Anime Conventions

Basically, discuss the various upcoming cons here. Right now, I'm planning on going to Katsucon in DC February 16-18, as long as they have plenty of at the door regs. Just wondering if anyone else here plans on going and if any other cons are coming up at some point in the near future. Also:
As I am poor, I only got to the ones by my house: Namely Anime Expo and Comic Con.
I'm going to the Akron-Canton Comic Con. It's in Febuary.
Not goin' to any conventions this year, although last year I stopped by Sakura Con. No cosplay for me, though.
I'll paint a lightning bolt on a red shirt.
I don't think any conventions come to Calgary... Sad is I. ;~;
At any rate, I'd have no idea what to cosplay anyway. Maybe I'd just dress like a bishie and pretend it's from an anime. ^__^;
haven't been...

one day I will...

and I will go as...

a tentical monster...

or maybey roy mustang, just so I can say "TINY MINISKIRTS!"...

no there'd be people wanting me for yaoi...

I'm sticking with the tentical monster...

It's better than a licence to kill...

it's a licence to <shot>