The Base is Reborn

"Well, this is going no where fast... Let's head for upgrades, then bust in some random location." Wes suggested.

"Sounds fine to me... though from what Majin-kun said, he can't bust on his own, so that means that it'll be me going solo." Junior said.

"You really should call me -sama, but yeah, since we both can't plug in at the same time, I won't be able to use you as my mule." Majinman said, sounding disappointed.

"A mule huh? And you want me to call you Majin-sama... right..." Junior said sarcastically, under his breath.

"Huh? You say something, Junior?" Wes asked.

"Nothing important. Let's head out." Junior said.

"Yeah, let's head out." Majinman chimed in, eyeing Junior suspiciously. He had a feeling that Junior had said something bad about him, but he wasn't able to hear it. How fortunate for the peace and quiet of the group.

"Fine. We're out." Wes said, grabbing his stuff and heading out the door. His first stop would be Scilabs then... who knows?
Wes got off the Metro and headed to his hideout. Once there, he pulled out his PET and sent Majinman into his computer, "Okay, this place is in your care now. I'm going to give you a frequency to moniter the PET on. That way, you won't be out of the loop."

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks." Majinman replied, "You better work hard, kid. Now that we're just going to be switching back and forth in one PET slot, your upgrades are my upgrades, so make us strong. Whenever I get to head out, I want to do so with a bang."

Junior didn't reply but Wes nodded and then headed to Scilabs.
As soon as Wes arrived from Scilabs, he went to his lodging and getting ready for bed, went to sleep. He awoke several hours later and without waking his navi, hopped into the shower, to clean himself off. Upon getting out, he got about halfway dressed before he switched to combing his hair and brushing his teeth. Once that was done, he completed his ensemble. He now wore black pants and a long sleeved, purple shirt about the hue of his own hair. In the center of the shirt was printed Junior's emblem, "Sheesh, why did his main color have to be the same as my hair? Man, I really hope it doesn't look lame this way. However, I had to have something that ties to the fighter. Otherwise, how will people know who the operator is?" Wes looked at the time and realized that he didn't have much to spare, "Man, I don't even have the time to let my hair dry... It'll have to do that on the way. Junior, wake up and get ready. You have until the metro gets there to be prepared."

Junior opened his eyes and looked around, "Wha?" he mumbled, his wits not quite with him.

Wes roughly picked up the PET and ran out the door, intent to start off, "Oh, just hurry up and get your senses back." As he passed out of the exit, he grabbed a pair of green shades. While he doubted anyone there would be advanced enough to, he really didn't want anyone reading his eye movements.
Wes made his way back to the base. He sat down at his desk, placing his PET on the table top, and sighed, "Well today was a waste of time."

"I'll say," came a voice from the computer, "Did the line-up really bother you that much?"

"Yeah. Well, that and the guy we were fighting annoyed me. If Red or Daisy doesn't have the power to beat those losers, I'll be disappointed."

"Not exactly what I'd call a 'good luck'. Seems you're really in a bad mood." Majinman said, "In any case, if you ask me, you seem to have a problem with all of Junior's inhibitions."

"It has been a problem, as of late, hasn't it?" echoed Junior.

"Well, yeah, but what can you do? Until we can figure out a way to get you off your overbearing manners, we just have to deal with it." Wes replied.

"Well, I have a method to lower his restrictions a bit." Majinman suggested.

"Huh? How?" Wes asked.

"Having demonic magic on my side gives me certain... abilities. If you wish, I could seal Junior up and project simulations to his mind that would force him to make choices contrary to how he normally acts."

"A few issues with that. First, these simulations would be coming from you? Are you sure you can handle something like that? Second, this seems like something that would take a long span of time. Who am I supposed to bust with until then?"

"Good point, at least the second one. The first is foolish, though. Its me. Who else acts mean enough to Junior that he'd be able to create hard enough tests that would actually force him to change? As for your other question, I could take his place. Just..." Majinman began to bounce up and down, opening and closing his hands as he did so, "lend me his upgrades. I can't do much as is."

"Well, I guess that makes sense..." Wes said.

"I'm not feeling too safe about this. It seems like he's motivated mainly to get stronger, with the bonus of getting to bully me. I'd really rather not." Junior protested.

"You may be right, but this navi was created by Sensei, so he should be at least somewhat trustworthy. Besides, he's the only one to really offer to help. If its a trap, we'll get your grandfather-person to help." Wes suggested.

"I... guess that's true." Junior said. After a long pause, "Fine, I guess I can give it a try, though is there a way for me to communicate outside whatever it is you're putting me in?"

Majinman thought for a while, then concluded, "I suppose, if I can get an SP upgrade I could convert your orb to function as one. However, you'd only be allowed out for limited periods of time, since any ineraction you have with the outside world would interfere with your training. Plus, you'd be alone until I managed to snag the parts. Sure, I could sign up for a mission first thing, but you'd still have to bear it until the end of the day, at the very least."

"As long as you don't dally too long, I suppose it would be fine..." Junior said, though he didn't sound all that sure of himself.

"All right! Then its agreed. First, to seal you." Majinman crawled over to Junior, then sat upright. He waved his tiny hands around a bit and muttered some weird words, darkening the PET and creating some weird light around Junior. The navi glowed, then began to shirk, turning round in the process, until his form was that of a sphere, about the size of a fist. The lighting then went back to normal, revealing the ball to be white, like a pearl, with a fancy J written on the face. It fell to the ground with a thud, "Okay, now that that's taken care of... time for a transfer of power." Connecting to the PET's systems, Majinman absorbed the upgrades that were now without an owner. The influx of strength shocked the navi, causing his eyes to shoot open, revealing their red hue. He began to grow, quickly becoming too large to fit into the clothes he was wearing. As they began to tear, he curled into a ball, in an attempt to remain modest even during the time of extreme stress. His limbs stretched, his torso expanded, his horns protruded furthur from his skull, and his nails lengthened and sharpened. Soon his body seemed to have reached his limit and the shapeshifting ceased.

Once the transformation was complete, the wind picked up, bringing with it a swirl of colors, mostly red and black. The black settled below his waist, forming a pair of pants. A bit broke off and encircled his wrist. The red wrapped itself around his chest and over his back, creating a vest, as well as settling over his feet to form a larger version of the shoes he had worn in his baby form. A strange, black mark was also etched into his right shoulder, giving him a symbol to be represented by. With his new, badass appearance complete, he slowly stood up... revealing that he was still just an inch over four feet, if that, "Ah, so much growth at once... it really put a strain on me."

"You've got to be kidding. You call this a lot of growth and you're still shorter than 90% of the navis out there. Sheesh, this is sad." Wes sighed, putting a hand over his face.

"Hey, hey, my appearance is based on how much power you allot me. If I'm not as big as you want me to be, its you're fault. It's a bit more difficult for me to visit the navi shop than it is for you, you know." Majinman shot back.

"Right, right. Well, whatever. We're partners now, so we should start working together. First up, let's see about getting that upgrade you promised Junior."

Majinman hopped into the air and floated about a bit, "Yeah, sure, let's help that dumb kid. I suppose I did promise him and it wouldn't look good if I start telling lies right off the bat." He flew over the orb on the ground and scooped it up, depositing it in a small sack which he tied to his belt loop, "See if you can get something that can maximize my flight capabilities."

He called Junior a kid. Oh boy, this could be troublesome, "Fine, I'll see what I can do." Wes sighed.
Aida walked down the streets of ACDC sighing to herself a bit. She had alot on her mind and really didn't want to go through all her problems right now. What a headache everything was, work, family, mysterious fiance, and not to mention her very loud navi.

"Something wrong Aida?" Capuchin asked as she did a backflip, "You seem down."

"Oh? I-its nothing..." Aida assured, "I just....h-have you ever wanted to get away from all y-your problems for a bit? Go somewhere where you can ju-just relax?"

"...? I think thats what you netops call a vacation...but for me? Yeah." the monkey navi gave a nod, "Don't forget, I had an 'interesting' lifestyle waaaay before I met you...and yes, there were many a time I just wanted to leave and just relax by myself....sadly, that doesn't exist. Something will always find you, thats my experience."

These words were all to true to Aida yet she halted for a moment and her head turned ever so slightly to a familiar area. "....a-actually.....I m-may know of one place." Her body turned around and took a strange turn down a street then through a bit of a maze.

"Wait a minute...are we going to..."

"Y-yes...the old Base that Mr. Wes created 7 years ago. We still can enter...ah! Th-there it is." Aida approached calmly and let herself in.

"I'm surprised." Capuchin said curiously, "Its usually me that demmands us to do things like this, and its you who demmands no."
As Wes began to type their mission request, he was interrupted by someone entering the base that was supposed to be marked as abandoned and thus left alone. Well this could be problematic. How to best cover this up... Sliding back from his desk, he peeked at the door, discovering it was Aida who had wandered in, "Uh... hey. Something you needed, Ambridge?" He asked.

Majinman's ears perked up at the name. So that one old Requiem member, Aida Ambridge, had found her way back to the base. By his tone, it didn't seem like Wes had planned this, so he couldn't give the kid credit, unfortunately. Of course, thinking about it, Aida's navi was Capuchin, was it not? Or had she perhaps changed within the past few years? No, that seemed unlikely. Capuchin... thinking it over, that navi did have some nice assets that would be a pleasure to have on any team. Perhaps it would be best to have Wes changed the mission statement, "Wes," he whispered from the PET, "get them in on the mission. It'll be fun for me, plus give you some alone time with Aida."

"Alone time?" he muttered back, "I don't know what kind of impression you got of me from the short time we've known each other but I'm not that kind of person. However, Junior is fond of busting with partners, so I'll go along with your plan just because its a style I'm used to."


"Hey, Ambridge, you seem a bit distracted. If you feel like talking, stick around. My navi and I were about to request an SP mission, so I'm stuck sitting here to operate, anyway." Wes said. Now hopefully the hotheaded navi would jump in and push herself into the mission. If not, he could always ask directly but he didnt want to seem like he had an ulterior motive for getting her to stay here.
"AOH!" Aida yellped as she turned her head to see someone else inside the base. She gave a sigh of relief though when realise who it was. "I-I'm sorry M-Mr. Wes. You gave me qu-uite a scare...I didn't think anyone would c-come back to this place."

"We should have known." Capuchin sighed as she realised how obvious this was. "Of course Wes would return to the requiem base. Your probably preparing to start it back up..."

"D-Don't g-go and guess Capuchin." Aida scolded, "It's n-not right....and as for a battle..." Aida thought about all her troubles that happened today, perhaps this would be a good time to forget about things. "I w-would love to. Isn't that right Capuchin?"

"Feh! Maybe you....BUT I CANNOT FORGIVE PANTY BOY EXE for what he did!!! I refuse to bust with him!"

"AH! nice!"
"If that's the case, then the testy navi should have no objections." Wes said, "I'll make my request now. Just post on the mission board right after I do." Wes took a moment to type up his post, "Okay, there we go. An SP mission should be tricky, so hopefully the monkey can keep up."

Well that would get a hothead fired up. If it worked, this team up would be fun.
"Well, doesn't seem like we'll get anything in the immediate future. You feel like normal busting until then?" Wes asked his navi.

"Sure. Afterall, its better to test out new techniques at your own leisure, rather than just breaking them out when there's actual pressure. Send me into the square and we can figure things out from there." Majinman replied.

"Okay, here you go." Wes said, transmitting his navi to the requested location. He then added to Aida, "Oh, your navi can come along too if you feel like it."
Aida gave a happy nod. "U-umm sure...i-if that's alright with C-Capuchin..."

The monkey navi gave a grunt for a moment but then gave in. "Feh...wellllllll what else was I going to do today? Besides...he isn't Jr. And I'm not ready to confront that guy just yet."

A Sigh escaped Aida's lips as she held up the PET and sending Capuchin to the same area. "Please l-let things go..."
As Majinman returned to the PET, Wes noticed that Aida had snuck out at... some point, "Well that's weird... was I really that distracted?"

"Okay, since our other teammates bailed on us, I'm advertising on the net square board for some new ones. Sit tight until then," Majinman said, interrupting Wes thoughts.
"Well, we have a bite," Majinman said with a smirk, "Its apparently a chick, at least the navi, though you have to chill with some random guy. Sucks to be you."

"Whatever. I'm just bored, so let's go. Where are we meeting him at?" Wes asked, getting up to head to the Metro.

"Scilabs. Hopefully we can get a few more to join us at some point too..."

With that, they left.