Exploring the ACDC Network

Blazing Draconian is logged in

Blazing Draconian: Okay, I am in.

Zylaen: Okay, lets start some exploring, we will start at this area.

Blazing Draconian: Roger. I am on it.

Blazing Draconian extends his Small Wings and starts flapping to hover, then he flies through the Networks while keeping an eye out for Virus'es

After some exploring, The Draconian Slides and stops

Blazing Draconian: Looks around No viruses? Heh! They are too chicken to come out.

Zylaen: Let's go search for one.

Blazing Draconian: Roger! Starts searching

(OOC: ACDC Network is better, i think...)
Virus Attack!

MetoolA: 40
MetoolB: 40
Seedbat: 50

Blazing: 100

Battle 1 Start!
(Hmm, easy!)

Blazing Draconian: Two Metool's and a Seedbat...

Zylaen: This should be easy, okay. Starting off with Cannon!

Zylaen slots in Cannon

Blazing Draconian: Okay! Shotgun! Hand-Morphs into a Cannon and fires one at MetoolA(40 Damage) Next! My Custom Weapon! Hand-Morphs into a Buster Gun and fire's 2 blazing shots at MetoolB(10 Damage Each)

1.) Cannon, 40, MetoolA
2.) Buster , 4, MetoolB
3.) Buster, 4, MetoolB
((Need a summery, such as this:
1.) Cannon, 40, MetoolA
2.) Buster, 4, MetoolB
3.) Buster, 4, MetoolB

Assuming that's what you did. Is that correct?))
The cann rips through the Met and the other is pelted by the buster shots. It then strikes back with a shockwave.

MetoolB: 32
Seedbat: 50

Blazing: 90
Blazing Draconian: Oh yeah?!

Zylaen: Okay, Slotting In Shotgun!

Blazing Draconian: All right! Shotgun! Handmorphs into a shotgun and blasted one at MetoolB, then uses his Blazing Buster on MetoolB, then on Seedbat

1.)Shotgun, 30, MetoolB
2.)Buster 4, MetoolB
3.)Buster 4, Seedbat

(I have no Ideal what does the RageClaw do so I wll save it later)
((Might also want to check the damages on those chips.))

The Mets is destroyed by the shotgun and a few stray shots hit the Bat. It then retaliates, nailing Blazing with its wings.

Seedbat: 50

Blazing: 70
(well I thought it takes 30 damage from shotguns, I remembered it while Playing MMBN1-6)

Blazing Draconian: Okay, here's the last one!

Zylaen: Try your signature attack! It should kill it!

Blazing Draconian: Oh right! Time to use my Inferno Beam!

Blazing Draconian charges up his energy into his fang, then blasts Big Beam of flame from it's fang at the last Seedbat

1.)Inferno Beam, 60, Seedbat

(I don't know how I use the Rageclaw anyways, Okay I checked how many damage it takes from Shotgun, sorry I forgot.)
The attack takes down the enemy.

Seedbat: DELETED!

Blazing: 70

Rewards: 150z
Blazing Draconian: Yeah! I got Zenni's!

Zylaen: Well done, Draconian.

Blazing Draconian: Oh yeah! Lets go for another round!

Zylaen: Nah, I think that should be enough. Lets keep exploring.

Blazing Draconian: Roger!

Blazing Draconian then Runs off

After some exploring, Blazing Draconian logs off