, shield, do your magic.

Rose could only watch in suspense, keeping herself ready to slot in a chip immediately if he needed it. Mokusei, you can do it. I may not want to admit it, but you are pretty decent. As much as she felt like supporting him, no words came to mind, so she stayed quiet. She was now, however, slightly distracted with curiosity about what she could say to Mokusei.

1. STAB HIM IN THE FREAKIN' EYE! [Sword to Blaze, 80 dmg]
2. Back flip out of Harm's way (hopefully) [Dodge]
3. Hide like a coward behind a yellowbellied shield [Guard1, Reflects one shot for up to 60 dmg]
Mokusei's attack slammed into Blaze's eye, who instantly woke up and screamed in pain.
"MY EYE! GODDAMMIT! YOU F**KING B**TARD! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Blaze roared, clutching his eye as he sent another flamethrower like effect from his flaming armor at Mokusei, missing as the wood navi backflipped out of the way. Blaze grinned menacingly at Mokusei after he had put up a Guard, and swiftly charged up two orbs of plasma energy in his hands.
"DIE!" the Mafiosi roared, sending the two orbs at the Guard, making a giant tower of flame burst up from under the wood navi. The Guard reflected the attack, but Mokusei was knocked back and sent flying, wherin Blaze suddenly covered himself completely in fire, like an armor of living flame it seemed, took the attack, and retaliated with a burst of fire from his armor at Mokusei.
The Wood Navi was hit directly in the chest from the attack, adding the force of the knockback from earlier, sending Mokusei careening into...
a wall of flame.
"Stereotypical Healing Signature," Naviman mumbled, sending a painfully dull, but refreshing, wave of light at Mokusei before he collided with the wall, saving him from EJOing or worse. Though, it didn't seem to help much but provide the wood navi another round to either get the hell out or continue fighting to the end.
Naviman sighed and continued his own assault, turning both of his arms into electric coils and sending an electric charge through them, firing Zaprings at his opponent.
Blaze then became stunned. But Naviman was hit by two blasts of fire from the living fire armor.
Riiight... This is totally worth it now.

Blaze.exe: 329 HP (back to firewall) (Stunx2) [Armor of Flame]

Naviman.exe: 290 HP (Near center)

Terrain: RING OF FIRE! All combatants are located within a square wall of towering fire. Touching the fire will burn you for 80 DMG! Panels are Normal

Mokusei.exe: 1 HP (Near wall) [Sword]
Mokusei was barely able to survive the brutality cast upon him by the now enraged Pyro. After surviving, very barely, thanks to his Undrshrt Program and a little aid from Naviman, he was forced to re-evaluate his current situation, which he had a moment to do with Blaze being stunned and what not.

Damn it. I don't think I'm going to make it if I keep on fighting him. I'm inches from death, and the only reason I'm not dead now is because that Psychotic-pyro is stunned. I guess I drew too much attention to myself. He thought, regretfully.

Rose was shocked by the outcome of the most recent burst of fighting. How can everything have gone so wrong so fast? she wondered. "Come on, Mokusei!" she said on their private channel, the fact that she was upset making her voice stern, "What are you thinking? You have to shape up. If you don't win . . ." she trailed off. What will I do if he doesn't win? What would I do if he was deleted? Rose honestly wasn't sure how to answer. Well, if he loses, I'll be upset. But not at him. And also afraid for the net, since we are fighting a war. And upset that we couldn't be involved more. Deletion, though, I don't know what I would do. I could get myself a new Navi, but it wouldn't be the same. Rose suddenly jolted out of her train of thoughts of despair and defeat, and became more determined. But I can't think like that. We will win. And we will do well. I must keep my spirits up for the sake of our ability to fight and go on! She thought confidently. But something in the back of her mind continued to nag her, Even if it is a façade, and I know I'm lying to myself.

Mokusei, by now, was standing up again. "Thank you, for healing me." He said, a little meekly, to Naviman. Now what will I do? I could escape, but it would be hard. And It would mean failing at my duties. Rose wants me to win, and has ordered me to do so, so I really should fight on. Even if fighting on implies an imminent death. he thought to himself. Reanalyzing the playing field, he looked everything over. I'm surrounded by a ring of fire, making escape near impossible. I am currently near-death, and one more hit aught to do me in. Naviman is better off than I am, but he's taken a beating. Blaze is in the best position of all of us, and has a counter-attack flame shield, which means if I attack, I'll probably die. However, he is also stunned, so I have a moment to recover and plan. But what to do?

"C'mon Mokusei, you can do it." Rose said, speaking just to him. She had noticed him stalling. She didn't know exactly what his thoughts were, but she had guessed. He's either paralyzed with fear of losing, or indecision or he's deep in planning. But he doesn't have any time, and he's wasted precious seconds already. She had thought. And with these words and these thoughts, she sent him their Recov10 chip, one which she had been eyeing since he was first poisoned in the match against the Dark Watermelon. He needs this, and it should help him a little.

As the restorative energies washed over his body, Mokusei started to feel some of the damage disappear. Well, I guess that'll be step one. He thought, now that he too realized that he needed to speed up. "Thank you, Rose," He said quietly, on the private channel. He quickly ran towards Naviman.

After he arrived in his area, Mokusei stood behind the dull, beige navi, and looked at him from his peripherals as he stared at the stunned Blaze. To think that this Dull, incredibly boring and downright uninteresting Navi would end up saving my life so many times. I just hope he can continue to do so.

"Naviman," Mokusei said, in a low voice. "I realize you are having difficulty as well, but I don't believe that I'll survive another hit. It would be better for both of us as long as we both stay alive, since we have aid, and our enemy must split his attention." Mokusei felt the need to justify his request, as he was too proud to be very happy with asking him for help, yet practical enough that he did it anyways since it would benefit him. "I need you to defend me, or heal me again, if at all possible. I'm sorry for forcing you to put your life on the line for me, but I do not particularly want to die. And I'm sure you don't either. But without teamwork, our survival is much less likely." He was speaking more quickly now, though still low and hushed, as he wanted to finish his soliloquy before their enemy broke free of his bout of paralysis.

"I am not free to attack due to Blaze's counter-attacking shield, which is certain to destroy me if I do, but I promise that if you keep me alive, I will aid you as much as possible throughout the rest of the fight." Mokusei wrapped up.

He didn't know how his ally would respond, but he assumed favorably. Why would he refuse to help me? He is dull, but not cruel. And he has helped me before. I feel so weak, needing him to defend me, but it is something I must deal with. The weak will always need protection. And, being a ranged-specialist, I'll probably need protection from any enemy on equal footing who can attack me from close-range. In order to get stronger, I need to fight on my own once in a while. But, I can't get any stronger if I'm dead, so asking for help this time is definitely justified. Besides, Blaze is no where in my league. If I had had to face him alone, I would have been dead in 10 seconds, tops. So, no need to feel bad about needing help. he thought to himself.

So, with as much as I've done, and being so clearly outmatched, I can't say I'm unhappy with how far I've gotten. And if I'm deleted right now, I can't say that I'd be horribly disappointed in my progress. He thought. But it's not going to happen! I'm not going down without a fight! Mokusei glared down the field, at his enemy, his target, his predator, and his prey. I'll have to wait for Naviman to take down his shield, then I'll aid him for the kill! He smiled, as he prepared himself to dodge, while remaining behind his ally. He was ready to step, slide, duck, roll, tumble, flip, cartwheel, or perform any other acrobatic feat required to keep himself safe and remove himself from harm's way. He was also totally ready to stay behind his ally, unless instructed otherwise, or otherwise properly defended. I'll use him as a meat shield if required, but I can't die, no matter what the costs!

Rose looked down upon her Navi, and the fight, and wasn't totally sure about what to do. However, she remembered that she was being positive, and inspiration returned to her. "Mokusei, you can do it. you have to. Just picture it; if we survive, we could be famous, and celebrated as "Heroes of the Great Net Civil War". And think of that prize that was promised to us. And we still need to find out more about Dark Chips. If you don't survive, we can't do any of that." She said, trying to forcefully encourage him. Being sympathetic and not either crying due to the urgency; or crying and being pessimistic due to her overwhelming feeling and slight fear that they she was going to lose both the battle and her Navi, was beyond her at the moment, so tough love was what she was brought to. Truthfully, her interest in the Prize, Honorary Police License, Dark Chips, and Recognition did drive her, and had been her main inspiration to go on. However, those were now second seat to her new drives; her need to win, and her wish for her Navi's survival. Watching the battle closely, she made sure she was ready to aid in anyway she could. She prepared herself to be ready to slot in a chip should Mokusei call for it, and watched the battle intently for any sign that he may need one such chip.

Come on Mokusei, You can do it. I believe in you. She thought, willing him with all her might to live. She would have crossed her fingers, if it wouldn't interfere with her ability to aid him. The nagging doubt in the back of her head wouldn't be silenced, however. Well, honey, It told her, Are you fully prepared to have that belief anticlimactically shattered?

1. Recov10 on Mokusei (+10 Hp)
2. Reposition behind Naviman & talk with aforementioned dull Navi (Tactical Movement? Autododge?)
3. Dodge (Or trying his hardest at least!)
As Mokusei healed and moved around, Blaze grumbled as he sent geysers of steam blasting at the guy, but wasn't able to knock him away.
"DAMMIT! DAMMIT! DAMMIT! TAKE THIS YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SH*T!" the Mafiosi roared as he sent a flaming punch at Mokusei, which actually hit, reducing him back to one HP again.
"TIME FOR THE GRAND FINALE YOU LITTLE B**TARD!" The pyromaniac roared as he quickly moved his hands and positioned his towering walls of flame closer to Mokusei.
"SAY GOODNIGHT!" Blaze roared as he sent waves of unbearable heat from the walls of fire, they burned into the navi's body, and sent him spiraling into the air, back into his PET.

Blaze.exe: 329 HP (back to firewall) (Stunx2) [Armor of Flame]

Naviman.exe: 290 HP (Near center)

Terrain: RING OF FIRE! All combatants are located within a square wall of towering fire. Touching the fire will burn you for 80 DMG! Panels are Normal

Mokusei.exe: EJO'D

Lose: 400z, Rageclaw

((Feel free to make one emotional jack-out defeated post before this topic closes))
As Mokusei was hit with the last flaming wall, and his body disintegrated into Data, all he could think of was his failure. Damnit! I Failed. . . I guess I deserve this then. . .

Rose watched as he disappeared, with her own angered thoughts. Damn! He lost! Now how are we supposed to go down in history as great heroes?! We won't even become honorary NetPolice Members! And we won't learn anymore about these Darkchips! She quickly tried to calm down. Well, at least he was just EJO'd, and not deleted.

As Mokusei reappeared in the PeT, he looked around. So, it looks like I was just activated an Emergency Jack Out, and wasn't deleted. That's good. Though it doesn't make up for the fact that I failed my mission. He looked up at Rose. "I apologize, I failed." He said.

Rose looked back at him. "Well, yeah, thanks for pointing out the obvious. I realized." She said. "But, whatever, there's always next time." Rose finished the sentence with a sigh.

There won't be a next war of this magnitude. But I'm sure she realizes that. She's just saying this to make herself feel better. So I won't say anything. Mokusei decided. "Yes."

"Well, we'll just have to check the news to see how everything turns out. " Rose replied. Seeing Mokusei stiffen up, she quickly continued. "And I don't care, there's no way I'm jacking you right back into the Net. You need to recover. Besides, we just saw what happened. You'd just die again." Rose said, clearly challenge Mokusei with her tone.

Mokusei just turned away. No way am I going to let her Rile me up that easily. After that battle, I know that all this indifference is just an act, so I have no need to prove anything to her. He thought. Now I do everything for me. Though I'll still have to listen to her, as "Obedience" is part of my way.

And with these final thoughts, Rose and Mokusei walked away from the Net, on to the Next step in their lives. Sure, they lost in this war, but they wouldn't let that bring them down for too long. No moping around from defeat for them, they were already on to better things.
It would later be reported that Naviman defeated Blaze.