Now we're confused....

Riff appeared in the flash of red and black tinted lightning.
"Where am I now?" She moaned to Calais.

Calais raised an eyebrow. "You mean you didn't notice the 'huge' hot springs behind you?" she asked her navi in a critical tone...

Riff turned around....

Calais nodded.... "Indeed..." she retorted...

Riff saw no one in the steaming waters. "Yeah...ya mind if I er..take a dip?" she asked Calais.

Calais sighed. "No...I bought you to the Yoka net hot spring just so you could stare at it Riff...." she said sarcasticly....

"I'll take that as a yes then...." Riff said with a grin. She looked around to see if there was anyone there. In a state of on coming paranoia she slipped behind a rock to switch her appearance. She emerged from the Rock wearing a red and black tiger striped bikini and a smug grin on her face. She dipped a toe into the water and then slunk down. It was quiet and peacefull....

"'ll be getting on with some homework. Shreik if you need me." Calais instructed.
An hour later, iff sighed. It was nice that it was quiet and all....but she needed a bit of action.
"Calais~" she called in a sing song voice. "I wanna look around and train a bit."

Calais appeared on the blue screen.
"Sure...It's a shame we haven't met anyone new though...." she sighed.

Riff nodded with drooped ears.
"Ah well!" she said cheerfully. Who needs em'?" Riff warped out into Yokas main net.