Been Thinking...

I've noticed that a couple of players are doing something where they split their turns to ovserve what their allies are doing. I read someone calling it a 'Turn Splice', which seems like an adequate, and catchy, term for it. And this seems pretty cool. But it seems a little unfair to me. Unfair to the enemy. That and it kind of breaks the pysics of the game, where everything in a turn is supposed to be happening simultaneously (presuming my idea of gameplay is correct that is). Breaking a turn in two to observe your allies efforts kind of implies that there is a definite passing of time. Meanwhile, the viruses sit tight and watch the players watch each other plan and attack.

Now right there is my main reason for supporting Turn Splices, the ability to plan things out without using a chat or something, a thing that someone may not have the time or access to use. But again, it kind of breaks game mechanics.

So I was thinking... Why not let the enemy force (Virii, Event Enemies, etc.) have Turn Splices too? At first, it seemed pretty complicated to do, but after I thought about it for a bit it didn't seem that bad. Let's take an example scenario.

Turn 0

MetoolA - 40 -
MetoolB - 40 -
MetoolC - 40 -

NaviA - 100 -
NaviB - 100 -

So, two Navi encounter a trio of Metool. With the enemy able to Turn Splice, the only diffference is the addition of the words in bold, "Turn 0" Let's start the battle.

Cannon to MetoolA
Turn Splice

The first Navi attacks and then splits his turn to observe his ally. The moderator then decides to allow the virii forces a Turn Splice.

Turn 1

NaviA hits MetoolA. MetoolB strikes NaviA.

MetoolA - Deleted -
MetoolB - 40 - X
MetoolC - 40 - O

NaviA - 90 - (2/3)
NaviB - 100 - (3/3)

Things are little more different this time around. Again we see the turn counter in action, marking the passing from the introduction of enemies to actual combat. We also see Turn Splice working for the enemy forces. MetoolB, having attacked, has an X by his name to show that he has acted and is done for the turn. Metool C has a O, saying that he's still ready to go. Both of the Navi's actions are marked as well, with NaviA having used one and NaviB having used 0.

Cannon to MetoolB
Shotgun to MetoolC

Here NaviB acts. Nothing new here.


Thinking his ally has everything under control, NaviA devotes the rest of his actions to dodges. Both players have used all of their actions for the turn now.

Turn 1

NaviB strikes MetoolB with Cannon. Metool C scoots out of the way.

MetoolA - Deleted -
MetoolB - Deleted -
MetoolC - 40 -

NaviA - 90 -
NaviB - 100 -

Turn 2

Since all players have acted, that leaves only the virii to act. With nothing left for the players to observe for the turn, marking of actions is no longer necessary. Turn 2 starts.


Then the moderator acts, using Turn Splice.

MetoolC shifts side to side.

MetoolA - Deleted -
MetoolB - Deleted -
MetoolC - 40 - X

NaviA - 90 3/3
NaviB - 100 0/3

The virus uses a dodge action in advance, preparing for the player's attack.

Shotgun to MetoolC

And the Moderator responds...

Turn 2

NaviA misses again.

MetoolA - Deleted -
MetoolB - Deleted -
MetoolC - 40 -

NaviA - 90 -
NaviB - 100 -

Turn 3

MetoolC strikes out at NaviA, but misses.

MetoolA - Deleted -
MetoolB - Deleted -
MetoolC - 40 - X

NaviA - 90 - 3/3
NaviB - 100 - 3/3

Right after the passing of the turn, the moderator uses Turn Splice to attack first. This means that for once, the viruses get the drop on the Player! However, since there was those dodges from last turn, NaviA gets out of the way. I'm a little iffy on this part of the Turn Splice, but it certainly seems interesting.

Signature Attack to MetoolC
Turn Splice

And now the player turn splices. The result.

Turn 3

The attack lands a solid hit, deleting the virus.

MetoolA - Deleted -
MetoolB - Deleted -
MetoolC - Deleted -

NaviA - 90 -
NaviB - 100 -


The moderator ends the battle as the attack has struck successfully, seeing no reason for NaviB to act considering that the virus would already be destroyed.

And that's basically what I was thinking. I'll admit, it has some cons to it. Number 1, it's a lot of extra work for the mods and Number 2, more importantly, it kind of makes fights into a 'First Come, First Serve' basis. Nonetheless, I still like the idea. Seems pretty exciting to me.

I still can't help but shake this fear, though, that noone's going to read this because it's too long, heh.
Too long; Didn't read. *Shot*

But yeah, there's a small, obscure rule-of-thumb for multi-user events and the like...

"Real Time" battles. Aka, sh*t in the battle happens in the order it's posted. It keeps the Mods from having to take an extra two hours deciding what to have hit when, and it helped me out a lot when I was modding the Drakkas fight back in RECN.

For example, since the attacks came in order of posting, at the end of the turn I could mod Drakkas essentially doing a turn-splice and attacking in-between when the attacks were coming.

Still, good idea you've got here, Tom.

Eon tried to do this kind of like real-time battling in one of my IPC Missions on the old board.

Kind of like Twi's modding of the Drakkas battle, but with a mod after each user.
I also have NO idea how this helps, at all.
I can say with some large degree of certainty that the initial concept of the turn splice was proposed by myself a ways back on RECN. The original intention wasn't to allow the curious player to observe and conserve actions, but to allow the occasional pair of out-of-context buddies to plausibly execute pre-meditated, [in-context] tactics requiring two parties. As you mentioned, it does also allow for impromptu teamwork, which in my experience is uncommon.

In a nutshell, the keyword is chronology. The splice allowed the pair of navis to co-operate simultaneously in the chronology, rather then the later poster's actions being after the preceding post. This breaking of actions isn't meant to denote that a passing of time has taken place.

Since then, it's been used by the occasional chap to sate their curiosity in the middle of a turn, as you acknowledged Tom, and thus far its been harmless.

That said, giving virii turn splices is redundant and would over complicate moderation of battles because the moderators essentially have free reign over the chronology, already. To elaborate, the mods are already able to make Virii X, on the enemy phase, attack between the cannon and sword actions that Navi Y made on his phase. Thus, the point of enemy turn splice is rendered moot.
Hmm, that's true as well. The Mod does designate when the enemy acts. Just because the users post in a certain order doesn't mean it's going to happen that way, the enemy forces often interupt and strike before hand. That's all very true. I suppose what I'm looking for is more of a... hmm... what's the best way to put this?

I suppose something that best reflects how the battle goes. The RP form we have here is wonderful, but it's so... vague? Uncertain, there we are. Everything has to be so uncertain for things to go through.

Not that this moderation would help much. Bah... You're right, at any rate.

Well, all that leaves me is to speak out about chip prices then. I had another idea to work with, but it's since left my head. How frustrating!
Hmm. Tom -does- offer an interesting solution to fix the fact that it's so hard to play without godmoding at least a little.

Looking at this, I actually wouldn't mind implementing it. It makes everything feel very... different, even if it does increase Mod load. Not like we have a shortage of Mods.
Coolies. Mind if I ask something else now?

Double Crosses. No, not stabbing someone in the back, simultaneously using 2 crosses at once. Can it be done? Seems interesting to me.
Team battles take long enough without having the mod have to splice a turn as well. Just as I can have a person's chain of attacks be interrupted, a team combo can be negated by an enemy doing something unexpected.

As for the duel Cross thing, nope. Was thinking of making a sig attack like that, though.
To be honest, using two crosses at once seems silly to me. That's simply powering on too much of a good thing for the sake of a new thrill... I mean, the whole point of using any soul at all is the bond it represents between your Navi and another. What does it say about the system when your Navi is able to conjure up two of his most inspiring friends at once and manage the power? Doesn't it lose a bit of its meaning there?

I dunno, this is just something that seems like DarkSoulcrosses in MMBN5 to me. There isn't anything to really justify their being around other than people who want to go crazy on their effects.
My brother, recently, was complaining about how hard it is to get a Cross, and I agree with him.

Are our Cross requirements even fully updated?
Well, that's the point, isn't it? It's supposed to be tough, otherwise there could be a bunch of n00bs running around asking "HAYWANACRSOSKTKXBAI!!!"

Well, I exaggerated a bit there, but the rules seem fine to me. Then again, I'm not sure anyone's gonna try putting up with Phoenix for that long.

On another note, you have a brother on this board?

In a way, I agree with him. I've seen some pretty long, awesome RPing only amount to a level one Cross.