System ideas

So yeah. Some people write fanfiction. I write system ideas. I'll start with the changes, then list my reasons/specifics for it.

- dmg calculation lowered down to the original atk*rap and atk*chrg*4
- NCP price increases back to the original
- Normal buster attack dmg added to all of your hits (including multihit, AoE attacks, and charged attack)
- Charged attack takes up only one action (so one action= atk*chrg*4)
- New NCP parts (effects to charge attacks, regen, shield), adjustments to existing ones.

- New value (mb), calculated from dmg and other effects, similar to signature attacks.
- Aside/instead of the existing 30 chip in folder limit, a capacity limit is added (basically, the equipped chips mb total has to be lower). This means that better chips take up more space.
- New navi-item that extends capacity limit.

- Chips not counted in levels. Instead, signature attacks, mb capacity expanders, and perhaps chip library is.

Alright, let's see why I think these changes are cool/useful.


Busters, as of now, don't serve a purpose. Swords can replace them entirely, while being cheaper, and even having extra effects, such as elements or AoE. Even if you buff them more, they are too expensive. If you make them cheap and powerful enough to compensate for the effects, THEN busters replace chips, so that is not the way to go either. So, my idea was to make them more of a... stat. Busters become something like what STR is in other games; thus you can ignore them and get equipment instead, or split your resources between the two, or go full stats. But what makes any combination viable?


This limits the power / number of the chips that a navi can use. It also gives a basic idea of the power of thew chip, that is possible to use to count levels (should you not like my alternate lvl suggestion), use as basis for trades (preventing abuse). The main reason for is, however, is to force players to choose chips that they want to use. Right now, its pretty much just using your strongest chips, and possibly (only possibly) changing your folder when you go into an element heavy place. But why would you do that when out of 30 chips you can have some against all elements? Although, it seems a lot of hassle to caluclate the MB of chips, if there is an easy to remember formula, it can be calculated on the spot ((dmg+effects)*type/strongereffect*constant)). Then again, one more value shouldn't be too difficult to remember.

This is just a rough draft of the calculations and can be changed: You'd start out with a bit more space than your starting chips. Upgrades would be going like 1000 + 1000 after every upgrade (so 1000, 2000, etc...). One upgrade would add the same amount as your starting folder.

Chips numbers being counted in lvls is a pretty obscure idea, since it is a dinamically changing number. Some change is needed, even if you don't like my suggestion. It opens up several ways for abuse, if nothing else than trading chips, or fast grinding in ACDC just for levels. Zan already did a post in the modcave with an idea of tiering the chips, but that won't work me thinks. Mb value would be good, but it doesn't fix the fact that you can aquire levels that you can sell You can basically have a lvl 3 sig, then simply sell the useless chips (which means you go down in levels).

Chip library would work pretty much like the current level based on chip system, but every chip you ever had would only count ONCE (and you can't loose the chip data from the library, obviously). This promotes member interaction and trades, but this is my least liked lvl idea out of this bunch, but it was in the games so why not?

Signature attacks counting should've happened a looooong time ago.

Mb capacity expanders, thats my suggestion so I inherently like it.

If you don't like any, then my final suggestion is to base one off of mb value. Tiering isn't bad, but it isn't precise enough. Its basically the number after the chip name

As explained in the mb suggestion it should not take too much to remember/calculate one more value.
I like the chip system, though, I would do busters this way

{Attack+Rpd*times(actions taken)fired*attack+1 per shot}

Bust thats just me. Pretty good on levels.
I more than less agree with chips and signature attacks couting towards levels, but as a general rule don't believe that this system would work. I am one of the top few people for the collection of navicust and buster upgrades, but I believe that the buster should serve the dual purpose of a signature attack booster(for specific attacks) and as a backup weapon. By your design I would be doing over 100 damage with a vulcan1, and multi hit chips would get massive boosts. Buster increases would become extremely and almost absurdly valuable, unlike the current less-than-important system now.

What we have no is an optional system. You can use buster stats in your sigs and get more powerful signature moves, or you can focus on chips an generalized superior ability.

Likewise, you are giving Navis the passive abilty to potentially do 125 damage with every action. Sure, this is maxed out buster stats, but that is pretty absurd. I currently cannot do that much damage with any of my chips. Likewise, if I was maxed out for this ability, I would be doing about 70 damage with every buster attack myself. That is more than my average chip even if it is not amazing.

Mb capacity, sure. I am indifferent there.
We got this covered. Expect something within a week's time.
Pally, I know you are going to fire up the new things in less than a week (making my suggestion pretty much outdated >.>), but I hope you don't mind if I still defend my idea.

Since I value very few things more than an argument-counter argument, lets get this started!

"I believe that the buster should serve the dual purpose of a signature attack booster(for specific attacks) and as a backup weapon."

They still do.

"By your design I would be doing over 100 damage with a vulcan1"

105, to be precise. Sames as a normal sword with maxed out buster (80+25).

"and multi hit chips would get massive boosts."

They need it. As of now, all the vulcan chips are useless compared to their price. Furthermore, the Mb would balance it, since multi hits would cost more to place in your folder. Thats why I've suggested these thing TOGETHER.

" Buster increases would become extremely and almost absurdly valuable, unlike the current less-than-important system now."

You get that "massive" dmg boost for... gah, I can't remember the old prices. It would cost you now 1000 + 1500 + 2000 + 2500 + 3000 + 3500 + (2500 x 6) = 29500 z

For that you can get your sigs up till lvl 3, or 3 speed upgrades, or 25 shotguns. With 6 actions (that means ANOTHER 25000), it only adds 150 to your overall dmg output, unless you use multi hits. Without speed upgrades 75... you could probably get that much from passive signatures for a lot less.

So yes, they get valuable, but they cost a lot. A lotlotlotlotlotlotlotlotlotlot LOT. You could say that they get a value for their price.

"What we have no is an optional system. You can use buster stats in your sigs and get more powerful signature moves, or you can focus on chips an generalized superior ability."

Not really. Busters can't compare with chips without focusing your signatures on it; and even then, people using their chips have an advantage that they have both chips and signatures, and A LOT more money than one with buster (calculations up there).

"Likewise, you are giving Navis the passive abilty to potentially do 125 damage with every action. Sure, this is maxed out buster stats, but that is pretty absurd. I currently cannot do that much damage with any of my chips."

I'm sure you can, you just don't realize it. For example, shotguns in themselves can deal a total dmg of 100, since they are AoE. Boomerangs, elecreels.... Lets not even get into how much a simple, not even too powerful navi can do. I mean... elecreels are dropped in Scilabs. They aren't even high. By the time you get that 125/action, you will have a lot more. Heck, elemental swords against the right element deal more. It is not worth it at all, unless a few new NCPs come out (and those cost even MORE). Its still a secondary weapon; but one that has potential to become a good replace of primary in emergency primary, unlike now, where it has potential to become primary if you get some broken sigs fly.....
I'm kinda biased against Buster, for a simple little reason (Mind you, I was one of the first buster-Navis).

There's simply very, very little you can do in describing a Buster attack.

I don't like the thought of combat devolving into "Point. Shoot. Repeat." Understandibly, that happens with chips, too. But it's a whole lot more prevalent with Busters, since Chips at least has variety.

See where I'm going? Making Busters by themselves better doesn't really serve the purpose of a RP board. Have some Sigs, upgrades--that would be slightly better, but as a point of personal bias I'm against upgrading Busters by themselves.
I understand what you say, however...

You can have a custom buster. Many players use swords, dual handguns, their fists (very popular among real men) or anything else as their buster. So its really up to the player, and what he wants. Note that navis that go full buster, or buster/sig heavy are the ones that tend to have more "usable" custom busters, while the ones that use chips mostly seem to usually go normal buster (since they don't plan on using it any other time than emergency).

Also, normal buster shots would be replaced by the charged shots, which might be a little bit better.

EDIT: Reading your post again, I think you have slightly misunderstood the main idea behind this suggestion. I'm trying to make busters more useful not by buffing them, but by making them assist chip use, so fights shouldn't degrade into buster shots. UNLESS, the character bought some NCP to make his buster versatile, which means it could be just as diverse as chips.
One of my sig tries to make use of the buster...but I really don't have much opportunity to use it since I have lots of chips in use!! I'm always down with making busters better since I see barely anyone using it!!