A Few questions

A: (It disappeared)

B: [s]I was told there are Beast-out rules. Is this mod only? Can I be PM'd a set of the rules for something? (I plan out my subplot early, and one thing involves beast-out like things that would follow the normal beast-out rules [mainly])

C: Is it possible to have a cross with a subplot navi? (providing there is a good explanation)

D: Is it possible to have negative FXP? (Such as, when you fight side-by-side with a worst enemy-ish :p)
update :3
A: It's been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue question A?

D: I've heard a couple things (maybe in development?) about people being classified rivals or foes or summat once they reach, like, -50 FXP, so it might. However, it's possible that it's not implemented yet or that my memory sucks, so I'd seek a second opinion. : D
*smashes Commondragon*